The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 119: Evel's Lament vs. the Dragon King

[God's Protection] is terrible, and the Platinum Dragon King Char naturally saw it at a glance. It is such a powerful and incredible skill that it can raise a magic caster in the hero domain to the strength that can fight with the dragon king. what!

You know, the physical strength of the magic caster is no different from ordinary people, at most it is a little bit stronger.

Char knows the strength of the Dragon King of the Dead Coffin very well. He is as high as level ninety-five. This is like strengthening an ordinary human to be comparable to the level ninety-five dragon king. This auxiliary magic has such an inverse. Day effect.

Doesn't this mean that as long as he is there, even ordinary humans can compete with the Dragon King?

At the thought of this possibility, Char felt a panic.

Moreover, I don’t know whether this magic is a single entity or it can work on multiple numbers. If it’s the latter, Char only feels that all his scales are erected. It’s really terrifying. This kind of existence still exists in the world. Who can sanction?Putting [God's Protection] on several humans at will, wouldn't it be possible to push the world horizontally?

"Such a terrifying effect, should it be just a single body?" Char could only think so at this moment. After all, the more terrifying magic, the greater the limit, especially the number of casts and the cooling time.

"[God's Protection]... really amazing magic!" The dragon king of the dead coffin, Juya Yirimu Losmowa, naturally heard the answer from Monkey King, and he couldn't help but exclaimed. He was also terrified by this. The effect was shocked.

"However, it happens that since this body was condensed, I haven't shown it in front of the world. Today, I just want to test its strength."

The voice of the Rotten Coffin Dragon King rang and echoed. Although he was surprised by Monkey King’s magic, he did not show the slightest fear and panic. He was so calm and calm. As the Dragon King, he was confident. No matter who faced anyone, he was not Defeated.

Rotten Coffin Dragon King moved, his huge body looked a little awkward, raised his left front foot, and stepped down towards the direction where Ivera was.

What I saw from Evel's perspective was like a high mountain smashing down to him, so fast that he landed in the blink of an eye.

She hurriedly unfolded her figure and flashed to the side. Amidst the roar of'Rumbling', the soles of the Dragon King's feet stepped on the ground, and the ground shook violently like an earthquake and split like a spider web to the surroundings. spread.

Even though Ivere was not stepped on, he was groaned by the aftershocks. He almost stood unsteadily and fell to the ground. He only avoided the cracked ground for a few consecutive passes, and looked very solemnly. With the Rotten Coffin Dragon King, this incomparable terrifying force brought her tremendous pressure. Even if she avoided it, she would be injured by aftershocks. If she makes a mistake, she may be killed by a single blow.

"What's the matter? Vampire girl, do you only have this level?" Rotten Coffin Dragon King made a rumbling sound. Suddenly something thick and long like tentacles stretched out of his forelimbs. They opened their mouths and bite towards Yi. Wilhelm.

Ivere, who has seen many times in the world, also felt disgusting when she saw this situation, but she was surprised that it was not an ordinary zombie that was connected and biting at her like a rope. It's a dragon, a zombie dragon.

The zombie dragon’s bite came very fast and the range was too large. It was not as good as Iver’s sorrow to avoid it. She could only instinctively move her hand, a magic barrier blocked her in front of her, and the zombie dragon bit On the magic barrier, there was a squeaking sound, but the magic barrier remained motionless.

"This, this is? Is my magic actually strengthened?" After Iver's sorrow and consternation, she couldn't help but be overjoyed. She thought that [God's Protection] only gave her the power to fight in close quarters, but she didn't even think of her. The magical power was also strengthened together.

"It's amazing! Even the magic has been strengthened!" Rafasi exclaimed, and they could feel the terrifying power of the zombie dragon biting far away, but they didn't expect to be used by Evel's in an emergency. The defensive magic of Wukong was resisted, and Master Wukong's auxiliary magic was simply against the sky.

"Is it—all-round improvement?!!!" Platinum Dragon King Char was even more shocked at this moment. Before, he seemed to underestimate the power of this auxiliary magic.

"Since that's the case..." Ivell's eyes are bright. The Holy Light is the best when dealing with zombies. Unfortunately, she won't. Then only choose Thunder Magic. After all, Thunder Magic has something to do with zombies. Gram production use.

"Flash thunder!"

Iver pointed out mournfully, and saw a blazing thunder light ejected from her fingertips. With a loud bang, it struck the zombie dragon. Amidst the thunder of lightning, the zombie dragon gave out a stern roar and was instantly electrocuted. The scorched black, weakly fading to the ground.

"Okay, so powerful!!" Ivere said that he was shocked by the magical power he launched. The zombie dragons were not low-level at first glance, and they were even blessed by the Dragon King. A second-order magic was given in an instant, and the [Protection of God] that Master Wukong had cast for her turned out to be so powerful.

"Hmm~~" The Coffin Dragon King made a heavy voice, seeming a little surprised. The zombies he controlled were all undead, possessing the characteristics of immortality, but he didn't expect to charge the magic that was mourned by Iver. Can't recover?Finally, he felt a little threat.

But just a little threat, what if it can be killed?The zombies he controls are not only a little bit more than 400,000, but more. In this kingdom of death he created, all zombies and undead can be used by him.

You can kill dozens, hundreds, or thousands. Can you kill tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions?In terms of quantity alone, he is already invincible.

Evelai raised the dead light magic blade in his hand, and the thunder shone, slamming on the huge body of the dragon king, taking away patches of zombies and falling like rain.

However, the result is just as the Dragon King thought, the huge number occupies an absolute advantage. The zombies and the undead were wiped out, and they were immediately replaced by new zombies and the undead. Such repetition made Iver sad. All attacks failed to achieve effective effects.

"That's the end of the fun. These are the undead that I have worked so hard to accumulate, and they can't be ruined by you so casually." The Dragon King of Rotten Coffin made an indifferent voice, and Ivere felt a touch of grief in an instant. Dangerous fluctuations spread.

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