The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 65 The Finger of Death

The clang of weapon collisions and the roar of powerful magic turned this place into one of the cruelest battlefields.

Hei Kui and Ei Kui, facing Shatia, Albedo, Sebastian, Dimiugos, Mare, two on five, they did not lose the wind.

But in a moment, this wetland has already changed the terrain, with pits and pits everywhere, leaving scars after the war.

"These two guys are so strong?" Xia Tiya wiped off the blood on her face. She didn't know whether it was her own or the enemy's. Her expression was serious. There were many minor injuries all over her body, and her bright armor was also It's all broken.

Regardless of attack or defense, the opponent is a bit higher than them, especially the evil leader, who is smashed by magic, there is no limit at all, which is against common sense.

But even though they were downwind, they didn't show any signs of defeat. Looking at this situation, the key to victory or defeat lies in whoever persists longer and whose magic power runs out first will lose.

Obviously, in this situation of competing for magical power, Shatia has the advantage with a large number of people.

Because they can extract one person to leave the battlefield, recover, and then rejoin the battlefield, while the evil kui and the black kui are always in a struggle. Although they have advantages, they will gradually become disadvantages over time.

Especially Shatia, who has a dropper spear, can be described as a perpetual motion machine in terms of continuous combat. In addition to possessing several kinds of magic that can be used to deal with the undead, the threat of damage to the evil and the black is the greatest.

With the addition of Albedo resisting the damage, only two people, under the circumstances of Hei Kui's MP and physical exertion, gradually suppressed him.

With the addition of Sebastian and the trio to attack the evil leader, the scale of victory seems to be gradually tilting towards them.

On the top of the mountain, the Necromancer looked at the magical mirror image in front of her, her face calm: "Great King, Xie Kui and Hei Kui seem to be defeated."

"Nazarick... these guys are still as difficult as ever!" The undead monarch looked at the picture in front of him, his tone was full of majesty and calm from beginning to end: "However, it seems that he has not searched for those supreme aura..."

"What should we do then? Should Hei Kui and the others evacuate, or..."

"Evacuation? Impossible!" The eyes of the undead monarch flashed with cold and fierce light: "Since they are unwilling to show up, I want to see if their men die one after another, will they still be indifferent?"

The Necromancer looked worried: "The king wants to personally...Will this be too risky?"

The undead monarch immediately stared at the necromancer with terrifying eyes: "What, do you think I will lose?"

"Of course not, just coming to this strange world, we should be more vigilant."

"Alert? That's just a sign of weakness!" The undead monarch stood up, exuding a desperate breath: "I want to see, what progress is made by those who once defeated me!"

The portal that revolves like a black hole emerges in front of the undead monarch, with the breath of death enveloping him, stepping into it...

The Necromancer was helpless and could only keep up.

Her original intention was to accumulate enough power to compete with Nazarick so as not to repeat the same mistakes again, but the dignity of the undead monarch did not allow him to retreat.

When Xia Tiya and the others were fighting fiercely with the evil queer Hei Kui, a huge teleportation disciple emerged from the center of their battlefield and forcibly separated them.

"I'm fed up with these boring tricks, the battle should be over!"

Death and despair came, and the burly and tall body of the undead monarch appeared in the field, a dead body, corroding the already devastated trees all around instantly decayed and withered.

"The King!"

Xie Kui and Hei Kui knelt on one knee and bowed to meet their supreme king.

"This guy is the undead monarch?" Xia Tiya looked at the tall body in front of her, but her eyes flashed brightly.

Necrophilia is showing signs of exploding at this moment, because the real body of the undead monarch turned out to be a burly and tall skeleton body, and it was also a golden skeleton with gleaming golden light, which illuminates the blind dog's eyes.

Take the height as an example, more than twice that of a flying squirrel, full of majesty of the supreme king.

"This kind of aura makes me a little breathless..." Sebastian looked solemn, obviously shocked by the power of the undead monarch.

Aula and the others moved closer and gathered in one place, watching the undead monarch vigilantly.

However, the undead monarch didn't seem to put them in his eyes. Instead, he scanned the surroundings and shouted in a majestic voice: "I don't want to waste time. If you are all there, just show up!"

However, the surrounding area was deserted, and no one answered at all.

Don't blame the undead monarch for saying such two things, because he has always believed that the supreme Supremes exist, and they are like him, immortal.

"If you want the Supreme Supremes to show up, it depends on whether you have the ability!" Aura fights between the back of an eighty-level beast, staring at the undead monarch without any fear. In fact, she is nervous. To die, this guy in front of him, but forty-one the supreme Supremes can defeat the guys together!

"Really?" The undead monarch turned his head and looked at Aula: "So, do you need to kill all of you before they will show up?"

As he spoke, the undead monarch stretched out his golden right finger indifferently and pointed it at Aura.

"Aula, be careful!!" Sebastian shouted instinctively, but unfortunately it was too late, because the magic of the undead monarch had already been activated.


Just about to dodge, Aula's pupils shrank instantly and were covered in gloom. Her life was gone, and she fell from the back of the monster.

The absolute death skill of the undead monarch-the finger of death!It refers to who died, and it also has the effect of soul imprisonment. What is soul imprisonment?The person killed by this skill cannot be resurrected with ordinary resurrection magic.

This is the horror of the strongest BOSS of the undead, but although this skill is terrifying, it can't be cast all the time. It has a cold cut time of ten minutes.

In the game, although this skill is powerful, it is not unsolvable. It can be resurrected by the priest's dispersal and resurrection magic.

Therefore, if you want to capture the undead monarch, two priests are necessary. One priest is dead, and the other can resurrect him; but if there is only one priest, unfortunately, he will be killed. , Then it is not far from destroying the group.

Of course, some krypton items can also replace the priests, and the members of Ainz Ul Gung used krypton items before...

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