The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 131: Shatia vs. Lun

"Albedo, Nabei, you are not allowed to take action, this guy will let me come!" Shatia yelled loudly, holding the Sacred Spear, killing her murderously towards Lunen. The speed is so fast that the disappearance will disappear in the blink of an eye, and the next moment, it has appeared in front of the opponent.

The spear of Tu Sheng exudes sacred blood, and this stab, one kill is not enough to describe its light, and it pierces through the sky and shoots out towards Ren En's chest.

In the face of such a fierce offensive, Lun didn’t move. Even if the opponent was holding world-class props, he still looked fearless, because he knew very well the ability of the Slaughter’s Spear. It is possible to use the abilities attached to it, just relying on the offensive power of the Spear of Tu Sheng, there is nothing to be afraid of.

As for Xia Tiya's level, when she was at full force, he had already found it out, but it was only one hundred and twenty, for him at the one hundred and fifty level, there was no threat at all.

Yes, after the evolution of Shatia and Albedo, after breaking the 100-level limit, their levels are all 120.

"Nether Shield!"

Seeing that Xia Tiya's spear tip was about to attack him, Lun immediately released his first defensive skill, and saw a black shield with the word "Secluded" emerging, blocking him in all directions.

Under the premise of attacking with extreme speed, he can also display his skills in time for defense, which shows how terrifying his combat instinct is.

Xia Tiya pierced the shield with a shot, and made a harsh humming. When she saw it, the Nether shield was gradually covered with a trace of cracks, which expanded.

When Lun saw this, his expression couldn't help but slightly changed. The attack power of the Saint Slaughter's Spear was a little beyond his expectation. As the left-handed guard of the original "Nine Lights World Devourer", he also acted as a shield, with strong defense. , Naturally there is no doubt, but what I did not expect is that even if the strongest defensive skills are used, the opponent will be stabbed by the opponent's shot and collapse, even if the opponent is equipped with world-class props, this attack power is too long Well, unless her career is focused on attack power.

At the same time, Xia Tiyadai's eyebrows were also slightly wrinkled. The result of this shot made her very dissatisfied. She is known for her offensive power, equipped with world-class props, but she didn't even have a shot to pierce the opponent's defense skills. Some failed.

But if one shot fails, then another shot. With a click, the crack on the Nether Shield expanded again, but it was still not broken. It was not until the third shot that the Nether Shield broke, and the gun power did not decrease. Take only the vitals of Lun's heart.

Facing Xia Tiya’s rush again, a faint smile appeared at the corner of Lun’s mouth. He stretched out one hand, and saw a dark beam emerging from Xia Tiya’s body, forming a huge palm, holding her firmly Hold: "Dark grip!"

"!!!" Xia Tiya's face changed slightly, struggling hard, but she was unable to move under the constraints of the dark giant.

"Your offensive power is not bad, but I don't know how your defense power is?" Lun's face was calm, and he spoke indifferently. The next moment, the blood-colored sword in his hand was covered with a layer of black light, and he cut to Xia Tiya. Down: "Xie Guang Slash!"


Shatia, who was restrained and unable to move, was sturdy and slashed. A bloody mouth appeared in the armor, and her figure was blown upside down by a huge force and fell to the ground. While facing, a large pit with a diameter of more than ten meters was shaken out.

"Cough, cough~~" Xia Tiya coughed violently and let out a bit of blood. This blow caused her serious injuries.

There is indeed a huge gap between the 120th level and the 150th level. Even if the attack power is compensated by the Saint Slaughter's Spear, there are still many gaps in the defense power and other subordinates.

"Master Shatia has fallen into the wind!!" Iver's eyes widened in sorrow, his face shocked.

"Hehehe~~The strength of level one hundred and fifty...It's really not a second!" Xia Tiya wiped off the blood at the corner of her mouth, and her fighting spirit increased.

Albedo stood proudly in the void, looking at Xia Tiya who was downwind, her tone was full of jokes: "Xia Tiya, if you need help, just say it~"

"But~ who wants you to help!" Xia Tiya immediately glared at Yaer Bede and looked at Monkey King: "Master Wukong, do you have a defensive world-class prop? Borrow one from my concubine!"

"Is it defensive?" Sun Wukong thought for a while, but before he could answer, Cal Jia on the side handed the robe in his hand to Sun Wukong: "I don't know if this hymn of life is OK? It can be given to people. immortal!"

"Oh~ the immortal body is not suitable enough." Monkey King smiled, took the robe handed over by Cal Jia, and looked at Xia Tiya, but before he could speak, Ren En's expression changed, cold. Drink out: "How can I make you wish!"

Shatia's attack has already posed a threat to him, and if he were to put on the hymn of life that can give the immortal body, it would be very bad.

Without any hesitation, Lun appeared in front of Xia Tiya as if teleporting, and the blood-colored sword in his hand slashed down towards her neck without hesitation, and he was likely to behead her with a single blow.

Xia Tiya instinctively wanted to evade, but after seeing Monkey King's movements, she smiled and turned a blind eye to the attack of Slash.

The next moment, a hand suddenly stretched out, and only the two big swords that were about to be cut on Xia Tiya's neck were clamped, and Monkey King said indifferently: "Can you wait a moment?"

"!!!" Lun's complexion changed drastically, he drew his sword back and forth, his expression was solemn, his full blow was actually caught by the opponent with only two fingers?This person is so strong, it's no wonder that the adult said, don't confront this group of people, just run away.

"Come on, put this on, it can give you immortality." Monkey King handed the hymn of life in his hand to Xia Tiya.

Xia Tiya's eyes lit up and she took it and put it directly on her body. Not to mention, she became extremely graceful with a robe on her body. At the same time, she was wearing the hymn of life on her body just injured. At the moment, he recovered in an instant.

"Good recovery ability!" Xia Tiya looked surprised. Although the injury was nothing to her as the true ancestor of the vampire, the recovery ability brought by the hymn of life really surprised her. With this item, it is enough to make up for her lack of defense...

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