The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 78: Eternal Tribulation Snake Ring

"Master Wukong!!"

Xia Tiya and Albedo were shocked and furiously rushed towards Monkey King, pressing him under them, trying to block the light that came from him with their bodies.

Sebastian and others also used their own bodies to block him around, which shows that their loyalty to Monkey King is beyond doubt.

Although Sun Wukong was quite pleased with the behavior of Albedo and others, he was also a bit speechless, because he didn't need protection at all, and being so engaged by them made him a little bit restrained.

"It's useless!" The Necromancer's face was full of sneers, and there was a kind of comforting crazy distortion: "Do you think you can block the light of the world with your own body? Impossible! Monkey King, with me Let's go to hell together! No! If it is completely erased, maybe even hell won't be able to enter! Haha~!"

"Damn! Think of a way! Think of a way!" Albedo's anxious expression became distorted, but they didn't have the world-class props to defend the Saint Slaughter's Spear.

"Okay, it makes you nervous." Monkey King patted Albedo and Shatia with a helpless look: "You let me go first, this thing can't hurt me."


The two daughters of Xia Tiya were taken aback, looking at the peaceful and unharmed Monkey King, suddenly thought that Master Wukong has a lot of world-class props, and there is always one prop that can defend this "spear of slaughter". ?They seemed to be nervous.

"Why are you... why are you okay? This is impossible! This is impossible!" The body of the Necromancer is gradually becoming transparent at this moment. The cost of using the "Sacred Spear" has begun to counteract at this moment, and her body is disappearing. : "Could it be have defensive world-class props?!"

Xia Tiya patted her skirt and stood up, with a proud face and gloat: "Of course, not only there are, there are a lot! Hehehe~~It seems that someone has gotten a big oolong~~ Ah~~Your body seems to be disappearing~what to do~what to do~!"

"I..." The Necromancer spit out blood. She was really vomiting blood. She gave her life and wanted to avenge her husband. It turned out to be like this, and she was ruthlessly mocked. How depressed.

"Isn't it good to be alive? Why don't you think so." Monkey King shook his head. In fact, he didn't do anything. How could he be obliterated by a mere world-class props? The Necromancer was completely digging his own grave. At the beginning, the target was set on Monkey King's head, and he was doomed to tragedy.

"Husband..." The Necromancer whispered to herself unwillingly and full of relief, and her body collapsed until she disappeared completely.

The loyalty of the Necromancer is worthy of praise, but unfortunately it is the enemy.

In the distance, the woman who has been watching everything here with magic looks at the picture in the water mirror in front of her, her eyebrows are slightly furrowed, her face is solemn: "She has defensive world-class props, it's a miscalculation, it seems that opportunistic methods don't work. …"

As she said, the light in her hand flickered, but the space around the "Sacred Sage Spear" in the water mirror suddenly fluctuated slightly, and one end of the "Sage Sage Spear" was strangely submerged into the space...

From the beginning, this was a game, and the Necromancer knew that she had been used. It was just a pawn in the hands of others, but she had no choice and had to do that.

Just as the "Sacred Sage's Spear" was about to completely submerge into the space, a hand suddenly stretched out, grabbed it, and shook it slightly, and the fluctuation disappeared. If the woman was hit hard, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and her pupils stared instantly. The boss, very decisively cut off the magic, fell to the ground powerlessly, but the panic on his face did not go away: "Okay, terrible guy! Such a long distance can actually hit me severely in an instant, this, This feeling is like Master Jiuyao... Is his strength equivalent to Master Jiuyao? is it possible!!!"

Who is Jiuyao?That is the strongest recognized in the world!In the past, Master Jiuyao was sealed, but it was only successful with the power of the whole world. How could there be someone equivalent to Master Jiuyao?This must be an illusion!Correct!It must be an illusion!!

"Damn it, "Sage Tu's Spear" was robbed. This is a bit uncomfortable. You have to report this incident to the Great Talent!"

The woman waved her slender hand and sank into the portal...

"Master Wukong, what's the matter?" Xia Tiya looked at Monkey King curiously. The situation with the "Sage Slayer's Spear" just now seemed a bit abnormal.

"Nothing." Monkey King looked calm, and handed the "Sacred Spear of Tu Sheng" to Xia Tiya: "This thing is suitable for you, take it and play, but don't use the skills attached to it."

"Wow~ gave it to me?" Xia Tiya heard the words, and her face was ecstatic. She hugged her hands tightly, and the corners of her mouth were almost cracked behind her ears: "I will protect it with life. !"

Monkey King: "It's just an item. You don't need to be so exaggerated. If it threatens your life, it doesn't matter if you abandon it."

"Yes! It's so happy to hear Master Wukong say this!" Xia Tiya gasped in excitement, "But this is a gift from Master Wukong in the true sense. I will definitely cherish life. Cherish it!"

Xia Tiya deliberately raised her voice loudly, and grinned at Albedo deliberately or unintentionally. That appearance was absolutely proud to show off.

Albedo was obviously so angry that she was trembling, and then softly said to Monkey King with a smile: "Master Wukong, let me be with you."

As he said, walking towards a corner, only hearing the sound of bumping, the ground was shaking for so many times, and Albedo walked out like a lady, and said softly to Marley: "Marley, I accidentally broke a wall just now. You can fix it later."

"Uh~Yes..." Marley nodded repeatedly with a frightened look.

Shatia was happier looking at Albedo's expression at the moment.

Monkey King smiled at Albedo's attitude. Her face was pretty cute, but fortunately, it was completely within the controllable range, otherwise it wouldn't be cute.

"Okay, I like both of you very much. I won't be partial to one person." Monkey King said, took out a ring and gave it to Albedo: "This is also one of twenty world-class props-Yong Jie Snake Ring, you can copy the abilities of any other world-class props, now it’s given to you."

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