Nazarick, the underground tomb, the hall of the throne.

Although there is no supreme supreme seat, the guardians have always gathered here for meetings.

After hearing the report from Suoruxiang and Edoma, all the guardians came to the throne room for the first time. With the unanimous consent of everyone, Albedo opened the management of the underground tomb of Nazarick. System, this system can only operate in the throne room in the heart of this world.

Recorded inside is a list of NPC names created jointly with guild members. Among the names displayed in white text, only Shatia Bradfren’s name has turned black. This is the most betrayal of Nazarick. Favorable evidence.

Seeing this black name, the guardians looked solemn, and Albedo had an annoyed expression: "They all said that you are not allowed to go out without permission when you don’t know it, Shatia is such a mean People just take my words as wind in their ears, and now it really deserves to be controlled by someone!"

Dimiugos was not as angry as Albedo was, but his face was solemn and solemn: "For us, mind control skills should be completely immune to it. Why is Xia Tiya still in love? Trick?" As he said, Xiang Suoruxiang and Edoma looked over: "Have you seen them using magic or props?"

"It should be a prop, but the user has been hit by Lord Shatia and seriously injured. She was taken by her remaining subordinates and fled the scene. She is no longer able to order her, so Master Shatia is now alone in Kahn. In the forest trail not far from the village, as soon as a creature approaches, she will be ruthlessly killed!"

"Props..." Dimiugos looked solemn: "I am afraid that only the artifacts above the artifact level can affect us, but to remove the spiritual control props above the artifact level, apart from the supreme Supremes, we are basically I can't do anything..."

"Do you want to abandon her?" Aula looked at the guardians.

Albedo said flatly: "From the current situation, Shatia is out of help, unless the supreme Supreme is still there, but...the minority obeys the majority, let's vote to decide whether to abandon her or go. Try?"

Cosettes said solemnly: "Go and try it! How can I say that Xia Tiya is also our companion. In any case, we must at least try to work hard, right? Without the Supreme Supreme, we should Unity is right!"

"Then give it a try!" Sebas also nodded.

Aula also nodded her head. Although she always quarreled with Xia Tiya, she still wouldn't stumble at critical moments.

"Cut, that kind of guy deserves it, what's the matter with her!" Albedo muttered with an uncomfortable face. Although it said that, he nodded and agreed: "Then go and see what that guy is now. Be ugly! It's really useless guy, who will be controlled by mere humans, and he will lose our face. If there is a chance, I must make fun of her..."

Ye Lantil, in the hotel.

Early in the morning, Evel Moore ran into Monkey King’s room, and dignifiedly shared the news they had just inquired: "Master Wukong, have you heard of it? I heard that there is a small forest in the north of Kahn Village. A monster-level vampire appeared in the road. She had killed all the people close to her within these two days. We suspect that this vampire might be the vampire we met two days ago..."

When I heard that it was about Xia Tiya, Sun Wukong suddenly became a little concerned: "She should be back now, what do you say?"

At this time, Lavasi and other women also walked in: "I heard that she killed all creatures near her, and I heard that several nearby Mithril and Mountain Bronze adventurers were killed. , But after killing all the people around, she stood still on the spot again, which is strange. Now that place seems to have become a restricted area, and it is listed as the most difficult task by the Adventurer’s Union."

"Is it controlled?" Sun Wukong muttered to himself, which reminded him of Xia Tiya's experience in the original book. Did she still meet the old woman who was holding an alluring country in her hands?

"Controlled?" Iver looked sad and surprised. In her opinion, who could control such a monster?If it is Monkey King, she still believes it, but besides Monkey King, who else in this world can control such a monster?

Throughout her life for hundreds of years, it seems that she can't find one, but if it is a legendary prop left by the Eight Desires, it is not necessarily.

"Let's take a look." Sun Wukong got up and stood up without hesitation. If Xia Tiya really hit the country and the city, without the supreme supreme, no one could save her except him.

After leaving the hotel and bringing Komori's pet, Monkey King opened a portal directly...

When they walked out of the portal, everyone saw the heavily armed Shatia with a dropper spear in front of him. Her eyes were dull and her head drooped slightly. It was obvious that she was in an unconscious state.

"Sure enough it is her!!"

When they saw Xia Tia, Lafasi and the others were like enemies, and their spirits were instantly tense. The fear Xia Tia brought to them was still deeply imprinted in their minds and hearts.

"It's really under control." When Sun Wukong saw Xia Tiya's current state, he was a little bit emotional. As expected, the established destiny cannot be changed by ordinary people.

"Who can control such a monster?" Evel looked shocked, but they had personally experienced Shatia's horror. It was such a monster. Apart from Master Wukong, who could control her?

Monkey King: "As far as I know, there is really such a prop that can control her in this world, a world-class prop-the allure of the country."

Iver's expression changed slightly when he heard the words, "A country and a city? Could it be..."

Lavasi showed a puzzled look: "Iver, you know this prop?"

Iver thought for a while, and did not say clearly: "I just heard that it seems to be related to the Slane Church and the Dark Sacred Scripture... But looking at the appearance of this vampire, it seems that he has not been completely controlled, and it depends on the situation on the scene. Although the other party barely managed to control this vampire, the price it paid seemed to be serious."

Yes, now Xia Tiya is surrounded by stumps with broken arms all over the floor, bloody.

In the distance, several people dressed in the costumes of the Slian Church were pierced to death.

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