The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-eight

Fear breeds in the hearts of the knights and guards. This kind of fear of life being held by others with a wave of hands can hardly conceal the fear in their hearts even if they are well-trained. This is not because they are afraid of death, but from the innate deterrence of higher demons. force.

But even if they had been trained as dead men, they rushed to the entrance of the palace without hesitation, because there is a holy queen that they have to protect even if they give up their lives.

But everything was in vain and could only be lost in the flames.

"You-- all retreat to me!!" Seeing that the large group of knight guards were buried in the sea of ​​flames fiercely defying death, Cal Jia couldn't bear it, and yelled out: "Don't make unnecessary sacrifices!"

"I can't tell, you still have this kind of compassion." The demon man looked at Calca, and his dark eyes revealed deep disgust: "But this kind of thing is the most disgusting! "

As he said, the sharp palm of his chest pierced Calca's heart. The speed was so fast that Calca, as a magic caster, couldn't avoid it. He was about to be pierced to death, lying down in a pool of blood. Suddenly the headless corpse moved, and the wand held tightly in his hand was held high. Suddenly a summoning magic circle appeared on the ground. A Tier 4 angel was summoned out with a holy sword with extremely rich sacred attributes in his hand. Slashing down, slashed between the back of the defenseless demon man.

With a sound of'puff puff', it was like the red-hot iron being put into the cold water, the blue smoke rose up, and the wound on the back of the demon man's back was instantly skinned and fleshy, and it seemed that he was definitely hurt.

"Um~~!!!" The demon man snorted, his anger rose in his eyes, and his backhand hit the angel with a palm of his back, causing his body to instantly collapse, turning into white light and dissipating.

The demon man looked sullenly at the headless corpse holding a magic wand standing in place, his face was extremely ugly, he did not expect that he was regarded as ant trash and gave him a shame: "Is this the power of the robe? It seems the effect seems to be good."

The headless body did not speak, but walked a few steps, picked up the head on the ground and pressed it on his body, and Kurat's face suddenly showed unconcealable excitement: "It's great! I'm great! I thought I was going to die! I didn't expect to be able to stay alive even with my head separated!"

"What are you still excited about, Kuilat, run!" Seeing that Kuilat was not dead, Calca was naturally overjoyed, but she couldn't help but feel anxious when she saw that she was still happy with the real artifact.

"It's all this time, how could it be possible to escape." Quilar shrugged helplessly, took off the robe he was wearing, and looked at Jiuyao: "By the way, I will put this [life] Hymn] Here you are, is it too late?"

Jiu Yao looked indifferent: "The battle has already begun, do you think it can be ended at will?"

"That's really a pity!" Kurat turned his head and looked at Calca: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty Calca, it seems that my waywardness has caused an unforgivable disaster to the Holy Kingdom. Please forgive me for abandoning you. Go, after all, it’s better to live alone than die together..."

With that, the surface of her body was instantly surrounded by a wave of magic, and a dark dot appeared behind it, which was a sign of teleporting magic.

When Carl Jia heard that, not only was she not angry, but she showed a face of relief, she did not realize that she was about to be betrayed, because in her heart, she hoped that her friend could escape.

"Huh! Want to escape? Whimsical!"

The demon man snorted coldly, and appeared in vain in front of Kurat, squeezed her throat, lifted it in the air, and interrupted her casting.

"Kwai Lat!" When Calca saw this, he was in a hurry, and his magic power surged. The third-order Quan Angel was summoned and attacked the demon man. Unfortunately, this summoned demon man waved his hand to hit The collapse disappeared.

"You guy...surely the same as... before!" Kurat said with difficulty, looking at Calca: "I wanted to see you... when you were betrayed... with an angry expression... it seems... Now... please... live well... Calca..."

As she said, a tricky smile suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth, the magic wand in her hand suddenly lit up, and Calca's feet and the robe in her hand were suddenly enveloped by a magic circle...

When Jiu Yao saw this, Dai's eyebrows suddenly frowned, and he said coldly, "Stop her!"

However, Kurat, who had been secretly preparing to continue, didn't give the demon man a chance to react. With a'swish', the robe in her hand and Cal Jia disappeared in an instant.

"Damn!!" The demon man's face suddenly became gloomy and terrifying. He was actually played again. He played the garbage that he regarded as ants twice in a row, and the horrible aura exuded, making this place like purgatory.

He really didn’t expect that this girl with a cunning face didn’t run away for herself. All she did was to cover up. Her ultimate goal was to help the saint queen to escape. She could only say, she The face is too deceptive, who would have thought that a guy with this face would have a quality of self-sacrificing.

Kurat felt the terrifying breath of the demon man, his eyes widened for a while, and he was frightened and retched, but still laughed wildly: "Hehehe~~Hey hahaha~~~ I became angry were deceived by my acting skills, right?...hehehehahaha~~~You think...I was trying to escape by myself..."

The triumphant laughter was not over yet, it just stopped, because Kurat's neck had been cruelly twisted by the demon man, and there was no [The Anthem of Life], this time it was really dead.

"Hurry up and chase me." Jiu Yao's original indifferent voice suddenly became gloomy, and the anger in his heart had the urge to kill the demon man. Stupid, it was really stupid. As a noble demon, he would be treated by humans. To play.

"Yes!" It seemed that he felt the killing intent from Jiuyao, and a trace of panic and fear appeared on the face of the demon man, and his original tyrannical impulse to shred Kuilat's body was washed away. , Didn't dare to stay the slightest, and threw away the corpse Kurat in his hand, and disappeared into a black hole.

"Destroy this place!" After Jiu Yao left such a sentence, his figure disappeared.

The demon man standing in the door respectfully responded with an elegant gentleman's etiquette: "I will follow your instructions, Lord Jiuyao!"..

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