The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen

"Something?" Monkey King connected to the Forest King.

"Lahuasi and the others said they wanted to come to you and asked where are you now?"

Monkey King frowned slightly: "Don't you let them stay at home, why are you running out?"

"Just now two people came to Evel to mourn. One of them seems to be a dragon king, maybe it has something to do with him."

"Oh~Dragon King?" Monkey King suddenly became interested. If we say that in this world, there are only those Dragon Kings that can contend with the guardians of Nazalek.

Unexpectedly, those dragon kings who are hidden in the world are now present on their own initiative. Did they discover the crisis and changes in this world?

"Let them come and see me." Monkey King waved his hand, and a portal appeared in front of him.

The Forest Sage looked at the teleporters who suddenly appeared in front of him, and turned his head to look at Ivera and the others: "The master has agreed."

With that, I rushed into the portal first...

"Master, I finally see your majesty, dignity, and extraordinary heroic posture. I am really honored." When we met, the sage king of the forest threw himself at the feet of Monkey King and hugged his thigh. , Flattery should be served first.

"You stay here first." Sun Wukong kicked it aside, and looked at Ivera and his party who walked out of the portal.

"Master Wukong." Seeing Monkey King again, Evel sad was a little excited, but seeing that Xia Tiya and the others were also there, he didn't dare to make any close moves.

But Monkey King reached out and touched her head, his eyes focused on Char who walked out last: "I didn't expect that you still know the Platinum Dragon King."

The first time Platinum Dragon King Charles walked out of the portal, he took a glance at everyone present, but in a flash, his pupils contracted slightly. The crisis from instinct made his scales stand up, his eyes were first. Time was concentrated on Shatia, Albedo, and Nabelal. From the three of them, he felt a sense of crisis from the soul.

The perception of dragons is extremely keen, even in sleep, as long as someone approaches, they can clearly perceive people or things close to them.

And Albedo, Shatia, and Nabelal, in his perception, have a sense of horror that threatens his life, especially Albedo and Shatia, the feeling they gave him It made his skin feel a burning sensation, that is to say, the strength of the two of them may be far above him.

If they were the two undeveloped women, they might not be much different from the Platinum Dragon King's strength, but after they have evolved, their strength will naturally far exceed the Platinum Dragon King.

But when he focused his gaze on Monkey King, his brow furrowed. He couldn't even perceive any energy fluctuations. The adult standing in front of him was like an ordinary human being. Ordinary, but it makes him cold, because he knows that the more ordinary, the more terrifying this person is.

When he stepped forward, Char was about to bow down to meet him, but saw Xia Tiya stabbing the dropper spear in his hand obliquely, blocking him: "The rude person, who allowed you to approach Master Wukong? "

A horrible aura was released, swept across the bodies of the Platinum Dragon King and Ligulite like a violent wind. The Platinum Dragon King felt a high mountain pressing down on his body, his scalp numb, and the crisis instantly rolled his whole body.

Ligurit was overwhelmed by this terrifying, unknown breath with a strong sense of nausea, but she was forced to suppress it, but her heart was shocked and terrified. The person in front of her was so terrified. The strength?This seems to be stronger than the Platinum Dragon King Char!

At the beginning, Iver heard that the other party had killed a level 150 horror powerhouse. They still didn't believe it. Now, they do.

It's just that this disgusting and terrifying breath does not seem to be on the side of justice.

"Master Shatia, they are not enemies..." Iver mourned, afraid that Shatia would take action, and hurriedly stopped.

Monkey King waved his hand and said, "Xia Tiya, let them come up to see you."

When Xia Tiya heard the words, her horror aura reduced, and she stepped aside: "Allow you to wait and see you."

Char didn't dare to neglect, and went forward with Li Gulit, bowing and saluting: "Master Monkey King, I am the Platinum Dragon King——Chaindu Lux Bai Xiang, you can directly call me Char, and hereby see you."

Ligurit also bent over and saluted: "Old woman Ligurit, I hereby pay a respectful greeting, Master Monkey King."

"This is not your body, right?" Monkey King looked at Chardao.

Char was very careful and polite: "Yes, for some reason, I can't leave the place where I originally lived, so I can only travel the mainland in this way."

"To be able to control the puppet at such a long distance, your strength is not bad."

"Where, compared to you, it is too small." Char's face was respectful and humble, and even the strength of his men was stronger than him, so the strength of the man in front of him is probably beyond his reach.

The people brought by this “aftershock” were so powerful that Charr felt a deep sense of powerlessness, and he could only pray that they would never have a hostile relationship, otherwise the entire continent , I'm afraid it will be overwhelming.

But the breath of Guan Xia Tiya and Albedo did not seem to be on the side of justice!

Monkey King looked at the two of them: "So, what is the purpose of your coming to see me?"

Charl hesitated for two seconds, and his expression was extremely serious and solemn: "Are you from YGGDRASIL?"

"Oh~ do you even know YGGDRASIL?" Monkey King looked at the Platinum Dragon King slightly surprised, and then relieved again: "But that's right, after all, you are the survivors of the Eight Desire King incident."

"Sure enough..." Char's expression was extremely solemn when he heard this, and only people from YGGDRASIL could possess such incredible terrifying power.

It's just that the people who came this time seem to be a little bit too high, and they are far ahead of him. In the past, they had a leader (player) standing on the same line with them. Now, can they still deal with it?

"What is your goal?" Ligulit looked serious. This is very important. Monkey King's answer is related to their friendship attitude and the safety of the world.

"Please don't ask such a rude question." Before Sun Wukong could answer, Ivere said coldly to Ligulit with a bad face, because she knew a little about Sun Wukong's character. Such questioning, On the contrary, it is possible to make Monkey King the opposite. ..

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