The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 67: Bone Fire Purgatory

Shatia immediately used teleportation magic. The next moment, her complexion became extremely difficult to look like: "Transportation failed, unable to connect to the outside space..."

When Albedo and others heard this, they also tried to use teleportation magic immediately, and their expressions became dignified. They seemed to be really trapped in the space of this domain. If they want to leave, they must break the undead bones. Domain just works.

It's just that this undead bone domain is used as the medium of the undead monarch itself, if you want to break it, you can only defeat him.

Or, use the same domain magic to cover or offset each other, but none of them knows this kind of magic, this kind of magic is unique to the top BOSS.

To sum it up in the game, this is a domain magic that can only be learned at level 150, and it is impossible for them to master at level 100.

"Can you only fight to the death?" Sebastian looked solemn, and his fighting spirit gradually rose: "If there is no way out, then fight!"

Shatia and their faces became determined one by one, and even if they died, they would have to squeeze their backs.

However, the next words of the undead monarch did make their hearts jump: "I will tell you a very unfortunate news, ten minutes have passed."

As he said, slowly raised his right hand...

When Dimiugos saw this, he was shocked: "Go back! It's the previous magic!!"

The scene of Aura being pointed to death is naturally still vivid, and without Demiurge's reminder, Shatia and others have already moved back.

The undead monarch was indifferent: "Hide? Is it useful? Wherever you look is within the scope of this king's spell." As he said, Dimiugos, who raised his head to the sky, looked over: "In front of the king. , How dare you let this king look up to you with a bird's-eye attitude, it's crazy!"

One finger pointed it out, and the [Death Finger] was activated again, and Dimiugos was hit hard in an instant, and after a moment of trembling, he fell powerlessly from the air...

"Damn it! Another one!"

Xia Tiya's angry silver teeth clenched tightly and squeaked: "If the Supreme Supremes are still there... How can you be mad!"

When the undead monarch heard this, he couldn't help but look at Xia Tiya, "Huh? Listen to your tone, can it be said that your Supreme Supreme is not here?"

The Necromancer's eyes flickered, revealing a hint of surprise: "I said it's all this time, why haven't your supreme princes appear yet? It turns out that you are all a group of abandoned poor bugs!"

"Abandon? Bastards!! We are not abandoned!!" Xia Tiya roared with a distorted face, her eyes flashing with bloody killing.

Because of her extreme anger, her blood frenzy broke out again.

The Necromancer smiled sweetly: "Your furious appearance just shows that my guess is correct. It's also because we have been doing precautions. King, since the Supreme Supremes are not there, then we too There is nothing to worry about."

"But! I thought I could be ashamed, but I didn't expect that group of guys didn't come to this world!" The undead monarch was extremely disappointed and angry: "Fortunately, I was so looking forward to seeing them again. It was really disappointing! So, the game is over here!-Bone Fire Purgatory!!!"

The earth cracked, jet black fire light, spreading and burning, everything that was touched by the black fire was burned out instantly!

The group of undead monarchs has a large-scale spike magic skill. Once this skill is released, 100% of the group will be destroyed in the game. Only by interrupting this skill or using the krypton gold item [Recovery of Everything] can you resist.

"This, this, this power!!!" Sebastian and the others all showed shocked expressions. Is this undead monarch so terrifying?With their strength, if they are burned by the black fire within three or four seconds, I am afraid they have to go to the west!

The range of the black fire was so wide that Xia Tiya and the others had been besieged in the form of a circle, and it was impossible to run.

"Is this really going to be over?" Xia Tiya looked down at herself, regretful and unwilling: "It's a pity that I haven't tried to reshape my body yet!"

As he said, the scarlet eyes were suddenly replaced by fierceness: "But death is to death, even if you die, this lady will have to pull back!!"

As she said, she rushed out resolutely regardless of the black fire all around. In an instant, the black fire spread all over her body, and the painful Xia Tiya screamed, but her feet kept moving, moving toward the undead at a teleporting speed. The monarch rushed over: "You dead skeleton, also taste your own magic!!"

"Haha~~ Xia Tia, now I am very impressed with you!!" After seeing Xia Tia's actions, Albedo praised him, and rushed out without hesitation, and rushed to the undead monarch. .

Even Marley, who was seriously injured, did not know where his strength came from, and was burning with flames all over, and rushed towards the undead monarch: "Sister, I am here to accompany you!!"

"Qiyalei... I hope you can take care of yourself..." Sebastian also rushed out resolutely...

"It's such a trick again. It's really boring!" Seeing this scene, the undead monarch looked calm and even disdainful: "Do you think the same trick will still work for me?"

In the game, he did not know how many times he had been pitted in this same situation. The Bone Fire Purgatory was not divided between us. This invincible seckill skill was also one of the parts of his strategy. Xia Tiya's unintentional death will make her Found one of the tricks to the strategy.

However, the current undead monarch has self-awareness, it is impossible to stand still in the game to make people burn.

I saw the undead monarch directly withdrew from the undead bone domain, and an instant flashed to a kilometer away.

In an instant, Xia Tiya and the others were all dumbfounded. The time the black fire was burning could only last for three to four seconds at most. It was impossible to chase after such a short time!

"This, this dead skeleton... so cunning..." Xia Tiya knelt down with an unwilling face and pain. The artifact she wore on her body had been burned to be durable and broken, and the burning skin could clearly feel the dissolution. The speed, the pain is beyond words: "Really... I'm going to die... But why did I think of that bastard..."

"Yo~Are you thinking about me?" A sudden voice flashed in her ears, Xia Tiya only felt her shoulder put a hand on her, the burning black fire disappeared instantly, and her burning skin was restored. .

When Xia Tiya saw the people coming, she suddenly felt a little moist in the corners of her eyes, and shouted loudly, "You bastard, didn't you say you didn't help us?!!!"

Monkey King touched Xia Tiya's head and smiled slightly: "I said I won't help you, but I never said that I don't care about you!" ..

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