"Quit, quit, quit!!" Albedo instantly flushed with excitement, took it at an extremely fast speed, put it on her ring finger, and then smiled at Xia Tiya, now it's her turn Show off proudly: "The ring~ It's the ring~"

Xia Tiya's smug expression instantly solidified, and she was gritted her teeth with anger: "It's too shameless, Master Wukong doesn't mean that. You actually put it on the ring finger, so you can change it! "

"You are jealous, you must be jealous?" Albedo's laughter became even more proud.

"Albedo, Shatia, now is not the time to quarrel." Sebastian watched Albedo and Shatia start the mutual conflict mode again, fearing that they would continue to make Monkey King unhappy. Yue, interrupted them right now and looked at those domain guardians: "Are we going to solve the internal problems first?"

When Shatia and Albedo heard the words, they immediately turned their attention to the guardian of the domain: "It's true, you guys, dare to oppose Master Wukong. Now I'll give you one last chance to quickly take the Pleiadian star cluster. Sisters let go, otherwise, we will treat you as betrayers and eliminate them completely!"

"This sentence should be ours, right?" A cold voice suddenly came from the guardian of the domain, but saw a woman walk out of them. The aura of her body unexpectedly overwhelmed all the people present except Monkey King. Everyone: "I really didn't expect that all your floor guardians would betray Nazalik and the Supreme Supremes together. No matter what reason, it will be unforgivable!"

"Lu, Lubedo!" Seeing the incoming person, Albedo's expression instantly became extremely solemn, is this monster sister also standing on the side of the domain guardian?

If Oleil Omega made them jealous, then this Lubedo made them feel not jealous, but afraid.

Albedo grabbed Sun Wukong’s hand and explained in a condensed voice: "Master Wukong, this is my sister, Lubedo, sister of Nicholas. Although she is a little disrespectful to the Supreme Supreme, she has to Said that she is the strongest individual of our Nazarick, even the strongest supreme supreme-Master Taqi Mi is not her opponent, if you want to defeat her, you must use world-class props, or all of our guardians Qi Shang can take her down!"

Sun Wukong nodded calmly: "Her aura is indeed stronger than any of you. Your supreme Supreme is really amazing, and you have created a guy who is stronger than yourself. It’s not so wonderful. ."

Albedo said with a serious face: "Yes, she is completely different from the way we create. If there are no people who suppress her, it will definitely bring huge disasters to Nazarick. He has won the'World Champion' before. Master Taqi Mi is here, as well as all the Supreme Supreme, but now..."

With that said, Albedo looked at Monkey King with piercing eyes. She meant it was obvious. Now only Monkey King can suppress Lubedo.

"Having strong strength will inevitably give birth to great ambitions." Monkey King looked at Lubedo and said calmly: "What's more, without any hindrance, you can see that for the current Nasarek, you are gone. Loyalty, your purpose is to become the new Supreme Supreme, right?"

Lubedo’s expression was cold, without the slightest concealment: "The departure of the Supreme Supremes makes us Nazalik, Ainz Ul Christine, to have a new Supreme Supreme born, but that person absolutely It won't be you, an outsider!"

"Really?" Monkey King smiled. The next moment, his figure suddenly appeared in front of Lubedo. Before she had time to react, he slapped her whole body directly in. The ground: "It's just that you said it doesn't count." As he said, he looked at Albedo, who was stunned behind him: "She is your sister. Hurry up and tie it back and take it home for a good discipline."

"???" Lubedo seemed to be slapped by the sudden slap.

"Uh~Yes! I will definitely discipline her!" Albedo suddenly recovered from the shock, and quickly trot forward, really tied up Lubedo, who had circled his eyes. Dragged aside.

"Too strong! Is this the strength of Lord Wukong! Even Lord Lubedo doesn't have the ability to resist at all!" Yuli Alpha and others were shocked and their eyes widened. They had heard of Lord Wukong's strength, but I have never seen it before, and now I was really shocked.

Duke Terror and other guardians of the realm were even more shocked by the sudden change. That's the strongest Nazarick, so he was defeated?The strongest is water injection, right?

The imposing and incomparable debut, but it was slapped over in a flash, what the hell?

"As for you..." Monkey King turned the corner of his eyes and looked at the guardians of the territories like Duke Terror, with a calm expression: "If there is any dissatisfaction, let's go together!"

"Gulong~" It seemed to be the sound of swallowing saliva, and the undead such as Horror were instinctively retreating with fear.

Even if Monkey King didn't leak the slightest breath, just standing there was a great deterrent to them, like an uncrossable mountain, making them immobile.

As a group of monsters and undead, their instinct to perceive danger is stronger than ordinary people, so they can more clearly sense the horror of Monkey King.

Seeing that Monkey King’s deterrence was enough, Albedo immediately glanced at all the undead on the opposite side: "Master Wukong is the guardian of all floors, plus my guardian general agrees with the supreme supreme recommended, if anyone has objections , Dissatisfied with our decision, stand up!"

The horrible breath was released, icy cold.

All the guardians of the realm have seen it, and Albedo is telling them that whoever stands up will die!

For a time, all the undead became unfriendly, and died, they were really not afraid.

Oleil Omega did not fear Albedo at all, stepped forward, and stared at her coldly: "Albedo, you don’t need to threaten me with death. As a member of Nazarick, our Loyalty is far above life and death. As long as you give us a reasonable reason, why recommend an outsider to become our supreme supreme? If this reason does not convince me, even if we die, we will fight to the end."

Albedo looked cold, and threw a long magic scroll to her: "Reason? Go and see for yourself!"

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