"Are you going to die here?" Iver sighed in sorrow. Although he didn't want to admit it, the enemy was really too strong, so powerful that she couldn't resist.

The severe pain from her body made her feel faint. How many years have not experienced this pain?Even the blood of the vampire in her body failed to play its role, as if it was completely suppressed, indicating that the blood of the person in front of her was more pure than her, and it was not even the least.

"The smell of blood is really sweet!" Under the stimulation of the blood, Xia Tiya's eyes flashed with blood, she became more excited, and a terrifying bloodthirsty aura gradually spread.

Just as Xia Tiya couldn't bear it and was about to regain her body, an untimely voice suddenly sounded: "Sorry, can I borrow the way?"

Sun Wukong was really surprised at this moment. He just accepted the commission to solve the Zhilanon member, but he didn't expect to encounter such two groups of people on the way.

Naturally, Xia Tiya and Cang Qiangwei know each other. In the current period of time, they should not be able to meet each other, but now they meet, it seems that the effect of the butterfly is gradually changing. .

"Hehehe~~~Human!! You look delicious!" Xia Tiya had already entered the half-blood madness at this moment, turned her head and watched Monkey King let out a creepy laugh. , The ominous to disgusting breath spreads out, making people fearful, if it is an ordinary person, it is just this breath, I am afraid that it has been scared to collapse.

Good thing, Tiya and other Cang Qiangwei sisters have been trembling with fright at this moment.

It can only be said that the aura that Shatia exudes is too terrifying and evil, even a strong-willed soldier, I am afraid it will be difficult to parry.

Pulling out the nails that pierced Iver's body, Xia Tiya slammed unceremoniously and waved her claws to Monkey King!

Her purpose is to have fun, so she doesn't care who you are.

"I thought you were cute." Monkey King looked at Xia Tiya with a calm expression: "But if you do it to me, it's not cute at all."

As he said, with a quick push, he swung Xia Tiya's slender hand relentlessly to one side, and with a light kick, she directly shook Xia Tiya out.

"So strong!!" Iver lay down on the ground, eyes widened. She knew Shatia's horror deeply. The monster among this kind of monster was kicked and flew out by him in a single encounter. ?

"Trivial humans... Trivial humans have tarnished my beautiful body! Damn! Damn! Damn!!! I want to cut you off!!"

"Hey, speak well, you are using the wrong words!" Sun Wukong still complains at this moment.

Xia Tiya, who was still extremely calm, suddenly let out a harsh roar, and she, who was on the verge of blood frenzy, was completely kicked away by Monkey King.

The beautiful face became no longer beautiful. The color oozing from the iris completely stained the eyeballs blood red. Just now there were two rows of neatly white teeth in the mouth, and many rows appeared as thin as needles, like shark mouths. The sharp teeth on her mouth glowed pink, and transparent saliva dripped from the corners of her mouth.

"Hahaha, haha, hahaha~~!!!" He grinned frantically and laughed frantically, like a bell that lost its pitch, shaking the surrounding air with wailing.

At this moment, the beautiful girl turned into a complete monster. No, this can no longer be described as a monster. This is the embodiment of fear!

"This...what is this?! This is a vampire?!!!" Ivell has never seen such a monster before, and the vampire she knows is not like this!

However, the women like Lavasi were frightened and constricted one by one, especially the disturbed bloody air. It seemed that even the air was dyed red. This was the embodiment of all ugliness, full of hatred.

"Your body... really has hot eyes!" Monkey King looked at Xia Tiya like this, and shook his head.

However, at this moment, Xia Tiya showed a veritable grin on her ugly face, and she took a step further-punching, containing the terrifying power of crushing the boulder, and blasted out to Monkey King.

"You were swallowed by the blood frenzy after a little stimulation. It seems that your mind is not good." Monkey King grabbed Xia Tiya's fist with one hand, pulled and pulled her hands, instantly Kneeling behind her back, no matter how hard she struggles, it will not help.

"What?! Lord Shatia... was actually restrained by one move?!" Suo Liuxiang and Edoma changed their faces, they just wanted to come forward to rescue, but they were intimidated by Monkey King's eyes: " Stay there, or you will be killed!"

"!!!" The two women felt the horror in an instant, not to mention the heart, and the soul shivered with fear, and the whole body was cold.

At this moment, Suo Liuxiang and Edoma clearly felt what terror was. The terror was so terrible that every cell in their bodies gave up resistance and could not produce any emotion of resistance.

The two women's eyes widened in an instant, full of fear, and a look in their eyes made them feel surrender!

"I lost my reason, I really don't have much combat power." Monkey King once again focused on Xia Tiya who was restrained by him, this guy still screamed incomparably unpleasant, like a roar of a beast.

"And this look is really ugly, you better come back!" Then, Monkey King slapped Shatia’s forehead, making her body instantly restored to that beautiful and lovely human appearance. .

"Hey?? I...I..." After returning to normal, Xia Tiya was stunned for a moment. She really did not expect that this human could easily get her out of the blood frenzy.

However, I was surprised to be surprised. Now I was bound by the nasty bugs she had always thought of. Her whole body was full of blood and energy, and her anger was almost broken: "Ahhhh~~~ You dirty smelly maggot, how dare you touch My beautiful body! Yeah~~! I want to suck up your blood bit by bit, chop you up and feed the dog!!!"

A terrifying aura erupted, and unprecedented fighting energy spread from Xia Tiya’s body, breaking free from the bondage of Monkey King (actually Monkey King loosened it), the original costume has disappeared, and replaced by— -Fully armed form.

She was wearing legendary equipment all over her body, and she was holding an artifact-level weapon-a dropper spear. In a flash, Xia Tiya transformed from a cute and lovely girl into a heroic Valkyrie!..

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