The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 48: Capital of the Kingdom

With Sebas's departure, after a while, the person with the Cang Qiang Wei ribbon appeared in Monkey King's field of vision.

The first time they saw Monkey King, they ran over with a happy face, especially Ivere Lament. His action was the fastest, and his face was reddish, like a girl in love: "Master Wukong, When did you come to the capital? Don't tell us."

"I just came into the city, and I met you." Monkey King touched Iver's sad head and looked at Lafasi: "Look at you in a hurry, what are you doing?"

Rafasi looked around, and when she was sure that there was no one, she lowered her voice and said, "We took the order of Princess Lana to pay the'eight fingers'. I didn't expect to arrive at one of their branches. , But it was discovered that someone had made it up earlier than us, and two of the Eight Fingers members were even killed."

After Rafasi’s speech paused, Gegland answered, "We chased after hearing the noise, Master Wukong, the member of Eight Fingers, didn't you kill it?"

Monkey King: "I just entered the city, so I didn't have time to pay attention to the Eight Fingers, but I did see the Lord just now. He killed the Eight Fingers. Maybe it was easy. You don't need to trace it."

Rafasi heard the words and nodded with a look that I understood. Monkey King said he, not them. It seems that the person who killed the eight fingers is probably only one person, and one person alone can pay eight fingers. With the existence of the branch, apart from the monsters, she couldn't think of anyone else.

Those monsters are indeed not something they can provoke.

Just looking at Nabelar who was following by Sun Wukong, she seemed a little puzzled. Nazalik and the others also went there once. Naturally, they had met Nabelar, and that Clementine was gone. Why? Changed to a maid of Nazarick?

Had Master Goku agreed to be their leader?

Seeing the doubts of the ladies, Sun Wukong simply explained: "She's Nabelar, Clementine, I will ask her to do something, and I will be back in a few days."

"Hello!" Rafasi and the others greeted each other one after another. They knew where Nabelar came from, and they knew clearly that this young lady who looked at them unhappy is definitely stronger than any of them.

Nabelal just snorted and didn't pay any attention at all, but the expression was like a person seeing a caterpillar, full of disgust.

She really can't restrain the hatred of human beings.

Lafasi and the others also knew that the monsters there hated humans so much, so they didn't take it to heart, as if they hadn't seen it: "Master Wukong, you just came to the capital. You probably haven't lived there yet? Go live with us?"

"Okay, but it won't bother you?"

"How come, it is our honour for you to come."

Not long after, Sun Wukong and his group came to a huge single-family villa. Looking at the extremely luxurious building, Sun Wukong was slightly surprised and said: "I can't tell, you are quite rich."

"Well, this is given to us by Princess Lana. We don't have the money to buy such a big house."

"It seems that this princess is very optimistic about you."

Rafasi heard the words and said with a serious face: "Princess Lana and I are best friends. This is a gift of appreciation between friends, but no other factors are included."

It seems that the poisoning of si is not superficial, and it is typical to be sold and still help others count the money.

If Monkey King is too lazy to break it, just have a place to live. As for the others, what are you doing with so much nosy.

After entering the villa and arranging a room for Monkey King, a young man came here, wearing a white full body armor with a long sword on his waist, and dressed as a knight. He just looked immature, but his eyes were firm: "Master Albein , Why are you back? I haven't been able to wait for you at the meeting place, I thought something happened!"

"Ah, sorry, I came back early because I met an acquaintance. I'm really sorry for not telling you." Rafasi said apologetically.

The boy immediately waved his hands again and again, looking very nervous: "No, no need to apologize, I'm just worried, you are fine."

Gegran laughed: "Clem is really gentle, no wonder Princess Lana likes you so much."

Clem's face instantly turned red: "What do you like, please, please don't talk nonsense..."

"You are really cute when you are shy." Gegland grabbed Clem's neck and said gruffly: "Well, do you want to think about sleeping with me tonight?"

Clem was taken aback in an instant, and he waved his hands hurriedly: "Don't, Sister Gegland, please let me go!"

Monkey King looked at the two and smiled: "I think the two of you are very good match."

"Okay, don't be kidding." Rafas stopped the topic in time. She could see clearly that Princess Lana had different feelings for this direct soldier, and she couldn't let her members have any relationship with him: " Master Goku, it seems that we have to go back to the palace and report the situation to Princess Lana. Tia and Tina, you two sisters will stay and take care of Master Goku and them."

"Okay, team leader, don't worry, Master Wukong will leave it to us."

Ivera immediately cast a dissatisfied look at Lafasi, in fact, she was the one who wanted to stay the most, but she didn't dare to speak with her face.

Lafasi seemed to see her inner monologue, so she could only comfort her in a low voice: "I'm sorry, Ivere, I know what you mean, but now is a very time, as Cang Qiangwei's trump card, you can't leave the team. "

Now they Cang Qiangwei has already started a battle with the Eight Fingers, and they may be attacked at will. It is natural and safer to have Ivera, the strongest combat power. After all, the two sisters Tia and Tina have Monkey King, and they are safe. Not a problem.

Back to the palace, Lafasi went all the way to Princess Lana's palace without hindrance.

"Rafasi, and everyone from Cang Qiangwei, it's really hard work. I have heard the news that the branch of Eight Fingers was cleared. You are indeed the most reliable friends."

Princess Lana wore a gorgeous dress, her whole body exuding brilliance like a gem.

I have to say that regardless of her personality, this princess Lana is indeed impeccable, and she is a bit better than Lavasi.

Lavasi showed respect and gave enough courtesy: "You have a good reputation. The other person who wiped out the Eight Fingers was not us. When we arrived, the Eight Fingers members had already been eliminated."

"Huh? Isn't it you? But besides you, who else would dare to be an enemy of Eight Fingers?" ..

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