"Yes, that's really congratulations." Surprisingly, Albedo was not taunting her at this moment.

"Uh~" Shatia looked dazed, and she didn't seem to expect Albedo to say that. Is this guy a bad guy?

Well, the current Albedo is very thoughtful, and he is always worried that Monkey King will leave, and he is not in the mood to quarrel with Xia Tiya.

Sure enough, Monkey King's next words made Albedo's heart jump: "Then, it's time to leave."

"Leave, leave?!" Shatia also became extremely nervous, holding Monkey King's arm full of begging: "Master Goku, please don't leave us, can you stay? You have already taken over Ainz Ur ·Is President Christine now? Since he has taken over, let's be our supreme supreme!

"I said from the beginning, I have no interest in this supreme supreme." Monkey King looked at Xia Tiya.

"Please stay, Master Wukong, please be our supreme supreme!" Xia Tiya still gleamed, looking at him pleadingly.

Albedo's expression became a little gloomy: "Is it because of those opponents before? If it makes Master Goku unhappy because of this, I will go and clean them up. Please Master Goku. Stay, now, the only loyal concubine is you."

"Forget it, it's not because of them." Monkey King grabbed the somewhat extreme Albedo. He believed that if he didn't stop him, she would definitely kill him: "Kill as you do, Nazarick will No one else."

"The concubine doesn't care, you are the only concubine who cares about you, Master Wukong." Albedo looked at Monkey King with a silly face, and he was a little embarrassed with his warm expression.

"Albedo, it's too cunning, and the concubine is the same!" Xia Tiya would not admit defeat, but also made clear her position.

This shows that the loyalty of the two women is completely fine.

"Is it true that Master Wukong said what he said before? Is everything he likes cheating? Do you hate us so much? Are you so unwilling to be the supreme concubine?" Albedo said at this moment The expression looks darkened.

"Of course I didn't lie to you." Monkey King touched Albedo's head and said very seriously: "Being the supreme supreme of the two of you, there is no problem."

"In that case, please stay here!" Albedo's expression turned from yin to joy. "Even if you are only the Supreme Supreme with a concubine body, it is fine. The concubine body will definitely serve Wukong with all his heart and soul. Your lord."

Xia Tiya immediately quit: "Albedo, what do you mean by the Supreme Supreme alone? Master Wukong is also the Supreme Supreme who has succumbed to her body and mind!"

Looking at the stickiness of the two women, Monkey King was relieved and was a little bit too enthusiastic, but they were all on this point. If you think about it carefully, becoming the new supreme supreme of Nazarick is actually Nothing, there are still benefits, like the people in the Pleiades star cluster, he can order at will; besides, there are many enemies behind, this Naxalik can at least use it, and it is much easier to do things. , You can have fun with the person behind the scenes.

"Okay, for the sake of your face, I will be your supreme supreme for a while." Monkey King looked at the two women and said, "But don't worry, even if I leave in the future, I will take you together. I will never leave you alone like the Supreme Supreme before you."


When Albedo and Shatia heard this, their faces were excited and excited. As long as this sentence is enough, the others don’t matter to them. They don’t want to try to be abandoned, especially Ya’er. Bader, if he was abandoned by Monkey King, he would probably be ruined.

Albedo couldn't help but ecstatically said: "The concubine will gather all the guardians, let them see our new Supreme Supreme, and swear their loyalty."

Monkey King: "This is unnecessary, right?"

"Yes, as the new supreme supreme, everyone must see the oath of allegiance!" Albedo said, fearing that Monkey King would repent, and hurriedly opened the Nazarick's dedicated contact system, which will call all those The orders of the senior members of Salic were issued.

Then he bowed to Monkey King and said, "Now, Master Wukong, please move to the Throne Hall, and prepare to welcome the audience of the guardians!"

"Is it necessary to be so formal?" Monkey King was a little helpless, he least liked this kind of trouble, but the next moment he was half pushed and half pulled by Albedo and Shatia to the throne room.

The Sebastian and others who received the news all put down their work with a look of joy and rushed to the throne room at the first time.

The guardians of the floors such as Sebas, Cosettes, and the guardians of the realms such as Pandora Act, Oleil Omega, etc., with the arrival of one after another, the Throne Hall suddenly became very lively.

In the hall of the throne, Monkey King sits on the throne. On the left hand side is Xia Tiya, and on the right hand side is Albedo. The left row of the starting position is the guardian of the Sebastian floors; the right row is the domain guardian, and finally It is the Pleiades star cluster.

Such a lineup, for this world, is absolutely terrifying and gorgeous. Clementine’s eyes are twinkling and excited. She did not expect that her master actually accepted this terrifying organization. What is her identity? Isn't the tide rising?It’s okay to rule the world with the master!

Albedo glanced at everyone in the field with a solemn and solemn expression: "It seems that everyone is here, then, guardians and everyone of the Pleiades star cluster, please offer your loyalty to the Supreme Supreme!"

Shatia was the first to bow down: "Shatia, the guardians of the first, second, and third floors, Brad Fren, see Master Monkey King."

"Setters, the guardian of the fifth floor, see Lord Monkey King."

"Au, the guardian of the sixth floor, see Bela Fiora, see Master Monkey King."


A group of silhouettes bowed down and swore their loyalty. In this way, Monkey King officially became the new supreme supreme of Nazarick.

The next day, Monkey King took Nabelar and Shatia to leave Nazarick. As for Clementine, he stayed and continued to learn from Yuri Alpha.

According to Albedo, as the guardian manager, Nazarick still needs her to deal with many things, and her appearance is not suitable for walking in the human world.

Back to Cang Qiangwei's villa, the surprise is that they are all at home today. Of course, besides them, there is also a stranger and familiar person to Monkey King-Princess Lana...

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