"You, you guy..." When Xia Tiya heard the words, she felt the warm current rushing through her body, glanced at Monkey King, and snorted proudly: "This lady admits that you are a little touched by you."

With a wave of Sun Wukong, the black fire covering Albedo and them all collapsed and disappeared, as well as their injuries. He stretched out his hand to lift Albedo from the ground and bounced the dust on her body: " How is it, am I late?"

When Xia Tiya saw this, she was instantly upset: "I'm moved by your sister, my mother is not moved at all!"

Albedo did not answer, but looked coldly in the direction of the undead monarch: "Kill him!"

Monkey King looked at Albedo with a smile on his face, and turned to look at the undead monarch: "Don't worry, he beat you so badly, I will definitely vent your anger."

Xia Tiya stared at Albedo with hostility, but after listening to Sun Wukong's words, she reminded worriedly: "Be careful, this undead monarch is a bit supernormal, and we have no backhands in front of him. Zhili, don't you have a lot of world-class props, give us a few, and we will deal with him together!"

"To deal with such a weak chicken, why don't you need a world-class prop, just watch it from the sidelines."

"Who are you? Is it their supreme supremacy? But this king has never seen you!" The undead monarch frowned as he watched the stepping Monkey Wukong.

If he waved his [Bone Fire Purgatory] casually, the strength of this person was certainly not simple.

When Xie Kui saw Monkey King, his heart jumped with fright. He hurriedly explained to the undead monarch: "Great king, this person is the one who killed me... Please be careful, the king, this person is so strong and absolutely powerful. It's not comparable to those who are supreme!"

"This king is not blind!" The undead monarch's complexion became a little serious for the first time, and he waved away the Bonefire Purgatory. The group of supreme princes did not have this ability.

Monkey King looked at the weapon the undead monarch was holding, and said calmly: "I remember this should be Shatia's dropper spear. It's not good to snatch someone else's weapon at will."

As he said, with one hand stretched out, the dropper spear originally held by the undead monarch appeared so strangely in Monkey King's hand.

"Huh?!!!" The undead monarch frowned slightly, a little shocked.

But Monkey King did not stop there. Instead, he looked at the undead monarch with interest. To be precise, it was his equipment: "The equipment you wear seems to be pretty good."

When Xie Kui heard the words, his body couldn't help but tremble. This reminded him of the humiliation of being stripped of his equipment. He shouted, "Majesty, be careful of him...!!!"

The words were not finished yet, Xie Kui's voice stopped abruptly, because the undead monarch at this moment had become clean and slick, like a gold-cast skeleton shining brightly under the sunlight.


Seeing this situation, Xia Tiya and others were silent. Is it possible that Master Wukong is a thief by profession?That's why I just saw someone?No wonder there are so many world-class props.

Well, now Shatia and the others are clearly misunderstood.

"Big...big, king..." The necromantic demon girl turned red and quickly took out a coat and handed it to the undead monarch.

"What are you doing?" The undead monarch looked puzzled, so why did he give me the clothes?

It seems that he hasn't noticed that his equipment has been stripped clean, but he only blames Monkey King for acting so unconsciously.

"Put it on..." The Necromancer's face was reddish, and her husband did not wear clothes in the public. Although it was just a skeleton, she still felt a disadvantage.

"Uh~" The undead monarch looked down, and the black fire in the skull's eye sockets jumped violently: "Ben... where is the king's equipment?!!!"

A glance from the corner of his eye, he just saw the whole set of equipment in Monkey King's hand, and he was furious: "Asshole! How dare you humiliate this king like this!!"

I took the coat given by the Necromancer and draped it on her body. Death burst out from her hands. The sky full of bone spurs spurred from the ground. The poor lizardman undead were all nailed by bone spurs in various positions Stabbed in the air, the picture is terrible.

However, where Sun Wukong and Shatia and others are located behind him, no bone spurs have risen.

"Sure enough, there are two sons!" Seeing this scene, the undead monarch was born with a cold snort, and the anti-injury bone shield instantly protected his whole body, a little under his feet, and rushed towards Monkey King!

"Master Wukong, be careful! His bone shield can resist all injuries!" Albedo couldn't help but exclaimed.

Shatia blinked her mouth, closed her mouth, and stared at Albedo: "This guy is really annoying! He even snatched my lines!"

However, Monkey King didn't pay any attention. The dropper spear in his hand was flicked by his finger, and it flew out in an instant. With a soft click, the so-called indestructible anti-injury bone shield of the undead monarch was instantly pierced, with his right rib. He was stabbed to pieces by all of them, passing straight through and stabbing obliquely on the ground behind him.

Without the support of the ribs, the body of the undead monarch suddenly leaned to the right. The sprinting figure was also out of balance due to the twisting of the body. Amidst the sound of the collision, he touched his face on the ground, rubbed the ground all the way and stopped at Monkey King’s. before.


The needle dropped silently in an instant and can be heard.

The Necromancer waited with eyes widened, full of shock, that person actually pierced the anti-injury bone shield of their great king with a single shot, and even pierced all his right ribs?How is this possible!

"Ok...so strong!!" Xia Tiya's eyes flashed when she looked at Monkey King.

"Besides, haven't been injured yet?" Albedo also blinked, exuding strange light.

Sebastian was also shocked: "I thought that the undead monarch and Lord Wukong would be between the uncles, but I didn't expect that the gap would be so big..."

The more he feels that he understands Master Monkey King, the more he discovers the distance, how powerful is he?

"You, you, impossible!! Impossible!! How could this king lose!! How could this king lose!!" The undead monarch glared at Monkey King, almost unable to believe what he had encountered. The gun left him half disabled, how is this possible!!He is the strongest undead monarch!How could it be defeated so easily!

He can accept defeat because he has failed; but he absolutely cannot accept being defeated so easily in a solo fight, absolutely not!!

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! This king is the strongest! This king will not lose!" The undead monarch raised his right hand while roaring.

Seeing this scene, Xia Tiya was shocked: "Master Wukong, run away!!"

In the game, the death finger does have ten minutes of cold cut time, but in reality, it can be used forcibly at some price...

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