The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Three

"With my soul gone, can I still be reincarnated?" Rafasi looked curious.

In this magical world, things like reincarnation and reincarnation are things that ordinary people believe. After all, resurrection magic, the undead and everything exist.

Monkey King: "Of course, this is impossible for others, but for me, it is not difficult."

"If you can, please let them reincarnate!" Iver looked at Monkey King with a mournful look: "Instead of resurrecting them and facing the pain of national ruin, it is better to let them reincarnate and forget all the pain. ."

"Unexpectedly, you still have this kind of enlightenment." Monkey King looked at Ivere in surprise. Generally speaking, most people would choose to resurrect their family members, right?

"My goal has always been to find the murderer and to find a way to resurrect my parents." Ivere looked at his parents with a soft look: "But after more than two hundred and fifty years have passed, I have witnessed countless Tragedy and pain, I understand the feeling very well. My parents have suffered enough before they were alive. The despair and wailing of the subjects, the terrible memories of becoming zombies, they don’t need to face it again."

Monkey King nodded: "Then let them reincarnate."

As he said, with a light wave of his hand, a soft white light shone on the dozens of zombies, and their bodies melted like snow, and little light floated, regenerating and condensing into a dozen transparent soul ghosts.

"Dad, mom!!"

Seeing this, Iver could not help but exclaimed, biting his red lips, tears already rolling in his eyes.

Yver's parents looked at her with a smile, and gently waved their right hand, the phantom disappeared completely...

Monkey King patted Ivere’s back to show comfort. It’s okay if it’s not comforting. Once comforted, Ivere rushed into Monkey’s arms with a "wow" and started crying, becoming strong by more than two hundred. She has never shed tears in 2016, and has become the crying ghost again...

"Cut~ this guy!" Albedo looked at Iver, who was held in his arms by Monkey King, with a look of envy and irritation. He curled his lips and snorted: "For your pitiful sake, This time I don’t care about my concubine like you."

Xia Tiya also curled her lips, with the same expression as her.

After comforting Iver and mourning, Albedo immediately threw himself into the arms of Monkey King: "Master Wukong, concubine body also..." As a jealous woman, she felt that she would not suffer.

"Albedo, you're too cunning, too! That concubine too!" Seeing this, Xia Tiya also rushed over.

For the two women who are fighting for favor, they are really cute.

Stepping out of the basement, Lafasi looked at the surrounding zombies, and couldn't help but glance at Juxiexue: "xiexe, since you have inherited the ability of the Dragon King, is there a way to solve the zombies here?"

For more than two hundred years, this place has become an absolute forbidden zone. If the undead here can be solved, it would be better. Otherwise, one day they will break out of the cage, it will be a terrible disaster.

Desperately nodded: "But yes, but it will take several days."

In addition to the more than 400,000 zombies controlled by the Rotten Coffin Dragon King, which is equivalent to the zombies of the Kingdom of Embelia and neighboring countries, as well as those zombies such as animals and monsters, there are at least more than two million zombies. This is an extremely large Quantity.

Destiny is confident that she can solve it within a few days, which shows that she is strong.

Of course, this kind of time depends on the factors that she inherited from the Dragon King's ability to control the other undead. Changing to someone else, such as Shatia, Albedo, etc., is simply impossible.

Monkey King looked desperately and said: "Then you can stay and clean up all the undead here. This is also helpful for your strength growth. The more than two million undead are just a holy land for leveling. , Enough to raise your level to a hundred."

"One hundred?" Hearing the words, Juejuejeong's eyes lit up in vain, and he nodded with excitement: "Yes, I understand, I will definitely eliminate one of the undead here."

One hundred, isn't that the same level as the gods?Desperately thinking about it makes me extremely excited.

Hundred levels, it is said that only those gods can reach the level.

Monkey King stretched out his hand and touched his desperate head: "I'm not here. Be careful yourself. Now, there are people who are collecting world-class props. Their strength is far beyond your imagination. Therefore, if you encounter it, you must be first. Contact me in time."

Monkey King said, with one hand stretched out, the guild weapon already appeared in his hand, and passed it to Albedo: "Albedo, let’s put the guild with Destiny and Ivere."

When Albedo heard the words, he couldn't help but was taken aback. The two of them had received the official approval of Master Wukong. They knelt on the ground, bowed their heads and took the guild weapon solemnly: "Yes."

When Shatia saw this, she looked envious at the moment. Fortunately, Albedo was fortunate enough to touch the guild weapon that represents the supreme supreme and supreme power. Similarly, this is also an expression of absolute trust in talents. .

Albedo was holding a guild weapon with a sacred and serious face, watching Iver mourn and desperately: "Kneel."

Suddenly desperately and Iver's mournful doubts, what made it so serious?But the two of them knelt down without any hesitation.

Albedo stared at the two women: "I feel honored. So far, Master Wukong has allowed outsiders to join the Ainz Ur Gong Guild. Only that pet, the Forest King, I want to ask again. In your words, whether it is good or evil, or life or death, you have done a good job and dedicated your life, loyalty, and all of yourselves to the great Supreme Supreme, Master Monkey?"

When the two women heard this, they both raised their hands and sweared with excitement: "I am desperate (Ivere) to swear here, whether it is good or evil, life or death, I will take my life and my loyalty. , Dedicate everything you have to Master Monkey King, if you break this oath, your soul will be annihilated!!"

Desperate and Ivere’s faces are full of excitement at this moment. They have finally understood what they are facing. This kind of oath scene can only be enjoyed by Master Wukong. The honor.

After hearing the words, Albedo nodded with a satisfied look on his face, lightly tapped the guild weapon in his hand, and a virtual image was displayed in front of him. At the same time, two rays of light were also reflected on the two women...

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