The woman looked at the demon girl Judy who was as tall as three meters in front of her, and nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad, much more pleasing to the eye than the ugly guy before."

Judy hurriedly landed after hearing the words, kneeling down in front of the woman like the most loyal servant: "Thank you for the master's cultivation, and the slave and maid must dedicate her life in return for the master's favor!

The woman’s face was flat: "Very good. From this moment on, you are the new "Nine Yao World Devourer", and you have been given a new name-Jiu Yao. This "World Tree Heart" has also been given to you. I have also summoned world-class props to this world; and when summoning you, I also brought the rest of the world-class props with me. Go and take back all the world-class props scattered around the world. During this time, don’t I don't want to see any contact with that person named Monkey King, and the people just trained are killed."

"Yes, the slave and maidservant will remember her in her heart, and will surely complete her mission." Zhu Di took the lead, but her heart was full of shock. That Monkey King was so powerful?Stronger than the adult in front of him, is he also jealous of him?Before it was ridiculous, they even wanted to deal with him.

"The three of you are also assisting her." The woman looked at the three demon men, pointed a little, and the three rays of light covered the three of them: "This is a reward for you."

"Follow the master's will." The three demon men were in ecstasy and bowed to their knees to thank; because they not only felt that their own strength had been greatly improved, but even their talents and skills were changed. Their new master, There is such a heavenly power.

"Then, don't disappoint me." The woman said, her figure disappeared.

Seeing that the master had left, all four kneeling on the ground stood up. One of the demon men came to Jiu Yao and said respectfully: "Master Judy..."

Jiu Yao Dai frowned, and glanced at him with extreme dissatisfaction: "I have been given a new name by my master-Jiu Yao!"

"Yes, Master Jiuyao, his subordinates are rude." The demon man bowed and apologized: "Master Jiuyao, what shall we do next?"

"Didn't you hear about the task the master gave me? Naturally, it is the recovery of world-class props scattered around the world."

The demon man bowed and said: "When it comes to world-class props, the subordinates know the whereabouts of one of them."

"Oh?" Jiu Yao looked at the demon man in surprise.

"This is also something that my subordinates learned by accident. We have investigated Nazarick before, right? During this period, the subordinates heard that one of the undead of Nazarick was controlled by a prop. Fortunately The help of that Monkey King was saved."

Jiu Yao's eyes lit up: "Isn't the undead immune to spirit magic? Could it be that..."

The demon man replied with a smile: "Yes, maybe it is a world-class prop, and this prop was not intercepted by the Monkey King. It is still in the hands of the Sleng State..."

"This is a good message, then, let's go to the Silian Church." Jiu Yao said, waving his hand to open a portal and stepping into it.

The three demon men quickly followed in...

in.Yestijie Kingdom, the royal capital, Cang Qiangwei Villa.

"Master Wukong, is the matter finished?" Looking at Monkey King who suddenly appeared in the hall, Iver, who had been sitting silently sitting on the side, got up with a look of joy and joy. He wanted to walk to Monkey King but suddenly saw Xia Ti. After Ya, his figure froze in place.

"Well, it's resolved." Monkey King said, fixed his gaze on Princess Lana.

"I knew that if it was Lord Wukong, it would be okay." Iver showed a look of admiration. Seeing Monkey King looked at Princess Lana, he immediately introduced: "This is the third prince of the kingdom. Princess Na."

"Hello, Lord Monkey King, I'm Lana Thierry Chardonnay Lyle Vansef, you can call me Lana." Princess Lana came to Monkey King with a face like a lady. Holding the skirt in his hand, he performed the courtesy of the nobles of the kingdom, and looked gentle and general: "I often hear Rafasi mention you. I am lucky to see you today."

Xia Tiya heard the words and looked at Lana and nodded with satisfaction: "It is indeed fortunate for Sansheng. Although it is a mere human, what she said is quite pleasant."

"Is this Master Wukong's wife?" Lana turned her eyes to Xia Tiya when she heard the words, her gentle expression seemed to melt people's hearts.

"Oh~hahahaha~~" Xia Tiya heard the words, her happy expression looked a little broken: "Human, do you think the concubine body is like a husband and wife like Master Wukong? Hehehe~~~ Not bad, you are very Not bad! Although it's human, it's extraordinarily likable."

At this moment, how did Xia Tiya look at Lana's pleasing to the eye, this flattery really caught her heart.

Sun Wukong looked at Xia Tiya looking like she could hardly find Beibei, and shook her head. He was also surprised at the venomous look in Lana's eyes. She was indeed a perverted princess in the city. He just saw Xia Ti. Ya's mind, and coax her body and mind happy.

Of course, among this, there must be the intelligence gathered from Lafasi and the others.

However, with a little intelligence, she can make Shatia happy, who hates humans, this Princess Lana does have some skills, and it is no wonder that she can fool people like Lafasi to follow her desperately.

But Nabelal is not so easy to talk. She does not hide her aversion to humans: "Humans, stay away from Master Wukong. It is really rude to get in touch with Master Wukong so close."

Did not call the other maggot, it seems that Nabelal is already very polite.

"Ah~ I'm really sorry." Lana apologized, did not show the slightest dissatisfaction, and backed up to maintain a relatively respectful distance from Monkey King.

She didn't seem to be surprised that Xia Tiya and the others opened their mouths about humans and closed their mouths about humans. It seemed that they had received some information from Lavasi and the others.

Nabelal walked to the soft chair, after careful arrangement, looked at Monkey King, perfectly showing the duty of the maid: "Master Wukong."

If she had served Sun Wukong because of orders before, then she was already dedicated to serving Sun Wukong. After all, Sun Wukong is now their noble supreme.

Monkey King sat down knowingly, and Nabelar and Shatia naturally stood beside him...

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