Monkey King looked at Xia Tiya and Nabelal, and suddenly discovered that with such two followers following, together with his own style and force, they all improved a lot.

Rafasi walked up to the Monkey King and looked at the posture of Xia Tiya and saw some clues and differences. In the past, when they faced Monkey King, they were indeed in awe and respect, but the respect was just facing. Etiquette respect for the strong.

But now, the performance of the two is completely different, completely, from the heart and soul, respectful, a loyal dog posture.

"Could it be that Master Wukong has already..." Rafasi had already guessed the key to some extent, and she couldn't help feeling a little delighted. If the group of dangerous guys were under Master Wukong's control, it would be enough to make her feel at ease.

Bend down, and said with honorific words: "Master Wukong, I have told Princess Lana about the undead monarch. Well, you won't blame me?"

"It doesn't matter, it's not a secret anyway." Monkey King looked casual.

Rafasi and others were also relieved when they heard this.

Monkey King looked at Lahasi and said, "I think you guys were discussing something just now. Isn't it possible that something happened again?"

Lafasi couldn't help but turned her head to look at Princess Lana. Princess Lana informed them of this information, and she naturally had to ask Princess Lana to agree.

"It's okay, go ahead." Princess Lana said softly.

Rafasi looked at Monkey King and said with a serious face: "This incident has just happened not long ago. It is rumored that in the eastern part of the Bajas Empire, in a place called Lagras, an ordinary civilian teenager. It burned more than half of Lagras with one magic..."

"Oh, ordinary civilian teenager?" Monkey King looked at Lafasi and said.

Rafasi looked serious: "Yes, I am sure it is just an ordinary teenager. I heard that it was because he watched his mother be persecuted. He was full of enmity. For some reason, he suddenly gained unparalleled terrifying power and destroyed most of it. Lagras..."

"It is rumored that when the young man gained power, the ring he was wearing clearly emitted a dazzling light, so some people speculated that the young man was able to destroy most of Lagras because of the relationship between the ring in his hand , I guess it might be the secret treasure left by the King of Eight Desires. Now countless teams of adventurers are looking for the trail of that young man. Even the Adventurer’s Guild has already listed the clues for looking for the young man as an unlimited S Level task."

"Can you destroy most of the city's ring..." Xia Tiya heard the words, her eyes flickered, and she suddenly became interested: "If it is said that an item that allows ordinary people to immediately master such power, it may be a world-class item. ."

"World-class props?" Rafasi and others were all attracted by Shatia's words.

"It's that the Qiguo Qingcheng mastered by Silian Education is a level prop." Monkey King said with a calm expression.

When Xia Tiya heard the words, she blinked her lips with an unhappy expression. She was angry when she talked about the Silian Church. As an undead, she would be controlled by others. It was a shame for a lifetime.

"Is it really a secret treasure in the legend?" When the women such as Lafasi heard the words, both eyes were bright. They were regarded as a secret treasure by a religious country, and they knew the extent of its preciousness.

And this kind of precious props was now obtained by an ordinary civilian teenager, and the fate can be imagined.

Hearing what Sun Wukong said, Xia Tiya immediately determined that the ring must be a world-class prop, otherwise Sun Wukong would not compare it to the allure.

"World-class props! Master Wukong, do we need to take action?" Xia Tiya looked at Monkey King, eager to try.

She naturally knew how precious the world-class props were. Now that she knew its whereabouts, it wouldn't be justified if she didn't grab them.

Monkey King looked at Xia Tiya and said with a smile: "Why, you have two of them now, don't you think they are too few?"

Princess Lana on the side heard the words, her face moved slightly, and she glanced at Xia Tiya in surprise.

Xia Tiya smiled: "That's a world-class prop, the more the better, the more is not too much."

Monkey King nodded: "Okay, since you are interested, then let's go to the Bajas Empire. Anyway, it's okay to be idle."

With that said, Monkey King looked at Lafasi and the others: "Looking at the way you look, you seem to be very interested, do you want to be together?"

When Lara Si heard this, she suddenly showed helplessness. Just as Monkey King said, they were really interested in this secret treasure. Princess Lana came here to let them go to the Bajas Empire, and if possible, bring the secret treasure back. ; But now that even Master Wukong has joined, what's the matter with them.

"Since Master Wukong is also interested, let's not join in the fun." Lavasi shook her head, knowing the current affairs.

In fact, she originally wanted to go with Monkey King, so it was better to travel, but Sun Wukong was following a monster like Xia Tiya, which made her feel more pressured, so it was better not to follow.

Upon hearing this, Sun Wukong did not force it: "Then you stay at home and don't go anywhere. The world is chaotic and insecure. It is better to stay at home.

Lahasi nodded solemnly when she heard the words. She naturally knew what Sun Wukong meant by chaos. After seeing the horror of the undead monarch, they no longer dared to go out for adventure. Desperate monster.

This world is no longer the world they know. The so-called hero class is just a joke. Let's stay at home and be an otaku.

Monkey King got up and stood up, looking at La Lasi and said, "Is there a map of the Bajas Empire? Give me a copy."

Upon hearing the words, Lahuasi immediately walked to the side table, rolled up the spread map, and gave it to Monkey King. Just now, they were discussing whether to go to the Bajas Empire, and now they just took the ready-made one to Monkey King. .

Sun Wukong was also welcome, took the map, opened it and took a look, then with a wave of his hand, he opened a portal and walked in.

Shatia and Nabelal quickly followed...

Looking at the teleporters disappearing in front of her, Princess Lana looked helplessly at Lafasi: "Lafasi, why don't you go with Master Wukong? Even if you don't get the secret treasure, it would be nice to have a long experience. "

"Forget it, we can only become a burden..." Lafasi smiled bitterly and shook her head.

The light flashes in Lana's eyes: "Outside, is it so dangerous as you say?"

Lana looked at Lana with deep eyes: "I haven't seen it, I don't understand the horror..." ..

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