The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 118: God's Protection

However, this creature may be due to a gathering of undead. It looks squat and ugly. It does not have the grace that a dragon should have, but its deterrence is quite sufficient.

"It won't be the Dragon King of the Coffin Coffin, right?" Rafasi and the others all had a look of astonishment, as if they were very different from the dragon they had imagined.

"Platinum Dragon King Chaindulux Baixiang, why did you come to my territory?" Long's mouth slowly opened, and the heavy bass reverberated all around: "Moreover, he has brought so many undead people with fairly good strength. , Are you here to demonstrate to me?"

With his mouth open, in addition to humanoid creatures, animals and other zombies can be seen.

No wonder this place is so desolate and barren. It seems that all creatures have been turned into zombies and undead by him.

There was no change in the armor controlled by Char, but the voice came out: "Please don't care about my arrival, Juya Yirim, it is the little girl who looks for you who is looking for you."

Hearing this, the dragon king of the dead coffin focused his gaze on Evel's body: "Red eyes... and this breath... So that's it, it turned out to be you, the only Hongtong person who escaped...because of natural abilities, As for the little human girl who turned into a vampire, I thought you were funny back then, so I spared your life and ignored it. Why, do you now want me to get revenge?"

"Is the Kingdom of Embelia really destroyed by you!" Ivera's eyes were full of anger and hatred.

"Destroy? No, no, no~~" The Dragon King's face was relaxed and happy: "I just wanted to create my own kingdom of the undead. How, don't you think this scene is great?"

"Awesome?" Iver's sad eyes suddenly revealed a look of disgust, almost gritted his teeth coldly: "I will make you pay a hundredfold for what you have done!"

"Hahaha~~You are really funny!" Not only was the Dragon King of Coffin not angry, but he laughed happily: "I didn't kill you before, it is right, it turns out that it is so funny to laugh at ignorant people. Matter, the weak and undead, do you want to be my jester?"

"Hmph~ In the presence of the great Supreme Supreme, not only did not see the worship service, but also wanted to provoke the people of Nazalek. It was extremely arrogant." Xia Tiya was dressed in anger, dressed in a suit with a dropper spear in her hand. Remotely pointed to the Dragon King of the Rotten Coffin: "Master Wukong, please allow your concubine to cut this arrogant and ignorant fellow!"

"Hmm~ With this breath, it seems that you are not just talking big words!" The voice of the Dragon King suddenly became extremely solemn.

Obviously, the breath that Shatia released gave him a great sense of threat.

The pupils of the Platinum Dragon King on the side were also tightening. He didn't expect that the fully armed Xia Tiya would threaten him even stronger. It seemed that she had been underestimated before.

"Xia Tiya, step back, since Iver mourned for revenge, then she naturally went to battle." Monkey King waved his hand to stop Xia Tiya.

"Yes." When Xia Tiya heard the words, she didn't hesitate to stop her breath and stood behind Monkey King obediently.

But Iver was stunned when he heard the words: "Me, me? Master Goku, that..."

Even though Ivere was quite confident in his own strength, facing the dragon king in front of him, there was really no confidence at all.

"Why, don't you have confidence?" Monkey King looked at her with a smile.

"...Yes!" Iver heard this and gritted his teeth firmly.

"It doesn't seem to have much confidence, but it's okay, I will give you confidence." Monkey King smiled at Evel Wei, and with a wave of one hand, an auxiliary magic instantly blessed her.

"This, this is?!!!" Ivere felt the surging power suddenly surging in his body, and his eyes widened with excitement for a while, a little unbelievable, can auxiliary magic give people such a powerful power?Yes, as long as there is this kind of power, he can definitely defeat the Dragon King in front of him.

Monkey King waved his hand again, and the equipment originally belonging to the black queen was put on Evel's body. The tight black helmet and black armor made Evel's look like a loli war god, and the heavily armed Shatia They are all compared.

Monkey King: "Now, you should have enough confidence, right?"


The surging power made Evell full of confidence, and the hatred in her heart made her want to vent the anger in her heart urgently, without any hesitation, in a soft drink, she held the Demon Blade of Death without hesitation, facing forward. Rotten Coffin Dragon King rushed over.

Immediately, the dead light magic blade in his hand turned into a black light, slashing the zombie body that formed the appearance of the dragon king, and in an instant, the corpse water splashed, cutting a huge gap.

However, there were too many zombies, and a cut was just cut out at the feet, and immediately filled up by new zombies.

"Huh? This power is not bad!" The Dragon King of the Dead Coffin let out a horrified sound. This tiny undead, who was originally despised by him, was able to exert such a powerful blow after being given an auxiliary magic.

"Is it just not bad?"

Iver sneered coldly, his smaller body was cutting, and it turned into a black light, flashing up around the huge soles of the Dragon King of the Rotten Coffin, wherever he passed, the unpleasant and harsh screams of the zombies came from time to time. , The ferocious zombies were disintegrated and blown down by the dead light magic blade by brutal means.

However, in a moment, the giant legs of the Dragon King, composed of zombies and undead, were cut off from it, but he had six legs, but he was not enough to lose his balance.

"Good! So strong!!"

All the women such as Lavasi were stunned. They still knew about the strength of Evelée. She was a magic caster. Why could her tight-fitting attack be able to exert such a huge power?The auxiliary magic that Master Wukong casts on her unexpectedly endows such a terrifying power?

"Master Wukong, what was the magic just now?" Desperate and curious, giving a magic caster the strength of a warrior, and Monkey King's methods once again shocked her.

Monkey King: "Beyond the power of class, protected by God."

"Beyond the power of class?!" Albedo and the others looked at Monkey King in their eyes full of admiration and admiration: "You really deserve to be Lord Wukong, who even knows such powerful auxiliary magic!"

"This person...very dangerous!!" The Platinum Dragon King Char looked solemn, and Monkey King just showed such a magic, which scared him...

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