Feeling the several abilities that suddenly appeared in his mind, Ivere Lament was full of surprise, but desperately seemed to understand: "This is the legendary guild that only gods can control?"

Albedo nodded solemnly: "Yes, our guild is named'Ainz Ul Christine'. In addition to Lord Goku, there are forty-one Supreme Supremes, but they have all disappeared, and now only One Lord Goku, but you have to remember that in Ainz Ul Gong, the only object of our loyalty is Lord Goku."

"Of course." Desperate Yu Iver resolutely affirmed with a sad face. They were only following Monkey King. As for the other supreme supreme, they would not admit it.

But this Ainz Ul Gong, besides Master Wukong, there are forty-one Supreme Supreme?Are they all as strong as Master Wukong?Thinking of this, both of them were deeply shocked.

Albedo seemed to see through the thoughts of the two women, and explained: "The other 41 supreme supreme powers are naturally beyond doubt, but compared with Master Wukong, there is still a certain gap. Zur Gongzhong, Master Wukong, is the strongest!"

Obviously, Albedo has no loyalty to the other supreme princes, and even regards them as a stumbling block to Monkey King, and has given birth to a murderous opportunity to appear and die.

As she said, the only one she acknowledged is Monkey King.

Desperate and Iver nodded seriously. That's right. If the other supreme beings are as strong as Master Wukong, then this Ainz Ur Gong is really terrible.

But even if it is not as good as Master Goku, it should be stronger than Shatia and Albedo?After all, they are the supreme supreme, forty-one people, thinking about it this way, the strength of this Ainz Ur Gong is really terrifying.

Rafasi looked at Ivera, who had joined the Monkey King’s subordinates, and was very envious. If she could, she would actually join Sun Wukong's subordinates. However, she had seen the monsters of Nazarick, if she only followed the Monkey King, She didn't have any problems. It would be difficult for her to accept her associating with those monsters. After all, she was a human being and a descendant of a hero.

Monkey King: "Since the matter has been resolved, it is time for us to leave, desperately, and after we clean up the undead here, we will immediately return to the team."

"Yes!" She took her command with a desperate voice, looking at the undead around her, she was already ready to move, she was already warlike, and these undead were still stepping stones for her to advance to the top 100.

"Are we going back?" Rafasi looked at Monkey King and said.

"No, we are here this time, but we are here to trace the culprit who destroyed the Silian Church. The murderer has not seen it. How can we go back." Sun Wukong said calmly.

"If that's the case, shall we go to the Holy Kingdom?" Lavasi said, taking out a map and showing it in front of Monkey King: "Look here, Master Wukong, our current position is here. , And the Holy Kingdom is very close to us, and those who destroyed the Slian Kingdom are collecting world-class props, we can just go to this country to see if there are new world-class props."

"Holy Kingdom? Okay, then the Holy Kingdom." Sun Wukong nodded: "This time I won't teleport. Let's go all the way. It's just a trip."

As he said, Monkey King waved his hand, and a carriage flashed in front of him. At the same time, he looked at the Forest King: "Xiaomori, there are no horses here. You will do it for you."

When the sage king of the forest heard this, he suddenly looked aggrieved: "Master, I am also a beast, can I not be a horse? I will catch a few horses for you, how about?"

"Shut up!" When Nebelalton looked at the Forest King with a ferocious look: "As a servant, you dare to question Master Wukong, do you want to become food?"

"No, no, I just make an opinion, I definitely don't dare to question the master!" The soul of the sage king of forest was almost frightened, chuckled, flashed to the front of the car, obediently tied the car to his body and acted The horse dragging the carriage.

Monkey King and the others got in the car, and the sage king of the forest dragged the carriage toward the destination...

And with the departure of Monkey King and others, Destiny also began to act. Looking at the undead all around, her black and white eyes flashed with uncontrollable excitement: "Then, I should act too, so I will return soon. By Master Wukong!"

As he said, the slender hand was held high, and a black magic light group instantly condensed in his hand, exuding weird soul fluctuations, and the group of undead scattered around, after feeling the weird fluctuations, seemed to have been summoned, one after another. The place where the dead and dead was gathered, but in a moment, the surrounding area was densely packed, like a locust crossing...

Looking at the densely packed undead in the eyes, if you change to someone else, I am afraid you will have been scared to pee, but at the moment of desperation, you are extremely excited. In game terms, these are all her experience of upgrading. what.

Raising the scythe in his hand, in an instant, the thunders shone, knocking down hundreds of undead to the ground...

And this is the confidence that the two million or so undead can be wiped out in a few days.

It belongs to the magic of the Dragon King to summon the undead, as well as the powerful group attack magic. For the dead and desperate who holds [Endless Greed], as long as there is a target to kill, her magic power will never be exhausted, destroying these two There are more than one million undead, it really only takes a few days.

It just takes a lot of time to gather the undead, otherwise, she only needs a few magic to solve the battle.

Feeling that his own strength became stronger and stronger as the undead fell, and he became more excited as the undead became more and more excited, and became a leveling lunatic like a game player.

Two days later.

The Holy Kingdom of Robl.The peninsula to the southwest of the Kingdom of Yestij is a territory. The country holds the holy king who exercises the magic of the faith system as the monarch. The monarch and the temple forces govern the country in harmony. It is a country with strong religious colors. Even so, it is not the same as the Bislian religion. .

In front of the king's palace, the saint queen Calca Besares stepped down from the carriage, looked at the familiar city and streets, and couldn't help taking a deep breath: "I'm finally back!"

The journey to the Bajas Empire really gave her too much shock, and being able to return home safely made her feel like she was dreaming...

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