Chu Yuan's home.

Nimf looked at the closed door with curiosity: "Master, are there any discomforts between the two of them? I have to sleep during the day? I have a health check system. I need to check them ?"

Monkey King reached out and touched Nimf's head: "I know you are good, but the two of them are not sick, don't worry."

Nimf heard the words and stared at Monkey King expectantly: "Is there anything else I need to do? Anything is fine~"

Upon hearing this, Icarus also looked at Monkey King expectantly.

Looking at the expressions of Nimf and Icarus that quickly commanded me, Monkey King knew that these two guys had already crazily enjoyed the feeling of being commanded by him.

Although the artificial angel was born for the command of the master, it is obviously too much to want to be commanded so urgently.

But they can't deny them such a positive performance.

Monkey King accidentally saw the refrigerator next to him, and then he remembered that he had finished eating pastries and snacks, so he decided: "The food and pastries in the refrigerator have been eaten. If possible, go out and buy some stocks. ."

"I see, please wrap it on us!" Nimf immediately got up when he heard the words, and was about to trot Icarus and galloped out, but Monkey King grabbed the back collar and lifted it in the air: "Wait a minute, don't be frizzy, buy things here, but you need to pay, at this point, Fengyin Rihe knows better than any of you, so you have to go with her."

Feng Yin Rihe got up and nodded gently: "What does the master like to eat?"

"I'll just do it whatever you like. Buy what you like." Monkey King waved his hand at will. Compared with the food in the gourmet world, ordinary food is the same to him.

" what you like?!!!"

Astraea heard this, her eyes flashed with fiery light: "I, I, I... I want to go too!"

"You?" Monkey King fixed his gaze on Asteria's body: "It's fine if you go, just tell them what you like to eat."

"Huh? Why? Why can't I follow?"

"Why?" Nimf looked at her and curled his lips: "Because you are a fool."

Astria was hit hard: "It's too much, it's too much to say so, people can also complete the order." Then, he raised his head and looked at Monkey King with confidence: "Don't believe you Try a command and I will show it to you perfectly."

Nimf complained: "You should give up struggling."

"No, don't!" Astria looked directly at Monkey King eagerly: "Please give me an order. I must prove myself and show you the perfect execution of the order."

"In this case, go and pour me a cup of tea." Monkey King did not want to disappoint her sincerity and ordered.

"Such a simple thing, you can't show the strength at all!" Astria ran to make tea with a proud face...

From the beginning, she was very careful and did not make any mistakes, but when she handed a cup of brewed tea to Monkey King, there was an accident: "Look, it's very simple, I have perfect Of..."

Before the word "OK" was spoken, she was proud that she suddenly stepped on a pencil under her feet, and with a'click', she fell straight down with her face on the ground, and the tea in her hand was poured directly on Monkey King. Past...

Fengyin Rihe’s eyes are swift and fast, with a slender hand, the scepter is in his hand, one finger, and a breeze is blowing. The hot tea splashing on Monkey King has already turned a corner and flies into Fengyin Rihe’s hands. It turns into a stream of water and flows into the teacup out of thin air.

Nimf stared at Astria with an annoyed look: "You stupid, you almost burned your master."

Astraea clutched her nose, tears in her eyes: "It's that stupid throwing pencils around. It's framed! It's framed, not count, not count just now. Please order me again, I will definitely complete the task perfectly ."

"Or, let's forget it?" Monkey King looked at Asteria, he could see that this Asteria was not only stupid, but also had a terrifyingly low luck. If this continues, he can play with her. .

"No, I must complete the task perfectly to show you." Astria's face was stubborn.

Monkey King: "Then go and pour another glass!"

"I won't make a mistake this time!"

A few minutes later, with a sound of "Oh", Astoria gloriously fell to the ground again...

"No... wrong... come again!!"



"Come again, I don't believe it!"


One hour later.

Simply pouring a cup of tea, Astria failed to pour it for an hour. This can't be called a miracle, it's a miracle!

Holding her swollen nose, Astraea squatted in the corner and drew circles: "55555...I'm just a useless trash... Please ignore me..."

It seems that she has completely given up treatment.

"This...she seems to have been severely hit." Nimf looked at Astraea like this, with some worry.

Monkey King: "It's okay, you go shopping first, I will comfort her."

"Then let's go out, master."

Seeing that the three of Icarus had gone out, Monkey King looked at Astraea, who was squatting in the corner, the dark cloud topped, and comforted: "Everyone has their own areas of expertise. You are just not good at doing these ordinary things. In fact, , There are still things you can accomplish perfectly."

"Really? What is it?"

Astraea's eyes lit up, and the dark clouds above her head disappeared instantly. She was really a cheerful girl, and she instantly forgot her troubles.

"Come and squeeze my shoulders."

Asteria heard this, Yiliang was excited and excited: "I can definitely complete this order!"

As he said, he ran towards Monkey King, but on the way, he touched his toe on the coffee table lightly, screamed'Ahhh,' and flew towards Monkey King...

"It really is a bad luck child." Monkey King reached out his hand to catch her, nephrite was in his arms, this feeling was quite impatient.

"It hurts me~~!!!"

Astraia was holding the soles of her feet with her hands, her face twitching.

"Are you really..." Monkey King was speechless, and he reached out and massaged her gently: "How?"

"It's amazing~ It doesn't hurt at all~" Astria's face was red and red: "Besides, it's quite comfortable. In... I will press a few more times..."

So, it was Sun Wukong who asked her to massage herself, but now Sun Wukong gave her a massage, but being able to massage beautiful women is also a benefit...

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