The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen

She even angered Xia Tiya and other guardians, because she knew very well that Xia Tiya and other guardians' respect and respect for Monkey King couldn’t tolerate outsiders’ disrespect for him. Otherwise, they would welcome them. The hostility of everyone.

Ligurit looked at Evelée unexpectedly, seeming to be surprised that this former cry lover would even talk to herself in this tone.

However, she also knew Evel's character, if it were not for a reason, she would not say that, so she didn't say much.

And things really were as Iver thought, Ligulet's questioning caused Shatia's three faces to be angry, "Human, you are so rude, you dare to speak to Master Wukong in a questioning tone."

"Stop such maggots!" Nabelal's eyes were full of coldness.

Albedo was even more straightforward, the horror had already been locked on Ligulite's body, and a word from Monkey King would instantly kill her.

"Gulong~" With a sound, Ligurit swallowed his saliva with difficulty. It was because of the tenacity that she had tempered, she was also shocked by the cold, and there was a feeling of crying without tears. The old body just asked. Just a sentence, there is no need for such a big reaction, right?

Now she finally knows why Evelée drank her coldly. When facing this adult, she can't show even the slightest disrespect?

The Platinum Dragon King Char hurriedly stepped forward, stood in front of Ligurite, and bowed to the Monkey King: "Master Monkey, Ligurite is not disrespectful to you, but just expressed the doubts in his heart. Offend, please forgive me."

Sun Wukong waved his hands at random, Xia Tiya and the others condensed their breath and stood beside her obediently.

Looking at Ligulit, Monkey King said calmly: "I don't have to answer this stupid question. If you want to be my enemy, I won't mind."

"You said and laughed." The Platinum Dragon King bowed again: "Our question is just the fear of the weak for the strong. How dare you be your enemy? Please forgive the Lord Monkey King for our sins of disrespect."

"Oh~" Monkey King looked at the Platinum Dragon King with some surprise. As the strongest dragon king, this guy could say such a thing, not like a proud dragon at all, but this guy can be friends with humans. , This performance seems reasonable.

Sun Wukong didn't pay attention to the two, but looked at Lafasi and the others: "Then, why are you looking for me? Didn't I tell you to stay at home?"

"That..." Rafasi seemed a little afraid to speak.

When the grinning Gegran smiled, "Aren't we trying to meet the legendary dragon king, so we just wanted to come out with Evel to meet the world..."

"Are you looking for other dragon kings?" Monkey King turned his head and looked at Iver sadly.

Iver was sad and nodded solemnly: "Yes, the mainland is no longer peaceful now, so we want to seek the help of other dragon kings to deal with the next disaster."

"Seek the help of other dragon kings..." Monkey King looked at Iver Lament strangely.

"What's the matter?" Iver was curious with a sad look. Why did Master Wukong look at himself with such a look?

"I'm just a little curious. The Kingdom of Imberia was destroyed by the Dragon King of the Rotten Coffin. As the princess of the Kingdom of Imberia, now, you are going to seek the help of the Dragon King."

"Huh?!" Iver heard this, his pupils shrank slightly, his face full of shock: "You, you mean, my country was destroyed by the Dragon King? Master Wukong knows what happened more than two hundred years ago. What's the matter?" Evel grabbed Sun Wukong's hand with a sad expression: "Please tell me everything you know, Master Wukong, please!"

"You don't know yet?" Monkey King looked at Iver Lament with a strange expression. It stands to reason that she should know the truth of the matter. Is there something wrong?Or is it because of his arrival that a little incited the butterfly's wings?

Ivere shook her head vigorously. For more than two hundred years, she has been looking for the murderer who destroyed her country, but to this day, she still has no clue.

Sun Wukong tilted his head and glanced at the platinum dragon king Char and Ligulite. These two guys definitely know the truth of the destruction of the Empire of Imbelia. Why didn’t they tell Ivera? You can guess a little bit, Liguli I don't have the ability to deal with the Coffin Dragon King, and know the terrible Coffin Dragon King, so I dare not tell Evelai, afraid that she will find the Coffin Dragon King revenge.

The Platinum Dragon King does have the ability to kill the Dragon King of the Corrupted Coffin, but as the Dragon King, it is impossible for him to kill a Dragon King for the sake of a human. After all, his relationship with Ivere has not reached that level, it is only one side. The fate.

"In that case, you don't even know how you became a vampire?" Monkey King looked at Yiweiwei with a strange expression.

Iver shook her head with a look of sorrow, and looked at Monkey King eagerly. She knew that the truth she had been seeking was about to come to light.

"You are really a fool." Monkey King reached out and touched Iver's head: "The reason why you have turned from a human to a vampire is related to your natural ability."

"My natural ability?" Iver listened carefully.

"Yes, your original natural ability was to store'any magic you saw or endure, but only one'. At that time, your country was destroyed because of the force of the soul-gathering magic of the Dragon King Originator. , Except for you who escaped a catastrophe with the natural ability, everyone else has become a non-self-conscious zombie, that is to say, you have become a vampire because you have stored the original magic of the Dragon King."

"Is it because of this that I became a vampire?" Iver looked dull and sorrowful, and at the same time, endless anger rose in his eyes: "Where is the Dragon King? Where is the Dragon King?"

"If he hasn't been killed yet, he should be in the ruined Umberia country." Sun Wukong said calmly. He still knows a little bit about the true face of the Dragon King. If nothing happens, he should still be killed. The ruined Umberia country is right.

"He, is he still in my country?" The flames of hatred in Evel's eyes became more and more vigorous, and suddenly he knelt in front of Monkey King, looking at him eagerly: "Master Wukong, please help me kill Let’s drop the Dragon King, from then on, I’m mourning, no, my life is yours for Keno Fasiris Umbrella." ..

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