Monkey King looked at Qi Yalei and said: "This human named Qi Yalei, I have allowed her to join the Pleiades star cluster. From now on, you will be responsible for her affairs. As for the position, you can take care of it."

"Understood." Li Alpha took the lead.

Sun Wukong's words changed: "Now, let's talk about the affairs of the Silian Church." With that, Xiang Jue Shi desperately looked at the past: "Now, you talk about the situation in the Silian Church."

Desperately stepped forward and said: "I don't know the specific situation, but I learned from the news that the Silian Church was attacked by three monsters that did not look like humans. Enemy, in a short period of time, the country was destroyed, the kingdom’s artifact, [Qing Guo Qingcheng] was robbed, but from their actions, from the beginning, they were focusing on the true artifact [Qing Guo Qingcheng]. "

"Qing Guo Qingcheng, is that the world-class prop that controls Xia Tiya?" Dimiugos said, as for the name of this world-class prop, their guardians are still fresh in their memory.

"Don't keep mentioning my name!" Xia Tiya said with an unhappy expression.

Dimiugos did not answer the conversation, but looked at Monkey King: "Master Goku, it seems that the people who attacked the Sri Lankan State seem to be related to the previous undead monarchs?"

Monkey King nodded: "Only they can easily destroy a country, but judging from their actions, they seem to be collecting world-class props."

"Master Wukong, do you know who those people are?" Desperately looked at Monkey King.

"Well, it's probably that group of people." Sun Wukong said calmly: "If it is really them, in this world, no one except us can deal with it."

"In other words, are they strong like you?" Destiny said with a frown.

Monkey King shook his head: "No, in terms of individual strength, they are stronger than my guardians."

A desperate expression of astonishment: "Better than Lord Shatia?"

Monkey King nodded: "Yes, better than her."

Desperately silent, better than Shatia?What is this concept?Is there already monsters everywhere in this world?

"Then, Master Goku, what are we going to do? Do we want to act now and go to the Kingdom of Sleng?" Dimiugos bowed.

"Ah~ I understand!" Xia Tiya suddenly said with a look of excitement: "I understand Lord Wukong's intention to take in the dead and to spare the lives of the members of the Dark Holy Scriptures. Now the Slian Church has no leader. , It’s the best time to control, Master Wukong, you want to take advantage of the desperation and the prestige of the members of the Dark Holy Scriptures in the Slian State to control the Slian State in one fell swoop, right?"

"..." Monkey King looked at Xia Tiya speechlessly, saying, shouldn't this kind of brain supplementation be Dimiugos's strong point? Why is it replaced by you now?

"So that's the case." Sure enough, Dimiugos, the emperor of the brain, suddenly said: "Does Master Goku want to control the entire Kingdom of Sri Lanka? Indeed, our Naxalik does have a shortage of manpower now. To control a human country, for us, facing those unknown and powerful enemies is indeed a lot of advantages, but a country seems to be far from enough, or, Master Wukong, let’s unify other neighboring countries, too. In this way, we can create enough troops to face those strong enemies. Although humans are generally weak, if they are made into an undead army, they still have a lot of combat power."


After hearing this, the four counselors and the others took a breath of air. The invasion of another country was so lightly spoken by them?And what the hell is it to make humans into an army of undead?It seems that this group of people is very dangerous, no, it is extremely dangerous!

"..." Monkey King was really speechless this time. How inexplicable, Nazarick's course of action was pointed to the road to dominate the world?

"That kind of trouble will be avoided." Sun Wukong refused without thinking. He didn't want to be led by Dimiugos to play the world domination game: "However, since those people are collecting the world Level props, then we can’t just leave it alone. From the emergence of world-class props, I guess there will be a lot of news about the emergence of world-class props. The rest of Nazarick’s staff went to every corner of the world to find out news about the birth of world-class props, and recovered them, but if you meet those people, don’t conflict with them and report it to me immediately."

"Understood, I will do your will!" Dimiugos retired and entered the portal back to Nazarick.

"You go too." Monkey King looked at Sebastian and said.

Sebastian nodded, and Tongyuri Alpha took Qiarei back to Nazarick.

Albedo looked at Monkey King with a look of dismay: "Master Goku, Xia Tiya has been with you for so long. Isn't it time for my concubine to be with you now?"

Xia Tiya immediately stopped doing it after hearing the words: "Hey, Albedo, don't go too far. Concubine stays with Master Wukong so well, why do you want to keep your concubine away? The chicken wings are too conspicuous, so don't say such things."

"You, who do you say are chicken wings?" Albedo immediately exploded when he heard the words.

Sure enough, the two people are not in harmony. When they speak, they smell full of gunpowder.

Nabelal, who has been silent all the time, said at the right time: "Master Albedo, Master Shatia, it's really rude to make a noise in front of Master Goku."

"When is it your turn to teach us?" Albedo and Shatia immediately stared at Nabelar at the same time: "Even if you are fortunate enough to be favored by Master Wukong, you are just a concubine. Not qualified to challenge us."

Nabelal's face was calm: "This subordinate is very clear, but if the two make a lot of noise after seeing each other like this, maybe even the place for the concubine is gone."


When Albedo and Xia Tiya heard these words, they were both shocked, and decisively did not dare to talk back, and looked at Monkey King with a flattering expression: "Well, Master Wukong, don't look at our quarrel. Actually We have a good relationship..."

"Okay, just stop, don't let outsiders watch the jokes." Monkey King was speechless at this, and bypassed the topic: "Now, I have to go and see how the situation is with Arche." ..

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