The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen

In fact, Ivere wanted to follow Monkey King for a long time, but she had no excuses. Now, there is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transfer to his commander. How could she miss it and transfer to Master Goku in this form, too. Not to cause the jealous Shatia and Albedo adults to resent, right?

"Inberon, you--" Ligurit looked astonished. She didn't expect that Evel's would be transferred to this person who is not even known to Evil. Is the hatred in her heart still Is it so rich?

Well, Rao Ligulit would not know if he wanted to get rid of his scalp, revenge was only incidental, and switching to Monkey King's command was the ultimate goal of Ivera.

"You girl, there are a lot of ghosts and thoughts." Sun Wukong naturally saw through Ivera's inner thoughts at a glance, and couldn't help but look at her somewhat jokingly.

Seeing Sun Wukong's look through everything, Iver's expression turned red inexplicably sad.

"All right." Monkey King pulled Iver's sorrow up and said: "If the Rotten Coffin Dragon King is really alive, he can make the desperate break through his own level limit, I will accompany you on a trip."

Hearing the words, her eyes lit up and she was filled with excitement. The legendary Dragon King, if he absorbs his power through [Endless Greed], she can guarantee that her level will definitely increase, and It's definitely not a star.

"Really? Great!" On the other hand, Iver was happier than desperate, completely ignoring Ligurit with a gloomy face.

"It seems that I was abandoned by the person I wanted to cultivate." The platinum dragon king's voice sounded in Ligurit's mind.

Ligulit answered him with a cold snort.

Platinum Dragon King Char: "Let’s go and take a look together, just to see their strength..."

"This is not what you said as the Dragon King."

"How do you say that the Dragon King also destroyed a country and killed hundreds of thousands of people. If it is really killed, it deserves it."

Ligurit nodded silently, and mourned to Iver: "Since we know who your enemy is, let's go with you."

Ivelai looked at Monkey King at the moment, and Monkey King waved his hands casually. They wanted to follow along. As for the thoughts, it didn't matter at all. Anyway, they couldn't make waves.

"Imbelia Kingdom...found..." Monkey King felt slightly, then opened the portal to Imbelia Kingdom and walked in first.

Shatia, Albedo and others hurried to keep up...

The kingdom of Umbelia was destroyed by the force of the soul-gathering magic of the Dragon King Originator of the Rotten Coffin. Except for the princess Kino Fasiris Umbrella, everyone became a zombie.

Therefore, the current Umberia country has become a country of zombies, has long been isolated from the world by humans, and has become a forbidden zone in the forbidden zone.

In the wrecked streets left over from history, a teleportation disciple appeared in vain, and the Umbrella kingdom, which had not been populated for more than two hundred years, ushered in the arrival of Monkey King and others.

Iver looked at the wrecked houses all around, eyes full of nostalgia. This familiar and unfamiliar place was the street she used to walk through.

And those zombies walking in circles in the house and wandering on the streets, more than two hundred years ago, may be people she knew well.

When revisiting the old place, Iver's mood at this moment is extremely complicated. The hatred heart that has been diluted by time is gradually awakening, full of anger, and the revenge of destroying the family and the country is definitely to be reported, although the time has been delayed by two. For more than a hundred years.

Looking at the countless undead wandering on the street, here, it seems to be a city dominated by the undead.

On the side, with the appearance of Monkey King and others, even the unopened undead rushed to bite them, but they were cleaned up by Xia Tiya, desperately and at will.

"Where is the Rotten Coffin Dragon King? Where is the Rotten Coffin Dragon King?" Ivere felt eagerly around, but except for some undead, she couldn't feel too strong at all.

Rafasi took Ivera's hand and said softly, "Ivera, don't worry for now, with Master Wukong, I will definitely help you kill the Dragon King."

After hearing the words, Iver finally calmed down a lot, and looked at Monkey King: "Master Wukong, is the Rotten Coffin Dragon King here?"

"No." Monkey King looked around and said.

The platinum dragon king Char said: "According to the habits of dragons, cities are not a favorite habitat, but valleys and jungles are the reclusive places that dragons love."

"Valley jungle..." Monkey King felt slightly: "In that mountain..."

With a thought, everyone's figure disappeared here at the same time.

In the Katiniyas Mountains, the luxuriant trees in the past have already withered at this time, and a large number of undead gathered on the bare mountains. With the appearance of Monkey King and others, they were attacked in the first place.

But for Xia Tiya and others, this level of undead is simply not enough.

But Monkey King ignored the undead who were constantly attacking, his eyes were on the bare mountain on the opposite side.

Lafasi and the others followed Sun Wukong's gaze, suddenly their eyes widened, and their delicate bodies trembled, with a terrified expression: "So, that is-corpse, corpse mountain?!!!"

Monkey King looked indifferently: "To be precise, it is a mountain made up of undead."

"Mountain made of and piled up by the undead? My goodness!!!"

Each of them, Gegland exclaimed, breathing air-conditioning.

Even the desperate desperation is shocked: "This, this level, how many people have to die?"

Monkey King: "With this size and height, at least four hundred thousand."

"Hi~~ A high mountain made up of more than 400,000 undead, my God!!!"

Rafasi and the others are already shocked and unable to express them in words.

Ligurit's eyes were also rounded: "Are all these things done by the Dragon King?" She didn't feel anything before, but now seeing this situation with her own eyes, she is also full of the Dragon King. Endless anger.

At the same time, the mountain that had been piled up by the undead suddenly swayed, and then slowly turned into the shape of a dragon as if it had broken out of its egg state.

The long neck makes people think of the head and wings of reptiles, the thick six legs, the slender tail like a whip, and the shape of a Western-style dragon.

"Oh my God!!"

Lafasi and the others opened their eyes wide, and their small mouths opened into an'O' shape. They swore that they had never seen such a huge creature...

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