The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Two

"Hahahahaha~~~" Xia Tiya laughed out of her heart and was pleased: "It's great, now we can have a good fight!"

In this regard, Lun could only frown slightly. He was not afraid of Shatia, who was equipped with the hymn of life, but the Monkey King on the side.

Just now, Monkey King's simple shot has already made him feel the gap between himself and Monkey King. Even if he defeats the girl in front of him, he cannot defeat the adult behind her. He seems to have fallen into a desperate situation. What's more, in addition to the adult, there are two others who gave him a threatening atmosphere and stared at him.

"It seems that only Master Jiuyao has to be notified." Lun En made a decision now, whether he can get away, depends on Master Jiuyao's willingness to rescue him.

Like the others in Naxalik, Lun and his team naturally have their own contact information. No need to say more, just a thought can pass the message he wants to express.

Above the palace, Jiu Yao, who had just watched a "romantic firework", was extremely satisfied with the destruction of the palace, but when she looked at the street outside the palace, Dai's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Regarding Lun's situation, she naturally It was the first time that she was aware of it. She was planning to see the strength of this group of targets that the master focused on. With the exploration magic, the level attributes of Xia Tiya and others were undoubtedly revealed before her eyes.

This level may be an invincible existence for others, but for them, it is not enough to look at it. Why is such a person afraid of even the master?

She didn’t realize what was going on until the moment when Monkey King shot it. Just now, she didn’t even notice the existence of Monkey King. Under her magic of discovery, she didn’t even realize that the lower eyelids were still There was one person, and even an understatement was to take a powerful blow from Lun.

The next discovery magic is still on Sun Wukong, but the information obtained is still blank, as if there is no such person. Jiu Yao was frightened and his heart beat wildly at the moment, and finally knew that his mistress was jealous. The reason is that this man, like her mistress, could not detect any information. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would not have felt the existence of this person.

In other words, this man may be in the same level as her mistress?

Thinking of the terrible mistress of her mistress, Jiuyao suddenly felt numb in her scalp. She just wanted to turn around and evacuate, but got Lun’s call for help. This made her a little embarrassed. As the newly promoted "Nine Lights World Devourer", she He also has his own dignity and pride. Wouldn't it be too shameful to watch his subordinates being killed and indifferent?

"The master has said that I will run away when I meet this group of people. In other words, facing him, I still have the possibility of running away..." Jiu Yao looked contemplative. After thinking for a long time, he finally made up his mind: "Someday If you have to face it, you can just see how strong he is. If you don’t fight against it, you can save people..."

Determined, Jiuyao immediately blessed countless states, defenses and other magic on his body, and even used the defensive skills endowed by the heart of the world tree to maximize his abilities and face the possibility of The hostess existed like that, she didn't dare to be careless, she didn't even think about fighting at all, just to save people.

She didn't believe that with her current strength, she had the world's most powerful props like the Heart of the World Tree, and she didn't even have the ability to save a person.

"You, retreat." Jiuyao decisively issued such an instruction to Lun En.

After receiving the reply from Lord Jiuyao, Lun Enn, who had a solemn face, couldn't help but feel happy. It seems that Lord Jiuyao didn't intend to give up on himself. Without any hesitation, he turned around and moved towards the direction of the palace at a teleportation speed. Fled away.

When Xia Tiya saw this, she was anxious: "You fellow, don't you have any backbone? You still want to escape?"

"Do you really think of me as a decoration?" Albedo, who has never made a move, took it resolutely, spreading his slender hand forward, and the eternal robbery snake ring on the ring finger exudes a dim light, as if the law of the world has been inspired The strength is average, and a ripple spreads at an extreme speed, instantly forming an invisible barrier, completely isolating the space within a kilometer from the world.

Lun immediately stopped the figure that was about to hit the barrier, and his expression became ugly: "Damn, I didn't expect them to have this kind of props!"

"Nice work, Albedo!" When Xia Tiya saw this, she was overjoyed, her body flashed and she appeared in front of Lun, her eyes releasing bloodthirsty light: "Don't think of unrealistic fantasy Now, your only choice is to fight with me, either you die or I die!"

"That's not necessarily!" Lun looked at the beautiful figure that had appeared outside the barrier, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I think I have a second choice."

"Is it the Eternal Tribulation Snake Ring?" Jiu Yao looked at the enchantment in front of him, with a greedy expression on his face: "There are quite a few world-class props, but unfortunately, I can't snatch it..."

Holding the heart of the world tree, she gently touched the heart of the world tree on the barrier, and the barrier immediately rippled with a ripple like a water wave, slowly spreading, and the barrier instantly disappeared without a trace.

"This is?!" Seeing that the enchantment he had unfolded was broken so easily by the other party, Albedo's expression changed slightly, and the expression on the woman instantly became extremely solemn, especially in her hands. Something seems to be an incredible world-class prop.

"Go!" Without any hesitation, the barrier was broken in an instant, Jiu Yao also made a decisive decision and was about to evacuate, but when she just turned around, her body suddenly froze in place. I don't know when, Sun Wukong has appeared in her. In front of him, she looked at her with a smile: "Don't go in such a hurry, the world-class props in your hand seem to be quite interesting. Can you show me?"

Jiuyao instinctively retracted the heart of the world tree, stretched out his figure and quickly retreated, and just wanted to use teleportation to leave, but it was a surprise discovery and failed.

Well, the space here is still sealed by Nabelal's dimension blockade, she just stepped back and just entered the scope of this magic...

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