The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 105: Sebastian and Chiara

"No, we must be cautious about this matter. We must not make arbitrary assertions. We must personally confirm whether he is really loyal to the Monkey King." Albedo's face was serious. After the previous internal disturbances, Ya Erbeide has never allowed similar things to happen. In this regard, she maintains an attitude that she would rather kill mistakes and never let it go.

Seeing Albedo's resolute attitude, Monkey King nodded. After all, this is also an expression of her absolute loyalty to herself. He looked at Sebastian and said, "Kill her."

Sebastian's body was visibly trembling, he stood up in silence, and looked at Qiyalei: "Sorry, Qiyalei, the supreme supreme command is absolute..."

Qiyalei trembled when she heard the words, but she didn't seem to be afraid. Instead, she looked at Sebastian with a gentle smile: "It's okay, Lord Sebastian, I have no complaints about being able to die in your hands. No regrets."

Sebastian looked at Qiyalei expressionlessly, his aura fluctuating a bit. After taking a deep look at Qiyalei, he squeezed his palm into a knife and pierced Qiyalei's chest resolutely.

Qi Yalei's mouth was bloody, and she still looked at Sebastian with a gentle smile: "Please don't...sad, Sebastian...sir...I don't regret...I can meet you...I am very happy..."

The vitality gradually disappeared until it disappeared completely.

Sebastian held Qiyalei's body and was silent, as if a sad mood spread from him.

Monkey King looked at Albedo: "Now, satisfied?"

"It seems that the concubine is really thinking too much." But Albedo still doesn't think that he has done something wrong: "But the concubine doesn't feel that he has done anything wrong. Who told him to be moved by mere humans."

"This is your fault, Albedo." Monkey King looked at Albedo with a serious face: "Love does not distinguish between races and borders. You can't deny others' feelings for humans because you hate humans, love Once it breeds, it makes no sense. Sebastian can put his loyalty to me first and his own feelings second. This is already commendable. If it is you, if yours The supreme Supreme has returned. If you want you to kill me, can you do it?"

"No! Concubine body is absolutely impossible to do that!" Albedo screamed almost excitedly: "Even if you kill other Supreme Supreme, your concubine body will definitely not attack Master Wukong!! "The tone is resolute but determined.

When Sebastian and the others heard this, they all looked at Albedo in shock. They really didn't expect Albedo to say such things.

In all fairness, in terms of loyalty, they still have to be higher to the original Supreme Supremes, and absolutely can't do crazy things like killing other Supreme Supremes for Monkey King.

Xia Tiya also looked at Albedo with a look of astonishment. She really did not expect that Albedo’s love for Monkey King had reached this level. At this point, she felt that she was the first. Lost this time and lost to Albedo.

With his eyes flickering, Che also strengthened his heart because of Albedo's words of'great rebellion, so that his love for Master Wukong would not lose to Albedo.

Xia Tiya resolutely stepped forward and hugged Monkey King's arm, and said firmly: "Master Wukong, the concubine body is also the same as Albedo, and only loyalty is dedicated to you. For you, the concubine body can also be The other supreme princes shot!"

That's why it is said that love is unreasonable. Sebastian can put his love in the second place and loyalty in the first place, which is really not what ordinary people can do.

"Xia Tiya, you guys don't learn to talk by yourself!" Albedo immediately stared at Xia Tiya with a dissatisfaction, and at the same time stepped forward and hugged Monkey King's other arm: "Also, don't take the opportunity Take advantage of Master Wukong."

"You don't want to learn from me!" Shatia looked at Albedo and learned how to hug Monkey King's arm, and immediately turned back.

Monkey King: "Okay, give me silence both of you."

"Ah~ sorry, Master Goku, my concubine was rude X2."

Albedo and Shatia immediately stopped talking.

Monkey King looked at the two women and said, "Now, what do you think of Sebastian?"

When the two women heard this, they looked at Sebastian with admiration. They asked themselves that there was absolutely no way they could do anything against their lover or Master Goku; but Sebastian did it, and he killed Qi himself. Ya Lei, only this point, they are not as good as they have no doubt about Sebastian's loyalty.

Monkey King looked at Sebastian, and said: "Your loyalty makes me very satisfied. For this, naturally I have to be rewarded. I will allow you to be with this human being."

"Huh?" Sebastian heard the words, his eyes lit up inexplicably, and looked at Monkey King a little excited: "Could it be that Lord Wukong, you..."

"As for the loyal subordinates, I will naturally not deprive him of the love in his heart. Therefore, if you have someone you like in the future, you can boldly say nothing, don't hide something, and cause others to misunderstand." Monkey King said, waving lightly , A ray of fluorescence fell on Qi Yalei's body, making her lifeless body immediately full of vitality, and her closed eyes slowly opened...

"Resurrection magic... It turned out to be the legendary resurrection magic!!"

Each of the members of the Quadrature had their eyes widened in surprise.

The first time Qiyalei opened her eyes, she saw Sebastian. Dai's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, her heart filled with self-blame: "Master Sebastian, are you...I'm sorry, it's me..."

"Don't talk." Sebastian held her head down before she finished speaking, and knelt down to Monkey King: "Thank you very much, Master Goku, thank you for your generosity and understanding, Seba Si Diane swears here, from then on, you will be my only supreme Supreme, Sebastian Diane!"

"Forget it, you're a bad old man saying this, it always sounds weird to hear." Monkey King waved his hand half-jokingly, and looked at Qi Yalei and said, "Your name is Qi Yalei, right?"

"Yes, yes." Qia Lei fell on her knees and did not dare to lift her head. She seemed to have realized that she seemed to have been resurrected: "Qia Renina Veron, this is my whole name."

Monkey King nodded: "Because of Sebastian's loyalty to me, I allow you to join Nazarick and become a member of the Pleiades star cluster."

As he said, looking at the portal that hadn't been closed, he said calmly: "Yuri."

For a moment, a tall, intellectual beauty with glasses walked out of it and fell to her knees: "What's your order, Master Wukong."

(PS: Finally, the rush is over. One shift is indeed too few. From now on, I will try to do two shifts every day, and I will do more when I rest; there will be one shift later.) ..

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