The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 129: See you again

Holy Kingdom, the gate of King City.

Just after paying the entrance tax, Sun Wukong and his party who were about to enter the royal city were attracted by the sudden roar from the sky. At the same time, there was an exclamation and screaming in the city: "My God! What is that? A meteorite? Magic?! !"

"Crap~~! The direction of the meteorite falling is the palace, the saint queen is in danger!!"

All of them exclaimed all at once, and everyone faced the direction of the palace with a worried expression. The palace represented the dignity of a country. If the palace is destroyed, does it mean that the kingdom has fallen?

Shatia raised her head to look at the sky, staring at the sight of the falling stars over the palace, she couldn't help being surprised: "It's a super magic-Starfall, is this Holy Kingdom attacked?"

"Is it possible to activate this level of magic, is it the gang that destroyed the Slien State?" Albedo's face was calm, he analyzed indifferently, and looked at the palace destroyed by the stars without showing the slightest pity.

Monkey King looked ahead: "It seems that we happened to catch up with something interesting."

"Does this Holy Kingdom also get a world-class prop? Otherwise, it's impossible to be targeted by the gang?" Iver said with a serious expression.

"In other words, maybe we have already hunted down the master of this trip?" Xia Tiya's eyes flashed at Monkey King: "Master Wukong, do you need a concubine to get out?"

"Don't worry, it seems that someone is coming in our direction." Monkey King looked ahead and said.

Everyone followed Monkey King's gaze. On the straight street, the figure was shaking. At the end of the line of sight, a very beautiful girl could be seen panicking through the crowd, shouting anxiously: "Escape! Run away! Everyone!" , Run away quickly!!"

"Ah~ it's your Royal Highness!"

"His Royal Highness, what happened? Has the palace been attacked?"

The civilians were panicked, and the adventurers passing by took out their weapons to protect the Holy Queen Calca: "Hurry up! Protect Your Royal Highness!!"

"His Royal Highness, please rest assured, as long as we are there, unless the gangster steps over our body, it is guaranteed that no one will be able to hurt you!"

As the impassioned voices of the adventurers just fell, a huge rotating black hole suddenly appeared in the sky. With the advent of horror, the dark and heavy clouds covered the entire sky. It was not until noon, but it was even close to dusk. illusion.

"Fa, what happened?"

The panic-faced people turned pale by the sudden change, yelling in panic, looking up at the dark black hole in the sky that seemed like disaster and the figure of the demon that came out of it.

For a while, everyone felt the fear that originated from the soul.

"It's a devil! It's a devil!!!"

In an instant, panic was everywhere, people fled in panic, and for a while, the whole street became chaotic.

All the adventurers who were protecting the saint queen looked up at the arrogant and empty figure, all in cold sweat, this kind of fear that suppressed the soul made them almost nauseous in panic.

Can't win, how could they win this monster!

Almost instantly, they understood the gap between the enemy and us, but what could it be?Behind them is the Holy Queen!

Since the saint queen came to the throne, the blessings given to them cannot be forgotten, and now it is time to repay the kindness of the saint queen.

Although the adventurers were fearful, but unwavering, it can be seen that Calca was indeed popular and was loved and worn by his subjects.

"You can't win! You guys, run away! Leave me alone!" Calca looked at the adventurers who looked at death, but shouted anxiously. Even the strongest Paladin is not an enemy of one. What about these adventurers? It might be the opponent of that demon.

"No, at this time, how can I leave you alone? This is detrimental to my reputation as the'Deep Red Lotus'!" The man's face was firm, even facing the terrifying aura of the demon man, he was still calm: "His Royal Highness, you should leave quickly! We will block him for you and buy some time!"

"No, you don't have to..."

"His Royal Highness!" Before Calca could finish her words, the middle-aged adventurer interrupted her very handsomely: "Please remember, the Holy Kingdom can be without our'Deep Red Lotus', but absolutely You can’t live without your Royal Highness!"

"Oh~ do you still have the courage to challenge me?" The demon man fluttered his wings, stayed in the sky, and stared at the adventurer squad of "Deep Red Lotus" below, a playful bloodthirsty smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: " It’s just that, if you want to buy time, do you--are you worthy?"

At the next moment, two wings and a fan shape swooped down, the big sword covered with blood-colored light turned into a circular arc roulette, passing by the adventurer team of "Deep Red Lotus"...

Everyone held their breath and their eyes widened. Even the faces of the adventurer squad of "Deep Red Lotus" were filled with consternation and fear, and then their bodies fell apart amidst the screams of horror. Scattered on the ground.


Such a bloody picture scared Caljia's pupils and he couldn't bear to be angry.

The demon man licked the blood from the sword and walked slowly towards Calca: "Now, do you still want to escape? My Queen?"

The saint queen clasped her robes tightly. It was the true artifact that Kuilat desperately transported along with her——[The Hymn of Life]: "I give you the true artifact, please don't hurt the innocent again!"

"Sorry, you don't have the capital to negotiate with me." The demon man looked indifferent and reached out and grabbed the robe in Caljia's hand.

Calca froze, locked in by the evil spirit of the demon man, she couldn't move at all.

However, just as the demon man was about to grasp the robe, he suddenly felt the strong wind in front of his face. He instinctively felt the threat from his life. Without any hesitation, he abandoned the world-class props he was about to get, and walked backwards at the same time. The spear turned into a stream of light, and for a short while, it stabbed at the ground he had just waited on. The terrifying force directly caused the ground to crack and spread all the way forward.

"Hehehe~~ I didn't expect a world-class prop appeared in this country." Xia Tiya held an umbrella, a playful smile appeared under her elegant and lovely expression.

The shot that flew out just now was the dropper spear she projected.

"Master Sun, Monkey King?!" After seeing Xia Tiya, Cal Jia was stunned. His eyes also saw the following Monkey King and his party. He was overjoyed and ran towards Monkey King without any hesitation...

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