The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 76: The Spear of Tu Sheng

" props!!" The Necromancer's eyes widened for a while, and her hands stretched out to catch the floating and landing props in a respectful gesture. The trembling of fear has turned into a tremor with excitement.

The woman glanced at the Necromancer indifferently: "You seem to have a good understanding of world-class props."

"Of course!" The Necromancer suppressed the excitement and excitement in her heart: "Legendly, world-class props are transformed by the fallen leaves of the world tree. Each world-class prop is equal to a world, and contains the ultimate power of a world!"

"Well, that's right." The woman got up, stretched lazily, showing her perfect figure: "But it's not so exaggerated, it's just false and infinitely exaggerated... This world I give you The class item is called "Sacred Slayer's Spear". It has the ability to completely erase the target, but it must pay the price of being completely erased by the user. For you who want revenge, shouldn't it be suitable?"

"Yes, thank you for your generosity, this is exactly what I wanted!" The Necromancer kowtows respectfully and thanked her, holding the "Sacred Slaying Spear" tightly in her hands, her eyes full of determination, it is a flame of revenge.

"Go, if Nazarick, it should be underground near Kahn Village. If you search carefully, it should be easy to find."

The Necromancer clasped her fists and left...

There was only one woman left in the bamboo building. After a while, a voice filled with solemn and majesty came to her mind: "How is things going?"

The woman’s lazy expression disappeared instantly, she got up and kneeled respectfully on one knee: “It’s done, Master Jiuyao, if it’s the "Spear of Slaughter", no matter how strong the person is, she should be obliterated. !"

"Very well, then don't act rashly. The people in the heavens have been paying attention to the ground. Don't be discovered by them before I completely break the seal."

"Yes, it's just that there is something unclear to the subordinates. Why don't you use powerful world-class props like "Sacred Spear" on someone in the heavens, but on a human being. Is this a waste?"

"Waste? Do you think so? It's really short-sighted! Now, the only person on the ground who can prevent me from breaking the seal is that person. As long as he is removed, there will be no worries, when I successfully break the seal. , Do you think, who else can stop me?"

"Yes, the subordinates are indeed stupid. They only saw the preciousness of the "Sacred Spear", but did not see the essence of the matter. As long as Master Jiuyao breaks the seal, no one can stop it!"

"Doing things give me more thoughts, don't be discovered by the heavenly guys, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

"Don't worry, Master Jiuyao, seal your Jiuding. We have already unlocked the Sanding. It won't take long for you to see the sun!"

"I'm looking forward to..." The voice drifted away until it disappeared completely.

The woman got up and returned to the look of the lazy beauty before: "Then, I should act too..." As the sound fell, her body gradually dimmed, disappearing together with the bamboo building...

The big underground tomb of Nazarick, the treasure hall.

After Albedo and other floor guardians were assigned a world-class item, Monkey King and his party also withdrew from the treasure hall.

However, what awaits them is a large number of undead and other monsters: Duke Horror, Hungry Fox King, Red Lotus, Grant, Oleil Omega...

In short, all the guardians of the realm who are not familiar with Monkey King are all gathered and dispatched, one hundred level monsters, the number is huge, more than the floor guards.

And the bad thing is that the sisters of the Pleiadian star cluster like Nabelal have been defeated and controlled by them.

Clementine was among them: "Master, help!!"

Seeing Monkey King appear, Clementine screamed loudly, her frightened look seemed to be very scared.

As the monsters of Nazalik were all out, she knew exactly how terrifying and powerful this force was.

"I really didn't expect that there would be so many hundred-level NPCs in Nazarick." Monkey King looked at the dense figure of undead in front of him, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I didn't expect that so many people would oppose it. As for me, even though I don’t care about the chairmanship, it’s a bit uncomfortable if so many people object."

"These bastards, I will kill them!!" Xia Tiya said with an angry face, Master Wukong finally became their new supreme supreme, these bastards dare to oppose it, it is simply unreasonable, if Master Wukong is angry Left, then they...

Xia Tiya thought about it more and more angry, so that her lovely face became distorted.

Just as she was about to get angry, she was stopped by Dimiugos: "Xia Tiya, calm down, now is the best time for Wukong-sama to stand up. We better not interfere. "

Albedo, who was originally angry, calmed down when he heard the words: "Indeed, if Master Goku shows an invincible posture, these guys will definitely fall under Master Goku's absolute strength!"

For a while, Shatia and the others looked at Monkey King with extremely expectant expressions.

"Albedo, and all the floor guards, I really didn't expect that you would betray Nazalik and the Supreme Supreme!" The terrifying public stared coldly at the floor guards, standing cockroaches. It looks very disgusting.

Holding a sarcoma-like disgusting monster on his forelimbs, Albedo's face changed slightly when he saw this monster, and he whispered to Monkey King: "It's Wick Tim! The supreme princes have mentioned it before. , Although that guy has a very low level, he is a part of Nazalek’s ultimate defense. He has a very special ability and must be activated after death. Don’t let it activate, otherwise it may be dangerous!"

"Danger, it is indeed dangerous..." Monkey King joked, "However, it is not the danger... You know, all of you are concentrated here, no one will guard each floor. If there is someone at this time What would it be like if it invaded?"

"How could there be such a coincidence!" Xia Tiya was taken aback when she heard the words.

"That's really such a coincidence." Monkey King said, looking in the direction of the lower level, there was a beautiful shadow rushing all the way there, and the undead who blocked the way were not her enemies at all.

"It's not good! My sirs, there are intruders!!" Niroste Painkiel rushed to report with an anxious look.

All the guardians of the realm of Nazarick, Shatia and others had their complexions slightly changed...

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