"Necromancer!" After seeing the intruder's face, Albedo was surprised at what gave her so much courage that she dared to break into Nazarick alone.

"Necromancer? Who is that? Why can't I check her level?" Oleil Omega vocally wondered, staring at the necromancer at the door, and temporarily placed her alert posture on her body. .

"Of course I can't check it. That guy is twenty levels higher than us. It's weird to check it." Xia Tiya curled her lips, her expression serious.

"So, she has a hundred and twenty?!"

The guardians of the terrifying public and other domains have changed slightly. They have never seen such a level of existence. Even the supreme sages are only one hundred!

"Has such a powerful person appeared in the outside world?" Oleil Omega looked solemn.

"A group of squatting houses, who have never come out to walk around, would you know what happened outside, only the blind guy, and when I clean up this guy, I will come to teach you." Xia Tiya stared angrily. The guardians of the eye area took the dropper and spear and said coldly in front of their eyes: "Necromancer, you are really arrogant! You dare to break into Nazarick by yourself, you are too good for your own strength. Too confident, or too dismissive of us Naxalik?"

The Necromancer's face was calm, facing such a large number of powerful men, she did not show a trace of panic: "I thought it would take a lot of effort, but I didn't expect to break through so easily. It seems you Nazalek It seems that there is an internal conflict."

As he said, his eyes focused on the guardian of the terrifying public and other realms, and his eyes flowed, exuding a very bewitching aura: "Well, everyone, it seems that you are not satisfied with the new supreme Supreme. , And my goal is only him. I have no intention of being an enemy of you. The so-called enemy’s enemy is a friend. Should we cooperate together?"

Oleil Omega said coldly: "We will take care of our internal affairs. We don't need you as an intruder to participate!"

"Really, don't you say that you don't know the strength of that person?" The Necromancer smiled jokingly: "My husband is as high as one hundred and fifty, and he was killed by him. Have you won? "

"One hundred and fifty levels?!!!"

The guardians of the realm were all surprised. What happened outside during this period of time?Even the level 150 monster ran out?

I remembered that I opened the guild system before. Except for the name "Monkey King", all other information in the president column was question marks. It turned out that his level was too high?Or did he hide the information himself?

The expressions of the guardians of the realm have become uncertain. Although their numbers are large, they are inferior to the guardians of the floors in terms of quality. For the commander's demon, some people showed a moved look. .

Seeing this situation, Xia Tiya immediately shouted: "You guys, why listen to her nonsense, this is an internal matter of our Nazarick, no outsiders need to intervene!"

Upon hearing the words, the Necromancer saw that the guardians of the realm had loosened, and continued to bewitched: "Outsiders? To you, is he Sun Wukong not an outsider? What are you still hesitating? The object of your loyalty should be the real The supreme supreme, right? Instead of this outsider, I have no threat to you Nazalik. My target is only Monkey King. This does not conflict with you. You only need to help me stop those who are in the way around him. , Others, you don’t need to intervene."

"Shut up! Our business, we will take care of it ourselves, you don't want to confuse people here, and point your fingers!" Oleil Omega suddenly yelled, a terrifying breath swept the audience, eyes full of madness, body The shape flashed and appeared in front of the Necromancer in a flash, the weapon in her hand stabled towards her critical point...

The Necromancer frowned slightly, and the "Sacred Slaughter's Spear" flashed into her hand, facing the weapon stabbed by Oleil Omega.

With a ding sound, Oleil Omega's body flew out like a heavy blow, and hit the wall behind him severely. A mouthful of blood spurted out and was hit hard by the blow.

In layman's terms, half of the blood bar was knocked out by one blow.

"This is?!!!" Shatia and the others all showed shocked faces. They couldn't know the strength of Oleil Omega. Among the domain guardians, she was the person they feared most. Its strength is strong, but it is known as the strongest human being. Although the Necromancer is as high as one hundred and twenty, it is impossible to hit her with a single blow.

For a while, everyone focused on the "Sacred Slaying Spear" she was holding, with a solemn expression: "Will it be... a world-class prop?!"

Albedo looked serious: "I said how dare she break into Nazarick alone, it turned out to be prepared!"

Don't think that the "Sacred Gun" is just an item that completely deletes the target. It is also a world-class item. It naturally has the attack power that a world-class item should have. The ability to completely delete the target is just an attached skill.

Monkey King looked at the weapon in the hands of the Necromancer, and said calmly, ""Sage Slaughter's Spear", is this your support?"

""The Spear of Tu Sheng"?Is it really a world-class prop?What is the ability?"Shatia and the others became nervous and defensive, because they all knew the terrible world-class props, but they only knew the eleven world-class props in the guild, and they didn't know everything else.

Monkey King: "Among the two hundred world-class props, one of the twenty strongest-"Sage Slayer's Spear", possesses the ability to completely erase the target, but must pay the price of being completely erased by the user. It seems she He came here because he planned to die with me. No wonder he is so persistent."

"What? End up together?!!!" Xia Tiya and the others heard the words, and their bodies instantly moved closer to Monkey King, surrounding him in the center for protection.

"Unexpectedly, you knew about the existence of the "Sacred Spear"..." The Necromancer looked at Sun Wukong coldly, "No matter, I originally wanted to see the situation where you Naxalik killed each other, but I am a little kid. Seeing your loyalty to Nazarick, you are not deceived by me, but it doesn’t matter, because this was not my goal at all. From the moment I came here, I didn’t plan to go out alive, Monkey King, you Go to hell with me and make amends to my husband!"

"The Spear of Tu Sheng" emits a dazzling sacred light, shining on everyone in the scene, and the Necromancer locked the light on Monkey King's body, and a pleasant sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth...

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