The Bajas Empire, the western capital of Owental, is located in the center of the imperial city where the emperor known as the emperor of blood, Jiknif Renfarod El Nix lived.

Somewhere in the city, on the luxurious roofs, Shatia looked at the street ahead, full of doubts: "Master Wukong, listen to the person named Lafasi, that incident happened in Lagras city, we ran here What is the imperial city?"

"Do you think that the man burned more than half of Lagras, would he stay there stupidly?" Monkey King looked at Xia Tiya and asked.

"No." Xia Tiya shook her head and looked at Monkey King: "Master Wukong means, that person will come to this imperial city?"

Monkey King: "From the information, the teenager at the time saw his mother being mutilated, and then suddenly ran away and burned most of the city. The one who mutilated his mother was a nobleman, maybe that nobleman at that time Has been killed by the boy, but do you think that boy will calm his anger?"

"Definitely not, if it were me, I would definitely kill his whole family to get rid of the hatred." Shatia said, her eyes suddenly lit up, and her lovely face suddenly showed a very exaggerated expression of admiration: "Wow, it's really great. Master Monkey King, your foresight really impresses my concubine in my heart. Compared with you, my concubine is too small."

Monkey King was speechless when he heard this. Although this flattery was a bit exaggerated, it was extremely comfortable.

Nabelal, who was on the side, also looked stunned at this moment: "So, that human will be angry with the family of that nobleman, and according to intelligence, that human noble is located in the imperial city, so Wukong will take Are we here..." As he said, even Nabelal became admired: "A little bit of intelligence will give you insight into everything. Master Wukong is really..."

"Stop, stop~~" Before Nabelar finished the flattering, Sun Wukong interrupted her: "It's alright, don't flatter, I feel a little embarrassed to hear it."

Nabelal said with a serious face: "How could this be flattering, but the subordinates are telling the truth, from the heart and soul."

Xia Tiya said with a serious expression: "In other words, as long as that human teenager makes another move, we will take him down before we come out?"

Monkey King nodded calmly: "So we just need to wait, and we don't need to spend that time looking for someone. Once the world-class item cools down, the boy will be unable to bear it and choose to take action."

Xia Tiya chuckled when she heard the words, and put her arms around Monkey King's arm: "Then Master Wukong will go shopping with her concubine for a while."

"Let's go." Monkey King smiled and nodded.

When Xia Tiya heard the words, her face suddenly showed ecstasy, and her excited body trembled: "Hehehe~~ If you let Albedo know this, you will be mad with envy!"

At the same time, in a tavern on a remote street east of the imperial city, in a completely sealed room, four adventurers sat around the dining table.

"Now, let's start our "Four Mentors" meeting."

"First of all, please confirm the content of our commission this time, the unrestricted S-level mission, to obtain the legendary treasure of the Eight Desire King; or the unlimited B-level mission, to obtain the whereabouts of the Eight Desire King's secret treasure, and report it to Adventurer's Union..."

"Leader, do we really want to take this quest? The legendary treasure of the King of Eight Desires, it's not a simple thing to listen to, I'm afraid that even the steel grade adventurer team will participate?"

"That's why I proposed to open the meeting and want to get your opinions. This task is just as you think, the risk factor is great, but the danger and the opportunity coexist. If it is completed, then all of us will be unable to eat and wear forever. Worry, you can retire early."

The girl sitting by the window heard the words, but her eyes shone inexplicably, and said in an extremely firm tone: "No matter what your wishes are, I will never shrink from this mission!"

The woman beside the girl heard the words and said with an extremely serious expression: "Aixue, are you the secret treasure of the Eight Desire King?"

"How is it possible!" The girl named Arche shook her head when she heard the words, "That kind of secret treasure, even if we get it, we can't keep it. It is not something we can have, otherwise it will only usher in disaster, at most we can only use it. In exchange for money..."

"You are short of money?"

"Lack, very scarce!" A strange look appeared in Arche's eyes.

Her companions were all stunned when they heard the words. Adventurers of their level have the strength comparable to the Mithril level. Logically speaking, the rewards for the missions should not make her so short of money, right?

"What's the matter? The rewards we get based on our level are not enough for you to spend? Or, what are your difficulties?"

Arche was silent for a while, and said with a gloomy expression: "I owe someone a lot of money..."

"How much do you owe?"

"Three hundred gold coins."

All her companions looked at each other in surprise, considering the income of the average person, this figure was simply scary, no wonder she was so determined on this mission.

Seeing the puzzled expressions of his companions, Arche had a gloomy expression, but she finally spoke with a heavy voice: "Speaking out will make the family ugly, so I can't say it-my family was originally a nobleman and was deprived of status by the Blood Emperor, but My parents still live a noble life. Of course, we don’t have the money at all, so they borrow money from a bit bad place to supplement their family..."

"Really, there are such parents? Do you want me to talk to them?"

"They should be allowed to listen to God's teachings, no, maybe they should have a God's iron fist first."

"Maybe there is no hole in the ear at all, it is more important to make a hole first!"

Seeing her companions filled with righteous indignation, trying to vent her expressions, Arche hurriedly stopped: "Please wait, the matter is over, let me talk about it, depending on the situation, I will take my sister away."

"You still have a sister!"

"Such parents are really too much. It would be better to take your sister away."

Arche looked serious: "So, I have to accept this task. I said that these are not for you to be with me. You don't need to take into account my feelings. If you don't want to go..."

"What are you talking about, Arche, since this task is so important to you, it is also a rare opportunity for us. If it succeeds, it will really last a lifetime, no, it will not be a problem for ten lifetimes? That being the case, everyone, let's put it together!"

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