The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 114 Communication

"So, you are more than two hundred and fifty years old?" Gegland said with a look of stunned expression.

"Please don't just say my age." Iver looked at Gegland with a sad expression.

"Uh, hug, sorry." Gegland touched his head with embarrassment on his face. The previous Evel's grief was enough to give people pressure. Now that she knows her identity, the pressure is even greater.

But they didn't feel any sense of distance. After all, they had also seen the monsters of Nazarick. Compared with Evel's, it was no big deal.

Ligurit looked at Iver, who was still hesitating, and said with a serious face: "Inberon, you have to think about it clearly. Our action is to gather other dragon kings to deal with the next disaster. And with the [two-world mandala], do you really want to stay at home and do nothing? Have you forgotten my original intention to make you an adventurer?"

"..." Iver was speechless, and his heart was very tangled, but after going out, maybe he might still meet Master Wukong.

Thinking about this, Ivere nodded immediately: "Okay, I'll go with you."

Ligulit heard the words, the wrinkles on her face suddenly bloomed into a flower, tilted her head, and looked at Lavasi: "As a descendant of the thirteen heroes, you who inherited the resurrection technique may also be useful. Lafasi, you can also walk with us."

"This..." Rafasi looked at Iver's hesitation a little bit: "Iver's, are we really leaving? We promised Master Wukong..."

Iver's expression remained unchanged and said: "Are you willing to wait here without doing anything? Maybe after we go out, we will meet Master Wukong, after all, his goal seems to be that group of people. "

Lavasi's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she no longer hesitated, she just said, "Okay, then it's so decided."

"Leader, don't forget us, we are also a member of Cang Qiangwei." Gegland said immediately.

"We didn't go out to play." Ligulit frowned slightly, she really didn't want to bring so many oil bottles.

"We know that, don't worry, it won't cause you trouble." Gegland said with a carefree expression: "If it drags you down, you can leave us."

"Since you have this enlightenment, please do as you please."

After hearing this, the daughters of Ge Gelan all showed joy. The legendary Dragon King, it seems that there is a chance to meet, and it is not a matter of the moment, so he hurried back to the room to clean up.

Iver looked at Ligulit and said, "What is our first goal?"

The Platinum Dragon King Char said: "The colorful dragon king entrenched alone in the middle of the mainland, the world's highest mountain peak."

"Colorful Dragon King?" Tina suddenly became interested: "Iver, tell us, what is the Colorful Dragon King like?"

"Colorful Dragon King..." Iver frowned, "One of the true dragon kings. He likes to have children with humans, so he is regarded as perverted by his clan..."

"Change, abnormal?" Tina looked stunned.

The Platinum Dragon King nodded and said: "It's like human beings are like caterpillars, wild boars, wild dogs, etc., giving birth to children. Do you think it's abnormal?"

Tina and the others were stunned: "Can you compare it this way?"

Char continued: "Although that guy is a pervert, he is the most likely to help humans, so the first target we look for is him."

After finishing up, Lavasi came to the living room and mourned to Evel, "Ever, I think we should go to Master Wukong before we leave, and it is better to tell him."

Iver heard the words, nodded silently, and looked at Char: "Let's go find Master Wukong first, is it okay?"

Charl looked at Ligurite, Ligurite thought for a while, and nodded: "Yes, I want to see that adult, too, but don't you say you don't know where that adult is?"

"Although we don't know the specific location, there is a guy who must know." Iver said mournfully, walking towards the backyard.

Ligurit and Char looked at each other and followed...

When they came to the backyard, they happened to see a big hamster turning his belly to sigh the sun.

Before Iver mourned them to say hello, the sage king of the forest screamed a weird scream, turned and bounced, his hair standing up, staring hostilely at the platinum dragon king: "This breath... dragon, dragon?!!!"

"Oh? I have completely concealed my breath, you can still perceive it?" The Platinum Dragon King looked at the big hamster that was extremely weak to him in surprise.

"Don't be nervous, Komori, he is not an enemy." Ivere said immediately.

"Isn't it an enemy?" The vigilant forest king was like a discouraged ball, sitting down on the ground: "Scare, scare me, I thought I was going to challenge this monster."

Gegran immediately made up for it: "I'm so courageous, it's no wonder Master Wukong dislikes you and left you here."

The sage king of the forest immediately jumped up as if someone had stepped on his tail: "It's not disgusting, the master is asking me to protect you!"

"Come on, it's just being disgusted." Ivere also made a knife mercilessly.

"Isn't that true?" The Forest King was immediately knocked to the ground.

"Okay, get up and contact Master Wukong and ask where he is now."

"Huh? Are you looking for the master?" The Forest King opened one eye and looked at Ivera. As Monkey King’s pet, it has been pulled into the Nazarick Guild by Monkey King. Therefore, it can now also use that long range. Communication system.

"Yeah, we want to leave here and find Master Wukong, do you want to stay here forever?"

"Going to find the owner? Okay~ I'll contact the owner!"

When the sage king of the forest heard this, he was immediately happy. In fact, he had long wanted to leave here and return to his master. However, he commanded him and did not dare to step out of the villa.

Church country, church.

Looking at the scene of ruins in front of her, the eyebrows were slightly frowned, and an angry mood was brewing. This is like a person suddenly seeing his home destroyed by others.

Although she really doesn't care much about the education of the country, her home has been destroyed, but she can't treat it as if she hasn't seen it.

"Those bastards, what do you do when you grab things and destroy buildings?" There was suppressed anger in the desperate tone.

"Master, master, can you hear it?"

But at this moment, Monkey King's voice also rang in his ears...

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