Monkey King turned his head to look at Mikako: "Don't always be monsters. Believe it or not, I will let you see what a real monster is?"

"Then I really want to see it." Mikako squinted her eyes with a charming smile on her face.

"Satisfy you~" Sun Wukong flashed his figure, and after holding Mikako, he flashed into a private house. After a while, Mikako's slightly flustered voice sounded, and then it became strange...

Listening to this misleading voice, Chu Yuan immediately turned black and violently went away, raised a lethal hand knife, and rushed in, but the answer was her exclamation...

Sinaps, where Daedalus was hiding, the Lord of Sora appeared here with a group of artificial angels including the twins Hobby.

Without any unnecessary nonsense, Sora Lord went straight to the subject: "Have you seen what happened just now?"

Daedalus looked at the Lord of Sora, his complexion was calm, but he was defensive in the dark: "I didn't expect you to suffer a loss. However, you obviously still have a means to retreat, but this is not like your style. It."

"Huh~ Before I know the other party's true identity, do you think I will easily take out my hole cards?" Sora Lord snorted and looked directly at Daedalus: "However, since you have already witnessed it Everything, we understand the position we are in now, that person is too dangerous, and I don't want to talk nonsense, as long as you are willing to contribute to Sinaps, I can forget all the past."

"I... won't be making anything..." Daedalus stared at the Lord of Sora calmly: "And I don't feel at all where he is in danger? All this is just your wishful thinking, there is a For someone stronger than you, you just feel threatened. You don't allow such a person to exist. This is just your own selfish psychology. Don't involve it in the survival of Sinaps."

Sora Lord sneered, staring at Daedalus with a mocking look: "Sounding so grandly, in fact, you just don't want to be an enemy of him. After all, you who have forgotten the dignity of the people of the temple have also gone to mess. Unbearably seek the so-called "dream", and, just by his side..."

"If you want me to help you, you just have fancy her identity! But unfortunately, although she is the identity in my dreams, she is also an independent individual. She will never help you do this kind of tricks of getting Wukong intelligence. You just give up."

"She won't, but you can." Sora Lord looked at Daedalus with a dangerous gleam in his eyes: "After all, she was created by you, and naturally you can control it..."

"I won't do that..."

"Don't think that your strengthened absolute protection circle can really resist me, but I can break it at any time if I want."

Daedalus looked calmly: "I know, as long as you really have that determination...but before that, the first thing you have to do is not to be discovered by Wukong."

"Huh~ I didn’t expect that you, as the greatest scientist of Sinaps, would even borrow the power of others. I admit, I really dare not do anything to you now. If you recruit him, it would be a little bad. It's done... But don't be too proud of you. Don't think that without you, I really can't do anything. My skills have already surpassed you. Next time I meet, I will make you regret today's decision!"

Daedalus smiled: "We only met a few days ago, right?"

"...Huh!" Sora Lord turned and left with an ugly expression: "My second generation will definitely surpass the artificial angel you created..."

Seeing the back of the empty lord leaving, Daedalus focused his attention on the computer in front of him again, but the footage played inside made her blush: "This guy actually did to me. This kind of thing, and it hasn’t blocked my signal, must have deliberately wanted me to see it, this guy is so bad... Am I going to meet him? I have a lot of things to ask him in person. …But, now…it’s not the time yet…"

Sinaps, the location of the stele.

Morigata Hideshiro looked at Monkey King who landed from the sky and the artificial angel following him. Feng Yin Rihe was surprised. Then he focused his eyes on Mikako and Chu Yuan who were held by Monkey King, with a slight expression. Moving, this made him resound the unprecedented battle he had witnessed before: "Are they two all right?"

"It's okay, after a'battle', I was slightly injured, it's okay."

When Mikako and Chuyuan heard this, their complexions were flushed. They did experience a battle that will be unforgettable just now, but it was not a battle that Morigata Eishiro understood.

Morigata Eishiro nodded, did not pay too much attention to Mikako and Chuyuan, and did not notice the abnormality between them, because all his concerns went to Fengyin Rihe: "Funyin, I didn't expect you to It's really from Sinaps, but you look like this..."

"Well, I was transformed into an artificial angel, but it doesn't matter anymore. I am also very thankful, because in this way, I can always stay on the ground I like with my master."

Monkey King watched and said, "How is the research?"

Morikata shook his head: "No progress, but it's incredible. I discovered that this stone tablet was actually made by man. A person who can make such an incredible thing can hardly be described as a genius."

Monkey King: "You have discovered this in this little time. It is already very good. This is something made by the most talented scientist in Sinaps. In the future, some of the world will be slowly studied. We should go back now."

Morigata Eishiro nodded earnestly: "Indeed, we have been staying long enough, and you are making a lot of noise. It's time to leave."

In fact, how did he know that the movement he said was just a unilateral sling by Monkey King.

Unfortunately, he was too far away to be sure of seeing.

"Nemuf, open the portal."

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Nimf kept staring at the dreaming device in front of her in a daze, stunned, the sudden sound in her mind made her listless, suddenly energetic: "Ah~ well, master!"

With that said, he carried out the order issued by Monkey King with joy, and a dark portal immediately appeared in front of the Dreaming Device, and Monkey King, holding Mei Xiangzi and Chu Yuan, walked out of it first.

Nimf leaned forward immediately, with a happy face: "Welcome back, Master."

Monkey King said to Morigata Hideshiro who walked out afterwards: "I'll take the two of them back first. Go and ask them for a leave."

After speaking, without waiting for Shou Xing to answer, Monkey King took Icarus and the others have disappeared... ..

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