The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 125 The Holy Kingdom

With the saint queen Calca Besares stepping out of the carriage, the palace ministers who had been waiting for a long time at the gate of the palace all knelt down and paid their respects to the king.

Yes, the saint queen Calca Besares is not a princess, but the leader of the holy kingdom, the holy king. She actually went on a tour to the Bajas Empire in a small dress. This is not a big deal.

As for the [Endless Greed] incident, it was just a coincidence. She ran into it and only took a kick. She went to the Bajas Empire only to relax, wanting to see the customs of other countries with her own eyes.

As for the safety issue, she herself is a fourth-rank magic caster herself, and she is guarded by the strongest paladin in the Holy Kingdom, so naturally there is no problem.

But she would never have thought that what she had seen and heard this time completely broke her previous cognition. It turned out that in addition to the legendary characters, there are such strong people in this world.

"His Royal Highness, you are finally back, do you know how worried we are during this period of time? If something happens to you, what can this Holy Kingdom do!"

After the ceremony, a veteran with the most qualifications got up and blamed him.

It’s no wonder that the status of the Holy Queen in the Holy Kingdom itself is not stable. Due to the low succession order, since the founding of the Holy Kingdom, all men have been established as kings. It shouldn’t have been her turn to inherit the throne, but because she has The two talents were ultimately crowned by her.

One is her beauty. Her flowery appearance is hailed as the treasure of Robl, both feminine and heroic. Her golden silk-like hair is rippling with bright and vivid luster, just like an angel's halo, combined with a gentle smile, describing her as Saint.

And the other is her talent in Faith Magic. She can use fourth-level magic at the age of fifteen. She is a genius among geniuses. This is the reason she has gained the support of the last holy king and temple. On the throne.

But some people are also dissatisfied because they can't understand her too gentle temperament, and there are still hidden worries.

"Thanks for your hard work, I know what I am doing." The saint queen Calca Besares has a soft smile on her face, making people feel like spring breeze.

This time she went on a microservice tour, but it was not a whim, but just wanted to clearly understand how those hidden worries against her hate her.

The assassination along the way also made her clearly feel the other party's attitude towards her. Similarly, she has grown a lot as a saint queen during this journey.

"Hahaha~~" It sounded like a nasty laughter sounded in vain. It was a laughter from a woman who looked very similar to Remedios Castelos, the strongest paladin ever, except The direction of the corners of the eyes and the shape of the corners of the mouth are slightly different from Remedios, but it is such a little difference that gives people the impression that they are very different, they seem to be attempted, and they are very sinister. temperament.

She is the younger sister Querat Castelo, who is two years younger than Remedios Castelo, the highest priest of the temple and the head of the priesthood.

On the surface, she can use the fourth-order magic of the faith system, but people who have close friendship with her know that she can use the fifth-order.

It is precisely because of her guard that Calca Besares dared to leave the Holy Kingdom without worry.

And she and her sister are called the genius sisters, the wings of the saint queen.

It is rumored that the saintly queen can successfully inherit the throne because the sisters are behind them. Therefore, when negative rumors flow out, the three of them often suffer together.

In particular, the three daughters are still unmarried, and they have never even talked about relationships, making some people suspect that their relationship is unusual, and no matter how they deny it, they cannot be completely eliminated.

"I heard that the Kingdom of Silian has been devastatingly attacked, and even the treasure of the country [the allure of the country] has been snatched away. Your Royal Highness, don't you think this is a very good opportunity?" Castelo's eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared at Calca Besares, shining with a sly luster.

For a long time, the temple of the Holy Kingdom has been overwhelmed by the religious nation, and now this rare opportunity to beat the other party can be missed.

"This, let's not join in." Calca Besares shook his head, and vetoed it without thinking.

Kurat Castelo's face revealed a look of dissatisfaction: "Really, sometimes you, the gentleness of the Virgin, even I hate it. How can you miss this rare opportunity!"

"This time it's not this..." Calca Besares's gentle face was rare and serious: "We heard about the Slian Church state on the way back. We shouldn't go to this matter. If you step in, you don’t have the right to step in, otherwise even our Holy Kingdom might be deeply mired."

"Oh~ Does your Royal Highness the Holy Queen already know some of the reasons?"

"It's not very clear, but I can guess a little bit. It is possible to break through the religious nation in such a short period of time, and even snatch [Qing Guo Qingcheng], I am afraid that there are only strong people like those people!"

"Huh?" Kurat Castelo's expression moved slightly: "Did you encounter a strong enemy this time?"

The Saint Queen sighed and did not speak. Remedios Castelo said with a serious face: "It's not just a powerful enemy, it's a monster. I'm in their hands, and I can't even do anything. but!"

"How is this possible!!" Kurat Castelo's eyes widened for a while. The sister holding the holy sword is better than her. Even the sister holding the holy sword is not the enemy of One He. How powerful is it?Is it a legendary hero?

The saint queen Calca Besares looked at Kurat Castelo with a serious face: "I don’t know if you still remember what is recorded in the ancient literature. It appeared on the mainland more than two hundred years ago. Those gods..."

"The gods?!!!" Kurat Castelo's expression changed slightly: "You have encountered the legendary gods? How can this be possible!! Haven't the gods been wiped out?"

The saint queen Calca Besares looked serious: "I just doubt it..."

After being shocked, Kurat Castelo lost his mind. The expression on his face was replaced by increased excitement: "Even if it is a god, tell you, when you left, I got it by accident. A baby~ As long as there is this baby, I am not afraid even if it is a god or man!" ..

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