Xia Tiya was really ruthless when she started. Tia and the others had comminuted fractures. The shattered bones were shocking to see.

"Will we become crippled?" Tia and Tina were worried. As Gemini ninjas, if their feet were crippled, their two sisters would be useless and completely abolished.

They know very well that ordinary healing techniques are okay to treat hypodermal trauma, but how can they recover if their bones are crushed?Who knows that kind of high-level healing technique?

"Don't worry, you are lucky. If you meet me, you will really become disabled." Monkey King smiled, shining with light in his hands, but saw Tia and the others' broken feet repaired and reborn at a speed visible to the naked eye. , The healing is intact.

"This, this...what level of healing technique is this? Can even the broken bones be reborn and repaired?" Tia was shocked.

Tina jumped up happily, and finally let go of her worry.

Geelland patted Monkey King's shoulder with joy and laughed: "It's amazing! To thank you for your life-saving grace, I will dedicate the first night to you!"

Sun Wukong looked at Gegran's strong physique and waved his hand to refuse without thinking: "Just forget it, I really can't stand it!"

Hearing this, Gegran laughed involuntarily, and looked at her with no surprise at all. It was obvious that she was used to this situation a long time ago.

Monkey King walked to Lafasi's side, his hands shone brightly, and began to heal her.

The reason she was left at the end was because her injuries were the lightest among these people, and her hands and feet were just broken bones, not as miserable as Tia and the others.

"Thank you very much for your help. I am the leader of Cang Rose, Rafasi Alberdrew Eindola, you can call me Rafasi." Rafasi got up and stood up. , For the first time, he bends over and salutes Monkey King and expresses his deep gratitude.

Seeing that the team leader began to introduce himself, Evelea also saluted: "I am a member of Cang Rose, Evelea..."

"I'm Gegland."

"I am Tia, and she is Tina."

"I am really grateful for your life-saving grace." Rafasi bowed deeply again: "If it weren't for you, we might be wiped out."

"Don't be so polite, I'm just passing by."

"I wonder if you are?"

"Sun Wukong, for the time being, he is a Mithril level adventurer."

"Sun Wukong?" Rafasi was surprised when she heard the words: "You are the rumors, the Monkey King who subdued the Forest King?!"

They came here for Monkey King, but they didn't expect to meet in this way.

Komori immediately leaned over, showing off his sense of existence: "My fellow is the sage king of the forest. He has now surrendered to the great master and named him Komori. How many little girls have you learned?"

"This is the sage king of the forest? It looks really amazing!"

"Smart eyes, cold breath, you really deserve to be the Forest King!"

Listening to Tiya and the others' admiration from time to time, Monkey King looked speechless, just such a mouse that only sells cute flattery. I don't know what's so powerful?

Iver looked solemnly sad: "Master Monkey King, do you know the origin of the three monsters just now? Is she... really a vampire?"

Monkey King nodded: "She is not an ordinary vampire, but the true ancestor of the vampire. As for the other two, she can only be regarded as a follower, but the strength is stronger than any of you, except for Ivera."

"Even the attendant is so good?!" Lafasi looked solemn.

"The true ancestor of the vampire!!" Evelai had her pupils shrinking slightly. As a vampire, she knew the meaning of this true ancestor very well, but she did not expect that they would encounter such monsters.

Fortunately, they even encountered someone who was stronger than the true ancestor of the vampire, which was incredible.

There are people outside the world, there are heaven outside the world!

"Since you are all right, then I will continue to complete my commission."

"Entrusted?" Iver showed a sorrowful face, what kind of entrustment could allow a strong man like Master Monkey to go out in person?This kind of commission must be difficult, right?

Iver's eyes immediately looked at Lavasi.

Rafasi understands that the purpose of their trip is to get in touch with Monkey King. How can this rare opportunity be missed like this: "Master Monkey King, if there is anything you need to help, please do not hesitate to give us orders. I will do my best for you."

"Really help? This mission is very dangerous!"

Rafasi has a serious look: "Although our strength has an insurmountable gap with you, it is also a stainless steel-level adventurer team. It shouldn't be a problem to fight for you."

"Okay, walking is quite troublesome. You happen to have a carriage, so you can take me for a ride." Monkey King said, took out a map, and gave it to Rafasi: "Take me to this place. The graveyard, my goal is here."

Lavasi took the map and handed it to Ge Gelan. After naming her the location, Ge Gelan immediately sat in the coachman's position: "Master Monkey King, everyone, you are all seated, we will set off immediately."

Seeing that his team leader was sitting in a row with Monkey King, Ivere at the back was very upset, but he couldn't show it. He could only lead the topic to Monkey King: "The commission that Mr. Monkey King can accept should be the most difficult. Huh? Isn't there a big man hidden in that graveyard?"

"I'm just idle and bored, just pass the time." Monkey King smiled: "But there are really two dangerous people hidden there. They have arrested my client's grandson. I am going to save someone."

Rafasi looked at Monkey King: "Can you explain it to us? Of course, if it involves the private content of the task, you can assume that I have not asked."

"It's just a simple task of saving people, and it's not a shameful thing." Sun Wukong said calmly: "The man who was captured is a natural capable person who can use any magic items without restriction. That's it. What can you think of?"

"A person with natural abilities... can use any magic item without restriction..." After Ivere savoured a bit, a trace of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes: "I heard...the greatest secret of the Silian Church. One of the treasures is a symbol of the witch princess-the crown of the wise man was taken away. Could it be said that your mission is related to the crown of the wise man?!"

Monkey King looked at Iver Lament somewhat unexpectedly: "You even know this kind of secret information. It seems that intelligence capabilities are good."

Lafasi said with a solemn expression: "It's not really related to the wise men's crown, right?"

"Congratulations, you got it." ..

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