"Where are you going?" Sun Wukong, who had solved Clementine, just came out and ran into Ivera and his party on the way.

Lafasi looked at Clementine who was following Sun Wukong, her eyebrows frowned: "Master Sun Wukong, she..."

Monkey King: "The living is better than the dead, right? She has succumbed to me and became my attendant."

Iver heard this and immediately cast a jealous look at Clementine: "Master Goku, this guy has a distorted personality and a bloodthirsty personality, unlike the kind of obedient person!"

"Don't worry, she will be obedient." Monkey King smiled.

Rats can't tame tigers and lions naturally, but if it is a dragon soaring in the nine days, wouldn't it be easy?What's more, even if it is Shenlong, it is not worthy to give him shoes.

Gegeland looked at Monkey King and smiled: "Master Monkey King, you don't think she is beautiful, so you can't bear the assassin? If you are short of attendants, what about me? I am a hundred, one. Thousands of people who are willing; besides, you see that the impatient expression on Ivell’s face is all written on his face."

"Gelan, what are you talking nonsense!!" Ivere, who was said to have been thinking about it, immediately glared, his face glowing with a lovely blush.

"Yes, yes~ I'm talking nonsense, right?" Gegland had some teasing expressions, but he didn't dare to tease Ivere too much. If she irritates her and gets angry, even she will suffer.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!" Rafasi interrupted several people with a serious look: "Master Wukong, we have basically found out where Kajit is. Now countless undead are attacking Ye Lan. Tyre, we have to hurry up and fix him!"

"You don't mean the place where lifelessness gathers in the north, right?" Clementine played with the short cone in his hand, with a playful smile on his face: "There is a little Kagi who gets trapped by the audio-visual confession. It’s not his hiding place."

"Trap?" Lava Sidai frowned slightly.

"Of course, how could he hide in a place that is obvious and can be seen through? You can see it, and he can see it naturally."

"Do you know where he is hiding?" Iver fixed his sad eyes on Clementine.

Clementine's eyes rolled and he hugged Monkey King's arm and laughed: "Of course I know, to show my loyalty to the master, I will tell you where he really hides!"

Monkey King looked at Clementine with a playful smile in his eyes: "You didn't seem to say it just now."

Kajit’s location, Sun Wukong, naturally knows. The reason he didn’t say it was that he wanted to try Clementine’s loyalty. Facts have proved that this kind of unruly guy does have many ghosts and will not give in so easily. .

But it doesn't matter, he has a lot of time, and what he likes most is to tune this kind of unruly guy.

"I didn't think you knew, Master!" Clementine stuck out her tongue, showing a cute side, but everyone knows that her cute expression is only the surface, and her heart is more sullen than anyone else.

Iver looked at Clementine's expression full of hostility: "Master Goku, you see she is still playing scheming now, or just get rid of her!"

"How can you say this? People kindly remind you, how can you cross the river and demolish the bridge!" Clementine showed a continuous sad expression.

It's just her expression that makes Evell want to hit someone.

"Lead the way ahead." Sun Wukong glanced at Clementine without saying much. Now that there are outsiders present, it is not easy to teach. When no one is there, she has to teach her what the attendants should do.

Seeing Monkey King speaking, Clementine didn't dare to say any more. She was still very afraid of Monkey King. Although she succumbed to the force of force and was unwilling in her heart, she was still very self-aware of such things as being obedient. , But it takes a while for her to give in sincerely.

"Here." Clementine walked toward the south of the graveyard.

"It turned out to be the completely opposite direction?!" Iver wrinkled her brows slightly, which made her feel very unhappy. If Clementine hadn't said it, wouldn't they waste more time?

And now time is money, if too much wasted, wouldn't Ye Lantier be breached?

After walking for nearly ten minutes, Clementine took Sun Wukong and his group to a dense forest. After passing through the dense forest, he smashed the bushes and a hidden cave appeared in front of him.

"Hello~~Little Cargill, I brought someone to see you!" Clementine greeted the cave entrance like an old acquaintance.

With the sound of footsteps, a man walked out of it, and after looking at Monkey King and his group, his eyes were directly fixed on Clementine's body, and his already ugly complexion became more gloomy: "K Lemontine...I knew...you can't trust you..."

Clementine stretched out his hands helplessly: "I can't help it, who told me that I can't beat them." As he said, he also showed the black cloth strip on the neck: "Look, look, People are now wearing collars called attendants, very poorly."

When Kajit heard this, his brows frowned slightly: "...Anyone like you would succumb to others? Interesting and interesting!" Then he looked at Monkey King and others: "You dare to accept a guy like her. Are you not afraid of when you will suddenly be backlashed?"

Iver heard this and immediately agreed: "Yes, that's right! It's safer to kill such a dangerous guy."

"Hey, I'm so behaved, how can you keep thinking about killing me?" Clementine looked at Iver and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Could it be that you are jealous of me?"

"Who, who is jealous of you!"

"The time is really just right now." Kajit didn't have the time to listen to their nonsense, but looked up at the sky, a smile appeared on his face, but this smile matched his face, but it was incomparable Weird and horrible.

Now the sky is dark, it is the opportunity for the undead to become active.

Kajit looked at Clementine with deep eyes: "Now, what is your choice?"

Obviously, he thinks that Clementine will never give in to others easily. He must have brought them here just to find the opportunity to turn back. Now the time has come, should it be time to join hands with him?

Unexpectedly, Clementine squinted his eyes and laughed out loud: "The loyalty to the owner is absolute! Little Kagi, I am not the kind of person you think~" ..

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