"There are many people in this world who can easily get rid of the eight fingers, but it's not just our Cang Rose." Lafasi's face is serious and serious. If it were before, she might still be proud of her Cang Rose, but she can see After Nazarick, that sense of pride has long since disappeared.

The world is huge, and there are still many things they don't know. A little achievement is not enough to be proud of.

"Don't be modest. I'm telling the truth, not a compliment." Lana looked at Hualisi with a smile, her gentle face made people look at ease.

Rafasi can only secretly smile when she hears this. She did think that the steel grade was already great before, but now, in front of the real strong, she is not as good as cannon fodder.

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Lana took Lavasi's hand like a sister next door, and sat down with her: "There is no outsider here, sit down and say, the other party can kill eight fingers before you Members, I think there should be some background, have you found anything?"

"No, during the investigation, I met an acquaintance and gave up..."

"Huh? The person who can make you give up during the mission must be very important, right?" Lana looked at Lavasi with a mocking expression, jokingly: "It shouldn't be yours..."

"No, please don't talk nonsense!" Lavasi's face turned red, and then she said seriously: "It's the Monkey King you asked us to contact. He has already arrived in the capital."

"Is that the one who achieved the steel grade adventurer in the shortest time in history?" Princess Lana's eyes lit up, and she looked at her expression with keen interest.

"Yes." Rafasi looked serious: "He lives in my house now. If Princess Lana wants to see him, you can come to my house anytime after we resolve the issue of Bazhi."

"Then it's settled." Princess Lana's eyes flashed with the longing and curiosity that a girl should have: "I'm really curious about someone you can admire so much."

As she said, Princess Lana's voice changed: "Just, do you want to go back tonight? Shall we stay and sleep with me? We haven't whispered together for a long time."

"Uh~ not today, Master Wukong just arrived, if I'm not here, it would be really rude."

"Hey~ I have forgotten my best friend when I have a lover." Princess Lana looked disappointed.

Lavasi's pretty face turned red in an instant: "I have said it, Princess Lana, please stop making fun of me."

"I'm not making fun of~" Princess Lana looked at Lafasi, with a smile on her face: "I haven't heard you talking about people these days. This has all taken people home. We have known each other for many years. , But I haven’t seen that you have taken a man to your residence, dare you say that you don’t like others?"

Lafasi was speechless and could only retreat: "If there is nothing else, I will retire first."

"Are you trying to escape?" Princess Lana chuckled, "But it's really getting late, just let you go. It's just that your whereabouts may have been caught by the Eight Fingers. Go back. Be careful when you do."

"Please don't worry, as long as they dare to come, I will tell them to come back and never return." The expression of Lafasi at this moment is full of incomparable confidence.

Saying goodbye to Princess Lana and leaving the palace, Ivere, who has been silent in her robes, suddenly said: "Leader, do you really like Lord Wukong?"

"Ah?" Rafasi was stunned: "Why don't you even be like you? Don't listen to Princess Lana's nonsense. There must be a good feeling for an existence like Master Wukong, but I don't like it.

Iver heard this with a serious face: "If the team leader wants to become a rival with me, even if it is a companion, I will not be merciful."

"Yveer, you really... if it's really that way, let's play fairly."

"Che~ I also said that I didn't like it." Iver whispered, and immediately curled his lips. Che suddenly saw someone flashing in the alley on the left.

I didn't see his face clearly, but I could clearly see that a woman who had passed out on his shoulders was in a coma, and she was dressed like that...

"It's a man with eight fingers!" Ge Gelan looked very nervous, but his eyes were sharp, he immediately shouted out, and at the same time looked at Lafasi: "Leader, do you want to catch up?"

"Chasing!" Without any hesitation, Lafasi directly issued the order, and she, with a sense of justice, could not ignore this situation, not to mention the fact that her eyes could be someone with eight fingers.

Southwest, in a remote house.

Sebas was holding a bowl of hot porridge that he had just bought, and looking at the empty room, his brows instantly frowned: "Suo Liuxiang, where is Qi Yalei?"

A beautiful young girl appeared in the living room with a blank expression: "I am not her nanny, so I can't watch her all the time."

Suo Liuxiang was initially dissatisfied with Sebastian, and wanted to expect her to take care of humans, how could it be possible.

Although she is indeed Sebastian’s subordinates, the premise is that she is based on the Nazarick and Ainz Ur-Christian guilds, which completely violates the rules of Nazarick and the Supreme Supreme. How can she listen to Sebastian’s rules based on our rules?

Sebas knew why Suo Liuxiang was awkward, so he didn't say much, just a touch of coldness on the gentle face.

Needless to think, he also knew that Qi Yalei could not leave by herself, and although Suo Liuxiang regarded humans as food, she would never act against her, so the only explanation was that she was kidnapped!

As for the person who would do this kind of thing, he couldn't think of anything other than Bazhi.

"You pray not to hurt her again..." Sebas looked calm and turned to leave.

Suo Liu Xiang silently looked at Sebas’s back, her beautiful eyebrows wrinkled slightly. She was actually very puzzled and puzzled. Could it be that noble like Lord Sebas would have feelings for mere humans?

"Sure enough, there is no Supreme Supreme Nazarick, which is very worrying... Why do the Supreme Supremes leave? Did they really abandon us?" Suo Liuxiang also began to feel a little confused at this moment.

"Leader, don't follow too closely." On the dim street, Iver held Lavasi's hand sadly: "Be careful of fraud. We have to be cautious. Or, let Goku-sama tell me first?"

After the Nazarick incident, they are now a bit like frightened birds. What if they encounter that kind of monster-level existence again?

Lavasi thought for a while, nodded, and immediately sent contact information to Tia and Tina...

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