The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 133: Xia Tiya vs. Jiu Yao

"Sure enough, is it impossible to leave peacefully..." Jiu Yao sighed in his heart. This is not unexpected. From the moment she decided to take action, she had already achieved this kind of awareness, and the hostess How could a mysterious person let her get off so easily.

"Hehehe~~ Here's another one!" Xia Tiya stared at Jiu Yao, her eyes flashing with dangerous light, but there was a smile on her face: "You just used world-class props? It was so easy. It unlocked the seal enchantment arranged by the Eternal Tribulation Snake Ring. It looks very good, so stay with it!"

With that said, Xia Tiya directly used her special skill-the Bloodthirsty Gun of Destruction, which evolved from the special skill of Purifying Throwing Gun after breaking through the level limit.

The effect of the Clean Throwing Spear is: consume MP, summon a three-meter giant God of War Spear, and give it a certain effect, making it impossible to dodge.

The upgraded version of the Bloodthirsty Gun of Destruction has evolved into a special exclusive gun skill, which can only be used when holding the gun. While inheriting its inevitable effect, it can also convert 100% of the damage caused to restore its own injury blood. .

Once the skill was used, the gun of Tu Sheng in Xia Tiya's hand was wrapped in a thick blood halo, which looked extremely gorgeous and exaggerated, and the body floated autonomously. Before the thrust, it was in front of Jiuyao in an instant. She could hardly react.

And this is a must-have attribute, fast to the extreme, so fast that you can't react, once locked, even if you leave with teleportation magic, the caster will also teleport away with it until it hits the target.


There is no doubt that Xia Tiya's shot directly hit Jiu Yao's heart, but the sound of golden and iron humming was heard. The violent power made her take a half step back and stabilized her figure.

If this is a game, then a word of'miss' will definitely float on Jiu Yao's head at this moment. Yes, she didn't suffer any damage from this powerful blow.

Not to mention that her own defensive power has already crushed Shatia’s offensive power. When she shot, she was even more fully prepared. All the defensive skills she could use were blessed by her, even the world tree. The absolute defense endowed by her heart was used by her to prevent all accidents from happening. With such exaggerated preparations, it was strange that Xia Tiya could deal damage.

The full blow did not cause any substantial damage, which made Xia Tiyadai's eyebrows frown, she just wanted to pull back, but suddenly saw that Jiuyao's detective grabbed the gun of Tu Sheng, and said indifferently: "The gun of Tu Sheng should also The thing has returned to its original owner."

"Return to the original owner?" Xia Tiya's face suddenly became angry and distorted when he heard the words: "This is a token of love that Master Wukong rewarded her concubine. You shouldn't say anything here!!"

"When did it become a token of love?" Monkey King was silent on the side.

Xia Tiya's blood exploded in her left hand and slammed directly down in front of Jiu Yao-blood anger!

Jiu Yao immediately hummed, and a violent air wave burst out of her body instantly, forming a substantial air wall and forcibly sending Xia Tiya out of the countershock, and the hand holding the gun was released as a result. Falling to the ground, it seems that the damage was not light.

"My Sage Slaying Spear!!" Almost at the moment when she fell to the ground, Xia Tiya bounced up and let out a piercing scream, completely ignoring her injuries and rushing towards Jiu Yao like a madman. How could someone take away the'faithful token' that Master Wukong gave her.

"Xia Tiya." Seeing Xia Tiya had already run away because of anger, Monkey King said calmly.

"Hey~~Master Wukong!" Xia Tiya was taken aback for a moment, and she recovered a bit of sanity, staring at Jiuyao with bloody eyes: "Please give the concubine some time, the concubine will definitely take the gun of Tu Sheng Retaken!"

"Get out, she, you can't win."

"Uh~ yes!" Xia Tiya retreated behind Sun Wukong without any hesitation: "But the spear of Tu Sheng..."

"Don't worry, I will help you get it back." Monkey King smiled and patted Xia Tiya's head, and then went forward and looked at Jiuyao: "I remember you, last time, you wanted to take it from me. Take this trophy?"

"So you still remember me!" Jiuyao looked serious and did not dare to relax: "Then, you should also know that the Spear of Slaying Saint was originally given by me to the Necromancer, but now it is just returning to the original owner. ."

"Haha~~ Return to the original owner?" Monkey King smiled faintly: "You really dare to say that these items do not originally belong to anyone, and their ownership has always been-whoever grabs it belongs to whoever ."

"Then, it's in my hands now, so it's mine." Jiu Yao looked at Monkey King. Although he was jealous, he showed no timidity on the surface.

"No, it's not yours." Monkey King smiled indifferently, his right hand stretched out, and the Spear of Tu Sheng that was held tightly by Jiu Yao suddenly appeared in his hand.

"!!! When...?!!!" Jiu Yao's complexion changed drastically, she didn't even feel how the things in her hands were taken away?The chill in my heart is even stronger.

"It's embarrassing to be taken away by someone. Don't be taken away next time." Monkey King handed the gun of Tu Sheng to Xia Tiya.

"Yes, I'm sorry, my concubine was ashamed of you." Xia Tiya took over the gun of Tu Sheng with a look of shame.

Monkey King rubbed Xia Tiya's head and comforted: "You don't need to care so much. After all, losing to the "Nine Lights World Devourer" is not a shameful thing."

""Nine Lights World Devourer"?"Albedo landed beside Monkey King with a look of doubt: "What is that?""

As the created NPC, if there is no corresponding information, they don't know the existence of world-class BOSS for granted.

Monkey King: "World-class props are all transformed from the leaves of the World Tree. I have already told you about this. The "Nine Lights World Devourer" is a world-class monster that has evolved from devouring the leaves of the World Tree."

Iver heard the words, his eyes widened in astonishment: "In other words, she has swallowed countless world-class props? My God!!"

This kind of background is as exaggerated as listening to the heavenly book.

"No, I didn't expect that this guy turned out to be the kind of monster that exists!!" Xia Tiya and the others were all shocked...

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