The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter One Hundred Twenty Six

"Baby? What baby?" Calca Besares frowned slightly, but a bad feeling arose.

"Go, let's go back to the palace first." Kurat Custer has a mysterious face, and there is a hint of excitement on his sly look.

The palace, the bedroom of the saint queen.

The door was closed tightly, leaving only three of Calca, Remedios, and Kurat.

"Now, should I talk about what happened?" Remedios looked at her sister with a serious face.

Kuilat carefully sensed it. After confirming that there was no one, he set up a magic enchantment before carefully taking out a robe. The style of the robe was not only good-looking, but there was no abnormality at all. It has nothing to do with ordinary clothes.

"This is?" Calca looked puzzled.

"Do you think it's just an ordinary robe?" Kuilat's face couldn't hide his excitement, stroking the magic weapon lightly, just like touching his lover: "Hey~~ Guess it, you must Can't guess what it is..."

Calca looked seriously at the robe in front of him, and looked at Kurat's expression of excitement that could not be concealed. With a move of faith, his heart beat inexplicably: "No, it shouldn't be..."

"Is it a real artifact?" Remedios took the topic with a shocked look.

Kurat's expression was stagnant and a little depressed: "I guessed it? How did you know? Yes, this is a true artifact, called [Anthem of Life]."

"Really..." Calca's expression was very complicated. They didn't expect that they missed a real artifact, and even almost got their lives in it, but when they returned home to see, Kurat got one inexplicably Really artifact?Is this a surprise?

No, this is fright!If it were before, a true artifact was obtained, for the Holy Kingdom, it would be even more powerful, and its national power status would be comparable to the Silian Religious State.

But after seeing those inhuman'monsters', she clearly understood that this true artifact is no longer a symbol of strength and status, but a pronoun of disaster!

How was the kingdom of the Slian Church destroyed?It's because of the true artifact, [All the country and the city]!

Remedios, who can't turn his head, didn't expect so much. Looking at the robe in Kurat's hand, her eyes gleamed and she was extremely excited: "I didn't expect to miss one, and got another one. It seems The gods are protecting our holy kingdom! [Anthem of Life], what power is it?"

Kuilat said with great excitement: "I have experimented, and it can continuously provide endless vitality to the wearer, even if it is fatally injured, it can recover in a flash, and even comes with a name called ’S resurrection technique has no restrictions. Even if it is just a severed limb, it can be resurrected and reborn."


Both Remedios and Calca were shocked by the power of this true artifact. The immortal body plus the unlimited resurrection [Pray], this is like a god-like power!

"How is it? Great, right?" Kurat was excited, and his face seemed a little forgetful: "As long as I have this robe, I have the confidence to kill all those who oppose His Royal Highness Calca and let you truly Completely control this country; and during your travels, I have identified all the factions that oppose you..."

Let Calca travel as bait to catch those who have secret ulterior motives. This is exactly Kurat’s idea. With Remedios’ straightness, I can’t think of such an invitation. Calca’s kindness will not use it. This kind of insidious trick, all this, is Kurat's own idea.

"No, this true artifact must never be used, and it must never be known to outsiders!" Cal Jia's face was serious, and for the first time he said to Kurat with a very serious tone, even a commanding tone.

"Uh~why?" The first time Kwai Rat saw Calca's serious expression, he couldn't help being a little stunned. Could it be that they encountered something extraordinary during this trip?

Remedios looked at Calca's serious expression, and heard the group of terrifying powerhouses, who also understood what she meant, and nodded seriously: "Indeed, the news that we have obtained the real artifact must not be leaked, otherwise , It will become the second Slien State!"

Kuilat was full of excitement: "No, no, the true artifact of the Silian Church is just to brainwash and control others. It is incomparable with this true artifact. As long as I or my sister wears it, In an invincible posture, especially the sister holding the holy sword, there is no need to fear anyone at all, even if it is a problem to win the Sri Lankan state, right?

"No, you underestimate this world!" Remedios shook her head with a serious face: "Before, maybe I would think the same as you, but what I saw and heard in the Bajas Empire has already caused We have seen the nature of this world. The real powerhouse is not as we know it, but is too strong. Even with a real artifact, it is vulnerable to them!"

"What, how come?!!!" Kuilat looked astonished: "What have you encountered?"

"I saw a real strong man, no, it's a monster!" Calca recalled, showing a frightened look: "That kind of scene is unforgettable in a lifetime. Even if we have real artifacts, the gap between them is still as far apart as the world. , Just like the Sri Lankan State, this true artifact is not a true artifact that brings happiness, but a disaster star that brings disaster."

Kuratdai frowned. From the expressions of Calca and her sister, she could see that they seemed to have seen something extremely terrifying. Is there such a strong person in this world?God man, does it really appear again?

Calca said very solemnly: "Hurry up and put it away, and don't let the fourth person know about it!"

"Sorry, I already know." The indifferent voice sounded in vain, and a black magic vortex suddenly appeared in the bedroom, from which an extremely gorgeous woman walked out, followed by two backed devil wings. Male demon.

"Who are you?!" Remedios immediately drew out the holy sword and stood in front of Calca; Kurat also held the magic wand for the first time and locked the three suddenly appeared.

The woman smiled, glamorous and moving people's heartbeat: "My name-Jiuyao, why do you call our existence as a god? But please remove the word'person'..." ..

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