Just when the message was sent out, I saw several figures flashing in the shadows, surrounding the three of them.

A bare-chested man with scars on it stared at Lafasi, and said gloomily: "Cang Qiangwei...you are really annoying. If you act on us, you won't be obedient to that again. The instigator of a monster princess, come to impose the so-called justice sanctions?"

"Huh! You eight fingers do a lot of evil, I don't know how many young women and children are brutally killed by you, even if the princess doesn't order, we Cang Qiangwei will pay you off!" Lafasi's expression is serious and righteous. This is an inner heart. Is full of justice girls.

"Che, it's so grand-sounding, why do you want to follow a monster's order?"

"You damn crap, how dare you insult Your Royal Highness!" Gegland said with a anger: "Leader, don't talk nonsense with them, you're done!"

Lavasi immediately turned her head to look at Ivera, and Iver nodded silently. She just used magic to detect these people. There is no threat to these people, even if one of the eight-finger members can only rely on Lavasi. No need for her to deal with it.

With Evel's approval, Lavasi immediately drew out her long sword: "Quick battle and quick decision!"

"Hey~~Little rascals, come and accompany you to do a good job!" Gegland laughed, and the sledgehammer in his hand was already hammering at a man beside him.

When the opponent was shocked, he could only stop with the long sword in his hand, and which violent force really shook him out directly.

As a carnivorous male wife, Gegland's power is far more terrifying than most men. Among humans, there are not many who can be tough with her.

As soon as the battle started, it went into intense heat. For Yu Ge Gelan, the ordinary members of the Eight Fingers were just a few of them.

And the only member of the Eight Fingers was confronted by Lavasi and Evel's, who fought in close quarters and bombed by Evel's magic. The situation can be said to be one-sided. The steel-grade adventurer team is indeed not blowing, as long as it is not Facing the inhuman monster-level existence, they still haven't insulted the title of steel level.

"I can't go on like this!" After the Eight Fingers shook back with a blow from Lafasi, they drew back and looked at Iver Lai behind with solemn eyes. Captain Cang Qiangwei said, but this is known as Cang Rose Ace. The guy from is really difficult. Just after he met, he already knew that if the other party was serious, he might not be able to stick to the three moves.

Now he looked to a shadowy place behind him: "My lord, if you don't make a move, we will be wiped out!"

Rafasi, who originally wanted to pursue it, stopped her body shape instantly, retreated, and came to Evelai's side.

At the same time, a hoarse and heavy voice sounded in vain: "Huh~ Human beings are really a bunch of useless waste. They have no use except for food."

The black energy surged in the field, and the condensed room was shrunk. A figure shrouded in a black robe, exuding a strong lifelessness, emerged, and the pressure in the field suddenly increased.

Evel's hair was erected in an instant, and her body was cold, and large drops of cold sweat slipped down, which reminded her of the situation when she faced the real ancestor of the vampire.

"Cut~ Finally something decent came!" After Geelland swept a man with a hammer, when he saw the pull-feng figure appearing, he walked close and smashed his head with a sledgehammer!

Iver's expression changed greatly in sorrow, and he screamed, "No, Gegland, come back soon!!"

It's a pity that it's too late. Sombra took a step ahead of Gegland, and reached out with one hand, pierced her chest with a'poof'. When he took his hand back again, he was already holding a bloody heart in his hand-that was The heart of Gegeland.

"You--" Before even giving his last words, Gegran's lifeless body crashed to the ground.


Rafasi immediately let out an angry roar, raising her sword to go up, but she was caught in time by Iver, her face was solemn and serious: "Don't be impulsive, this guy is just like those people...a monster among monsters!!"

"!!!" Lafasi's complexion changed drastically, how could such a person with eight fingers exist?

Under the expression of anger and disgust, the black-robed man threw the heart in his hand into his mouth, and ate it crunchingly, and then looked at the two of them, his voice was full of lifelessness: "I Originally, it wasn’t you, but it happened to be used as a snack..."

"You monster!! Master Wukong won't let you go!" Rafasi yelled angrily, and the picture of the other party eating Gegland's heart made her extremely angry.

"Master Wukong? Never heard of..." The black robe man turned his head to look at the Eight Fingers member: "Who is he?"

The eight-finger member said with a serious expression: "It should be the most popular adventurer recently. I heard that he became a steel-grade adventurer in just two days. He also resolved the undead natural disaster of Ye Lan Tier. ."

"Huh~ If it's just a human, it's just rubbish." The black-robed man showed contempt and disdain, and his hand wrapped in black death poked out towards the direction where Lafasi was: "Before that person arrives, I Let’s add a meal first."

"Be careful, go back!" Evel's expression changed drastically, and he pulled Lavasi a magic transfer, and then suddenly changed.

"Cut~a little vampire, how long can you struggle again?" The black-robed man also followed a magic transfer and appeared in front of Ivera. Then, when she couldn't respond, she squeezed it. Her throat.

Iver looked at Rafasi with difficulty: "Quick-escape!!"

"Escape? Can you escape?" The black-robed man smiled, and a black energy suddenly rose from the ground, and a black energy whip stretched out, entangled Lavasi's ankle, lifted her up and hung her. In the air, it was difficult for her to escape.

"Vampire? I haven't eaten it yet. I don't know how it tastes like?" The black-robed man looked at Iver's sad eyes, showing an expression of expectation.

Just when he opened his mouth and wanted to take it down, a gentle voice suddenly sounded: "Your Excellency, I wonder if you can put down the two ladies?"

"...Hurry up so soon..." The black-robed man had to stop, and looked at the old gentleman in front of him: "So, you are really nervous about the little human girl..."

"You—who are you?" Sebas's expression was solemn, and he felt a slight threat from the black-robed man, indicating that the opponent's level was not below him.

"Then let me introduce you first." The black-robed man took off the black robe covering his body, revealing a pale and bloodless face: "I am under the command of the undead monarch, the left guard-evil Kui."

(PS: Everyone, happy National Day! After this long holiday, I don’t know how you are going to wave? I worked hard to work overtime to be able to rest for a few days during the National Day. After a few days of rest, I’m blasting changes. After all, holidays are rare. Well, I want to take a vacation too.) ..

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