The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 66 Anti-Injury Bone Shield

The game is a problem that cannot be solved without money.


Guardians of all classes are shocked and die at one fingertips. What kind of magic is this?

And with the death of Aura, the monster under her control instantly lost its restraint, ran away and disappeared into the dense forest of wetland.

These high-level monsters will probably be another disaster in the future.

Xia Tiya and the others all retreated, and distanced themselves from the undead monarch. Aura was at the same level as them, and was killed by a single shot. They had to be more careful.

"Don't hesitate, let's go together!" The undead monarch looked at the guardians with indifference and contempt, and his skinny right hand stretched out, releasing the domain magic that belongs to the leader-level BOSS-Undead Bone Domain.

In an instant, everything within a mile of the place was enveloped by death, and the surviving lizardfolk could not resist the erosion of death and gradually transformed into undead.

Only Zariius Sasha was struggling to support him with the pain of his cold tooth.

Then, Xia Tiya and the others were shocked to discover that their level was suppressed to only ninety.

Albedo looked solemn and shocked: "What kind of magic is this? Can we forcefully lower our level?!"

After all, they are just NPCs of the guardians of the class, and they still don't know much about the game.

"Is this the undead monarch?" Sebastian frowned deeply: "As expected, only the forty-one supreme Supremes can win! The strength is unfathomable!"

Only two magics were released in appearance, which shocked the Guardians.

"How did the supreme supreme win this kind of dangerous guy?!" Xia Tiya felt that her scalp was a little numb, and the pressure brought by the undead monarch to them was too great.

"Why, are you scared?" Albedo tilted his head to look at Xia Tiya, with sarcasm in his tone.

When Xia Tiya heard this, she instantly became angry: "What? This lady is afraid? What a joke! I think you are the one who is afraid! There is a kind of go with me!!!"

While drinking, Xia Tiya already teleported to the side of the undead monarch with a dropper and spear, and the gun shadow stabs out with fierce blood and light!

This shot, placed in the game, absolutely hits; but placed in reality, in the face of a conscious undead monarch, how could he stand stupidly and let you hit it?

Without the slightest evasive meaning, the undead monarch grabbed the spear of the dropper with his bare hands. The spear of the dropper pierced his golden bone fingers, wiping out dazzling sparks, but did not cause any harm at all. It was held tightly by the undead monarch.

Xia Tiya tried hard to withdraw the dropper spear, but she didn't move, her complexion became a little ugly.

But fortunately, Albedo and the others did not watch the show. Seeing that Shatia had already launched an attack, at almost the same time, they all rushed towards the undead monarch!

Albedo, who has the strongest defense, knows where he should stand, and the first to bear the brunt is to display a defensive combat technique-Earth Shield.

A huge shield gleamed on the heads of the guardians and blended into their bodies, which made their defense power increased by a large amount, and at the same time, a layer of shield surrounded their bodies, which could resist certain damage for them.

As for Sebastian, Dimiugos and the others, they simultaneously attacked the bodies of the undead monarch.However, at the moment when they were close and about to attack, they heard the undead monarch snorted in vain, and a huge bone shield appeared from his body, and it soared and spread in vain, directly protecting all including Shatia The readers flew out in shock.

Fortunately, the temporary shield of the Earth Shield resisted the damage, and no one was injured.

But Xia Tiya had lost her weapon-the dropper spear, which was a bit uncomfortable, but it was an artifact that relied on a protracted battle.

This is the gap between the NPC and the player. In the original work, Xia Tiya clearly has an advantage in all stats. Why did he still lose to the flying squirrel?This is the gap between experience and understanding of the opponent's skills.

If the flying squirrel faces the undead monarch, at the moment when he casts the bone shield, he will definitely choose to interrupt the undead monarch's casting with the interrupt skill, this is the posture that the undead monarch should be attacked!

How could the undead monarch of hard steel win!

As a result, the undead monarch made a single move to control the enemy and shook them all out.

Moreover, with the bone shield body, if you want to cause damage to the undead monarch, you must break this layer of bone shield, and when attacking the bone shield, you will also suffer counter injuries, and the difficulty is increased.

Obviously, the undead monarch with the bone shield body has become unscrupulous, jumped up high, jumped into the formation of the guardians, did not fear their encirclement, and launched a crazy attack. .

Unknowingly, Marley threw a super-order magic directly, and the undead monarch was unharmed, but he was vomiting blood and knelt on the ground.

"This...this bone shield...will be careful everyone!!"

"..." Shatia and the others were speechless for a while, this guy has become a hedgehog now, and can't attack by physics or magic, what should I do?

And if this super-order magic goes down, this anti-injury bone shield is still not damaged?

Well, in the game, once the bone shield of the undead monarch is cast, then the strategy has been declared as a failure. Otherwise, do you think the strongest BOSS of the undead system is so easy to kill?

In the game, if the strategy fails, it can come again, but here, is there any hope for Xia Tiya and others to come back?

The undead monarch with the anti-wound bone shield, like a wolf into the flock, forcing Sebastian to retreat again and again, the tragic Mare suffered serious injuries due to the anti-injury, and was slapped by the undead monarch. Going out, I haven't seen him get up for a long time, apparently already seriously injured.

The restored Dimiugos flew high in the sky, with a solemn expression: "The difference in strength and level is too great. We can't win. Don't make unnecessary sacrifices. Retreat!"

Xia Tiya looked unwilling: "Just left so sullenly? We have sacrificed two companions! Marais still don't know what the situation is!"

"Because of this, we have to leave. We can't hurt more people. Let's go back! After we get the world-class props from the treasure hall, we will have the power to fight!"

"Treasure Hall? Only the Supreme Supreme can enter there, can't we?"

"In extraordinary times, you can only use extraordinary means, let's withdraw!"

"Haha~~ Seeing you all winking, do you want to escape?" The undead monarch looked at the guardians and stopped attacking: "Then, I will kindly remind you, in my undead bones. In, you can't get out, want to leave? Beat me!" ..

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