The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 29 The Army of Death

The plain where the empire and the kingdom fought fiercely, because it was on the battlefield, over time, the area of ​​warriors buried here became a huge burial ground, which made it a famous area frequented by the undead.

And here, there is only one wall from Ye Lantil.

The two guards were standing on the wall, chatting boredly: "By the way, it seems that there have been no undead infested here for a long time, don't you think things are a bit abnormal?"

"Don't talk nonsense, you can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing..."

"Why is this nonsense? Usually, new undead will be born every once in a while, and the kingdom will also entrust adventurers to clean it up, but how long has it been since? I always feel a little uneasy. "

"Don't worry about it. There are often people patrolling the cemetery, but no abnormalities are found."

"Hope... Huh? Did you hear anything?"

"Where? It's your illusion, right? Don't be suspicious!"

"No! There is indeed a sound, huh? Ah~ Hey! Look there!" The guard pointed to the direction of the cemetery. In the horizon, there were already dense and tidal-like shadows.

After all the guards saw this situation, their complexions changed drastically: "Undead! It's a large group of undead!!! How could this happen?!!! Didn't today's patrol guards say that no abnormalities were found?!"

"What are you talking about? Close the gate! Close the gate!"

Like the sound of a galloping horse coming from the other side of the wall, not only the two guards just now, but all the guards were pale with fright by the sight in front of them.

The jaw-dropping number of undead is moving towards the gate from the direction of the cemetery.

"What's the matter with this number?!"

"It seems that there are more than one, two, a hundred... there should be thousands... right...! No, more than just!"

With the smell of corruption, there are countless undead swaying like dark clouds constantly approaching the gate. There are not only zombies and skeletons, but also a few powerful undead-ghouls, hungry ghosts, ghouls, Swollen ghosts, carrion, etc.

The guards were trembling with fright, but the thick walls gave them some comfort.

Because the entire town is surrounded by walls, as long as the wall is not breached, the undead cannot attack ordinary citizens.

But even if all the guards are dispatched, it is not known whether they can stop such a large group of undead. The guards are just civilians wearing defensive equipment and do not have the confidence to wipe out these undead.

"Quick! Go and notify the adventurers in the city, and quickly release an urgent task to resist the undead outside the city!!"

Orders were issued, causing the lazy guards to rush into action...

"Damn! How come there are so many undead?!!!"

On the edge of the cemetery, among the corpses of the undead, Geglan swept down a swath of the undead with a hammer, but looked at the more undead around him, his complexion dignified, but he kept moving.

Not long after they were driven out of the cemetery, they saw countless undead being summoned out, and then swarming towards a place like crazy. They tried to block it, but there were too many, and they were simply too busy. Come.

These undead people seemed to have been given a unified compulsory order, and they went in the same direction without trembling with them at all.

"What to do, team leader? These undead can't even kill! What's the matter?!!!" Gegeland looked at the undead who had been swept down by himself, and suddenly came out from the center a few more powerful ones. The undead cried out in astonishment.

"The Spiral of Death, the Kajit who didn't reach it actually used this kind of magic!" Ivere said with a solemn expression: "Avoid the edge for now! Otherwise, even us would be in danger!"

"It turned out to be the spiral of death!" Lavasi's face was solemn, and she shouted: "Everyone, retreat first. It is not a wise move to fight these undead. We must find the man behind the scenes and kill him. Win!"

Iver Ai condensedly said: "Such a number of undead cannot be summoned by one person at all. It seems that Kajit has already used the Wise Man's Crown! And if you want to use this item, you must have an absolute In a clean and safe place, hold on again and I will check the surroundings!"

Rafasi: "Please, Ivel Ai, everyone, please work hard at home!"

Gegran laughed: "I didn't have any pressure during the stalemate for a long time! I'm afraid that Tia and Tina will not be able to stalemate!"

"Gegelan, you love to take your own physique and talk coldly!"



The flood of undead people with low IQ has come to the wall, because there is no pain, so they knock on the city gate indiscriminately, as if knowing that as long as the door is broken, they can attack the living.

The slaps, the screams of the door being pushed, and the groans of countless undead people continued to come.

The undead who don't need to rush into the car, and don't mind that they will be crushed and rushed constantly, are themselves like a city-breaking weapon.

The guards who witnessed this situation were already full of cold sweat coming out of their backs, but they did not lose their fighting spirit. Instead, they took up their weapons and relied on the favorable conditions of the wall to attack the undead under the wall.

More undead fell, but where they fell, there were stronger undead standing up again...

Where the undead gather, there will usually be strong undeads. If there are strong undead gatherings, stronger undeads will be produced.

And some undead die, and then gather their dead energy to regenerate stronger undead.

Magic rituals using this characteristic are like spirals, which can continuously produce stronger undead, enough to destroy the entire city. When the number is large enough, the country is not a problem, so it is called the "Spiral of Death."

Facing this kind of ritual magic, the best solution is to find the source of this magic and solve it, otherwise there is no chance of winning.

And what Ivel Ai was doing was searching for the source by casting her unskilled probing magic.

But fortunately, the casters should be not far apart, and to control so many undead, its source must be the place where death is most concentrated, as long as you find such a place, then you will not be far from finding the main messenger.

"Found it, come with me!!"

Ivel Ai suddenly greeted him and walked along the north of the cemetery...

"Follow up!" Lafasi made a decisive decision and immediately greeted Cang Qiangwei's other people to follow up. They knew what they needed to do now.

The army of the undead can't be resisted. If they want to save Ye Lan Tier, they must solve the guy named Kajit as soon as possible...

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