"Hehehe---found a new prey again!" Xia Tiya naturally saw the six people in front of her, and immediately smiled extremely happily.

The thinking circuit that has been gradually dyed red makes her show a more fanatical killing intent.

The six people in front of her were just food, and she could tell at a glance that such a level did not constitute the slightest threat.

"So, how do you want me to play with you?" Xia Tiya looked at the six people, with a look of expectation in her red eyes, and gave each other a ferocious smile.

The color of consternation appeared on the face of the magic caster of the magic power system. This kind of evil spirit may be the only one he has seen in his life, and his face instantly strengthened: "This kind of pupil... the other party is likely to be a vampire! Only silver weapons or Magic weapons are only effective, you cannot win! Retreat! Don't look at her eyes!"

"Retreat? No! Let's play with others for a while!" Xia Tiya gave out a wicked smile, which turned into a shadow and broke into the six-person formation. With a sharp fingernail, a striker had already been killed by her. , The blood from the neck sprayed out like a jet of water.

Stepping into the frenzy of blood, Xia Tiya couldn't restrain the urge to kill, smash, smash the pieces, and be full of blood. Her breath was constantly panting, and many bubbles had accumulated at the corners of her mouth, but maybe it was because of the previous Monkey King. Helped her restore the relationship to her original appearance, but now she hasn't restored her body, but her lovely face looks extremely hideous.

"Anti-evil defense!"

"Low-level mental defense!"

In an instant, a forward fighter scared the remaining five people and their faces changed drastically. Two of the magic casters immediately cast defensive magic on the remaining fighters in front.

"Don't try hard, retreat!!"

Judging from the skill of a forward fighter in Xia Tiya, the skill of this vampire is definitely not something they can handle, so the person in the priest's uniform immediately ordered directly.

But how can they escape in front of Shatia?

At this time, Xia Tiya had no intention of playing around. She was unhappy and wanted to vent her mood. With the addition of blood frenzy and bloodthirsty irritability, she almost did not leave her hands to start the killing.

The delicate body flashed, and the cold light and claws shone, and the fighter who resisted in front had no ability to resist, but his throat was pierced by a claw...

"Monster!! This is a monster!!"

Less than a minute after the start of the war, two companions fell, and the remaining dead showed fear and exclaimed.

However, such horrified exclaims aroused Shatia’s killing nature. Her blood-red eyes revealed bloodthirsty excitement. She stretched out her slender hands, piercing shields, shattering armor, ignoring magical defenses, piercing skin, muscles, The bone, grabbed the beating heart in his hand, and then took it out in one breath.

Such a substantial touch made Shatia smile evilly and activate magic: "Create the undead."

The warrior who had lost his heart slowly stood up and turned into the lowest level undead monster zombie.

Then, Xia Tiya stretched her hand into the blood clot floating on her head, and she pulled out a beating blood clot in her hand-an imitation heart, and threw it to the zombie's body.

The blood clot squirmed like a worm, twisted and slipped into the zombie's body. In an instant, the zombie's body moved, and after a few convulsions, the appearance began to change slowly.

As if all the water in the whole body had evaporated, the skin became like a dry tree bark, with sharp claws and protruding canine teeth. Before long, the undead in front of him could no longer be called a zombie.

Seeing the birth of a low-level vampire, the remaining four cried out in shock--

"Impossible! I have never heard of such a vampire that can use such high-level magic without paying a price!"

"The facts are in front of you, don't panic! Calm down!" The mandarin said so, but it is obvious that he himself has panicked: "You can buy me a little time, just a little bit!"

"Hehe hee hee~~ a little bit?" Xia Tiya let out a weird evil laugh, her figure shook, she appeared in front of Shenguang, and then grabbed one of his hands and straightened it very roughly. The root was torn apart, and for a time, screams and wailing continued.

"Yes, yes, yes!! That's it!! Hahaha~~~!" Xia Tiya let out a series of happy laughs, such laughter made people feel terrified and chilling.

While Xia Tiya was laughing frantically, a silver weapon suddenly pierced Xia Tiya's heart!

Xia Tiya glared at her, releasing a violent and disgusting aura, grabbing the silver weapon, and stabbing the man's body with her backhand: "Hahaha~~ Hey hey~~~ I won’t let humans out It hurts me!!"

Six people, only three people remained.

"Win...you can't win!!!"

The ferocity and strength that Xia Tiya showed, scared the other party to collapse.

But the fact is that, if you insist on describing it, these six people are weak bugs in front of Shatia.

The fingernails waved, and unceremoniously, they took the lives of the two, only the female soldier was still lingering.

Just as Xia Tiya raised her hand and wanted to kill the last person, Xia Tiya suddenly felt that her heart became blank, as if part of her thinking had disappeared. She could not understand what was going on. , When she realized what had happened to her, Xia Tiya was shocked, even as an undead, she still felt a sense of fear.

That is-mind control!!

As an undead, she should be completely resistant to mind control, but her mind is still under control. She desperately wants to leave her gradually whitening heart with hateful thoughts, passing countless worst situations in her mind. But still unable to resist that terrible control.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw twelve figures appearing on the left side for unknown time, especially the objects held by the old woman in the back, making her instantly understand the source of control: "It's her!!! Ah! !!!"

With a scream of disgust, Xia Tiya's outfits changed gorgeously, she was already dressed as a Valkyrie, her body flashed, her spear flicked, and several heads flew into the sky instantly!

"Quick! Protect your lord!!!" The rest of the people were shocked, and now they used their bodies as a shield to block the old woman.

And Shatia felt her consciousness gradually whitening...

When she lost her final consciousness, she threw the spear in her hand. From the corner of her eye, she saw the spear penetrated through the bodies of several soldiers one after another, and finally hit the old woman in the back.

And Shatia's consciousness was all white, with her hands hanging slightly, her head lowered, and she stood motionless.

Suo Liuxiang and the two women were shocked and did not dare to step forward. Now that Xia Tiya was charged, they might be killed when they stepped forward, so they chose to go back...

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