The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 25 Who is the Monster

"She... didn't use her full strength before?!!!" Evelée saw Shatia's posture at this moment, and was a little shocked. She hung her without full effort, so how much she should be now Strong?What kind of monster did they encounter!!

All of the women such as Lafasi were also dull. What they saw and heard today has completely broken their previous ideas. It turns out that there are such strong men in the world.

Xia Tiya's face was indifferent, without the slightest nonsense, waved the dropper spear in her hand, and a sound of cutting through the air sounded, and the gun shadow even before her eyes.

However, this kind of spear, which is equivalent to death to others, was grabbed by Monkey King: "I didn't mean to fight with you, or let's sit down and talk?"

"Huh? I even grabbed my dropper spear with my bare hands?!" Xia Tiya ignored Sun Wukong's proposal, but looked surprised at the tip of the gun that Sun Wukong had grasped with his bare hands, and then the corners of her mouth showed nothing. A kindly sneered: "However, touching the dropper spear at will is not a wise move!"

With that, I saw a red light on the tip of the gun, but it dimmed in the next moment. This made Xia Tiya's face slightly changed: "Huh? Useless?!!!"

Monkey King smiled and said: "The dropper spear has the ability to absorb the opponent's damage and restore its own physical strength. To put it bluntly, it is a weapon with its own blood-sucking special effect, but it is a pity that your special effect can't help me. "

As he said, Monkey King pulled the hand of the dropper spear with force, Xia Tiya's figure was pulled close in an instant, and Monkey King slapped him with a palm on her chest. Accompanied by a muffled hum, Xia Tiya instantly took off and flew out. , On the way, it seemed that something fell to the ground.

When Xia Tiya stabilized her figure, when Lavasi and the others looked at her again, they were all in a daze, their faces filled with consternation and speechlessness: "So... it's fake!"

"Huh?" Xia Tiya looked down subconsciously, her complexion instantly darkened, and then she went into a furious state: "No...No more! No more!!! Ah yah yeah~~!!! Damn smelly maggot! I'm going to tear you to pieces! Swallow it alive!!"

"Really, babble, it's so noisy." Monkey's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Xia Tiya in a flash, and slapped her to the ground with a hand: "Don't think you are cute and I won't fight. you."


Shatia lay down on the ground without an image, showing a dazed expression, with a feeling of who I am and where I am.

She went all out!Why is it still slapped by a mere human?This kind of thing is absolutely impossible for the 41 Supreme Supremes!

Could it be that the human being in front of her that she hated was already strong enough to surpass those supreme Supremes?!!

"This, this..." Don't talk about Shatia herself, even Evelée and the other women have a dumb expression at the moment. Is this strong too foul?That kind of terrible monster, can you even get rid of it?

"Ahhhhh~!!! I don't believe it!!!" Xia Tiya roared, and stood up: "I don't believe that humans will be so strong!! "The vitality continues to recover"!"

This is the magic that allows the undead to slowly recover their physical strength.

"Essence of Magic!" This is the magic that can temporarily see through the opponent's magic, the so-called knowing oneself and the other can win every battle.

Therefore, the magic power of Monkey King immediately appeared before Xia Tiya's eyes.

Of course, this is part of Monkey King deliberately let her see, otherwise Xia Tiya's strength will increase hundreds of thousands of times, and she will not have the ability to see through the slightest.

Let her see through, just for deterrence, only if she has seen it with her own eyes, will she feel terrified.

As a result, Xia Tiya was stunned for a moment, her pupils staring wide, and her small mouth opened into a '0' shape, and she was completely demented.

What did she see?She saw an endless series of '0's floating in front of her eyes, and she couldn't read this number anyway with her current knowledge.

"No...impossible!! How could this happen!!!" Xia Tiya was so scared that she stepped back several steps, looking at Monkey King's eyes full of terror, how could a person's magic power be like this many?Is she hallucinating?

Shaking her head, Xia Tiya closed and opened her eyes, and the picture she could see was the same.

"you you you you--"

Xia Tiya was so scared that she stepped back for several steps. She felt her scalp numb. She trembled and looked at Monkey King before suffocating a sentence: " are could humans... Will there be this kind of magic power?! Even the Demon God...not so exaggerated..."

She thought that this might be false, but from the perspective of the opponent's slap over her own strength, it might be true.

"Devil?" Sun Wukong looked disdainful: "Don't confuse the devil with me as you understand it, how about it, little girl, do you want to fight with me?"

Xia Tiya instantly shook her head like a rattle, what a joke, she was not so stupid to fight with this kind of pervert, even if the dropper and spear were still in her hand, she could not consume others.

"So, you are now my captive." Monkey King laughed, suddenly took out the coil of maid outfit and put it around Xia Tiya's neck.

"Huh?! I don't want to be your prisoner!!" Xia Tiya was shocked, and a teleportation magic disappeared instantly.

"Huh? I escaped..." Monkey King didn't care: "Forget it, I'll see you again sooner or later." As he said, he looked at Suo Liuxiang and the two girls again, but they were shocked. Little deer ran away instantly.

Sun Wukong didn't bother to bother about it either. When Xia Tiya was taken over, they would be his subordinates sooner or later, so they ran away.

At this moment, the sage king of the forest, who had been far away from watching the battle, suddenly jumped out, knelt in front of Monkey King with a thump, and rubbed his hairy head against Monkey King's body: "Master, you are so amazing! Please take my knees to show your loyalty, respect, and admiration!"

"I'll flatter and go." Monkey King kicked it away with a kick, walked to Evel's body and squatted down, looking at the three blood holes in her chest: "The injury is quite serious, and I need my help. Are you under treatment?"

"Then I will trouble you!" Iver grieved with dementia, looked at Monkey King and nodded, feeling that his heart that hadn't beaten for hundreds of years suddenly beat violently.

Sun Wukong's hands shone brightly, shining on Iver's wounds, making her injuries heal instantly.

Iverée immediately got up and stood up and bowed deeply and saluted: "Thank you very much for your help. Can you please help my other companion?" ..

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