The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 82: Breaking the Seal

The land of the extreme north glaciers.

The temperature here is extremely low all year round, and dripping water can condense into ice, which makes the place very invisible, and the level of Warcraft is generally high.

And even in such a harsh environment, now there is an intruder, a woman, who is dressed in thin clothes, in sharp contrast with the environment here, but it can also be seen that this woman’s Extraordinary.

"According to the map, it should be in this area." The woman muttered to herself, the voice of stepping on the ice was inaudible.

Holding a map in the slender palm, looking at the marking points on it, the deeper the glacier...

Suddenly, accompanied by a roar, a white devil bear over four meters high stopped her path, thumping her chest with both hands, demonstrating roaring, and vomiting: "Human? What a surprise, how long have I not encountered a human being? Well, one hundred years? Or two hundred years? Or longer?"

When the woman heard the words, she just glanced at it indifferently, as if she hadn't seen it, she just ignored it, and continued to look at the map in her hand.

The White Devil Bear’s attitude towards women feels that he has been greatly provoked. The mere “humans” dare to despise him. Isn’t that too much of his attention?

The white devil bear’s eyes flickered in vain, and the soles of the feet exerted force, directly kicking the ice apart, blocking the woman’s path forward: "Human, you have invaded my domain, leave immediately, if you are moving forward, I will See you as provoking the majesty of the great White Demon God!"

"God?" The woman glanced at the white devil bear with sarcasm and disdain. The next moment, her figure suddenly flashed across it, and with a'click', the white devil bear's body was instantly frozen into ice, and her voice suddenly changed. only.

The white devil bear that survives in this harsh environment has great resistance to ice, and its level is as high as more than 30, but it can still be frozen by women at will. With this point, it can be seen that the level of the white devil bear is absolutely equal to Women are not a weight class.

As if she had done something trivial to ask, the woman continued to move forward without looking back, while the white demon bear that was frozen into ice behind her was broken into pieces.

Stopping and walking, the woman spent almost a few hours before she finally came to the end of the glacier, and what prevented her from going was a huge mountain covered with ice with no end in sight.

"It should be here!" The woman looked at the map marker, her calm face finally showed a little excitement, her hand stretched out, and the space in front of her suddenly fluctuated slightly, and her palm reached into the fluctuating space so strangely. , When he took it out, there was already an extra strange big sword in his hand that was full of runes.

The woman was holding a sword in one hand, and suddenly a pair of black wings were ejected from behind. She flapped her body against the mountain wall and rose into the air until she saw a groove on the mountainside before stopping, and then she engraved a strange talisman in her hand without hesitation. Wen's big sword was inserted into the groove.

Suddenly, the weird rune spread out from the sword body, carved on the mountain wall, and gathered towards the top of the mountain...

At the same time, the extreme south, extreme west, extreme east, and the same half-waist of the mountain that can't see the end, also holding a large sword engraved with runes and being inserted into the groove on the mountainside by a black-winged man...

Strange runes invaded the mountain, gathered on the top of the mountain, turned into a black magic beam, and rushed up!

To the southeast and northwest, the magic light pillars in the four directions formed an air field in the air. Above the center of the four light pillars, a small black dot appeared. The dot gradually expanded, as if the space was torn apart. An extremely exaggerated rotating black hole was created, with lightning and thunder, intertwined with magical powers, and there is no heaven.

There was also an extremely huge horror shadow swaying in it, piercing the sky with a wild laugh: "Hahaha~~ Freed!! The deity is finally freed!!! The deity has seen the sun again~!!! Hahaha~~ ~World, get ready to meet the never-ending darkness again!!"

The magical shadows converged and turned into a magic smoke flying out of the black hole. In a condensed state, they turned into a very evil and handsome man.

At the same time, four magic portals flashed all over his body, and four figures walked out of them and bowed in the air in four different directions: "Congratulations, Master, for breaking the seal, and seeing the sun!"

"Very good! Very good! You did a very good job this time!" The man looked at the four people who were kneeling on his side. It was Long Yan Dayue: "Unexpectedly, the deity will break out so smoothly this time. Don't forget it!"

The woman said respectfully: "It's all because the world today is no longer the world we were in. The humans in this world don't seem to know the existence of the master, so no one will stop us from unblocking, so we can Helping the owner break the seal so smoothly."

"Since no one knows the deity, let the deity teach the people in this world an unforgettable lesson! Hahaha~~" The wild laughter shook the eardrums, full of evil intentions and unknowns.

"You shut up, the laughter is really ugly." Suddenly, a soft and indifferent female voice sounded behind the man, and Gu Jing did not hear the slightest mood swing.

"Who?" The man showed a shocked face and suddenly turned around. He didn't even notice someone appeared behind him?This kind of thing could not have happened.

However, when he saw the person behind him, his brows frowned: "Woman?"

The woman is beautiful, not like the world, especially the temperament that ignores everything. The man who thinks he is invincible can't help but feel his heart jump. Feeling the fear originating from the soul, the heart can't help but give birth to a trace of horror, this person who is it?Why did he feel a sense of fear?

How is this possible!

As the person recognized as the strongest in the world, the "Nine Lights World Devouring Demon", is he actually afraid of a woman?This is absolutely not allowed!

The monstrous anger surged, and the horrible breath also rose from the man's body. However, before he could show off his might, the beautiful woman just glanced at him indifferently, which made his horrible breath disappear instantly.

"This, this——!!!" "Nine Lights World Devouring Demon" complexion changed in vain, full of amazement, staring at the woman, and concentrating: "Who are you?!!!"

"It's really rude." The woman still looked calm: "Do you have this attitude toward the person who gave you real life?"

"The person who gave us real life? What do you mean?" The mood of "Nine Lights World Devourer" became more and more manic. This feeling of being underestimated and his fate in control made him very upset and angry: "Could it be that Did you call us into this world?"

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