The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Four

Xia Tiya's unhappy heart suddenly improved a lot, and it was really not a shame to lose to such a monster.

Monkey King looked at Jiu Yao: "However, I'm curious, you should be the second generation of "Nine Yao World Devourer", right?With your previous strength, you can't beat the "Nine Lights World Devourer", who helped you defeat the "Nine Lights World Devourer"?"

"This has nothing to do with you." Jiu Yao looked at Monkey King, his expression indifferent, but his heart was full of vigilance. She naturally didn't mention anything about that adult.

"Really." Sun Wukong smiled and didn't care: "But I should be able to guess the general situation, but what makes me curious is that I can't detect her specific location, which is a bit of concern. , How did she avoid my detection?"

This dimensional world can't escape his exploration, even the Lord of the One Realm is invisible. Monkey King is convinced that the person behind Jiuyao must be the Lord of the One Realm, but what makes him feel strange is that he can't detect it. It was a little strange to the existence of the Lord of One Realm. He was clearly in this world, but he couldn't detect it. He had never encountered this kind of thing before.

"Could it be that the multi-dimensional master gave her some supernatural powers to fail?" Monkey King touched his chin, thinking, "Or, what special ability does she have?"

Seeing that Monkey King was silent, Albedo couldn't help but stepped forward and took his arm, and said softly, "Master Goku, why bother so much? As long as you catch her and interrogate her, you will know everything. The whole story."

"I'm not worried, just thinking about something." Monkey King smiled, looked at Jiuyao, and said, "But you are right. You really need to get some useful information from her."

"Then, let's catch her together!" Albedo looked at Jiuyao with both eyes, his gentle expression was not there, it was a piece of coldness, and at the same time he took out a scroll, directly tore it open, huge magic power Swept out of the scroll in an instant, forming a black teleporter. All the class guardians and domain guardians of Nazarick walked out of it one by one. The horrible evil spirits exuded one by one, making people Disgusted with fear, cold all over.

At first glance, this group of monsters are not good people, but extremely evil people.

Iver looked at the figures gradually coming out of the portal, and his eyes widened in shock for a while. Before, seeing a monster of this level was enough to shock the world, but now, there are just a bunch of them. With the extremely evil aura that exudes, why did she not only have no disgust, but a sense of passion?Is it because she is also a vampire?Her heart is no longer human?

All of them were struggling to swallow saliva. Although they had already seen the horror of Nazarick, the sight of a hundred-level personnel dispatched still shocked them. What I saw in Naxalek was just the tip of the iceberg. There were so many of Naxalek's hundred-level powerhouses.

Such a terrifying force, ruling the world, is really just a sentence!

Do these all come from the same world as the legendary gods and men?What kind of world is that world? There are so many powerful men who can subvert the entire world.

"Master Goku!"

Once all the guardians appeared, they all looked respectful, knelt down on one knee, and bowed to Monkey King. The scene was particularly spectacular.

Seeing this situation, Jiu Yao frowned slightly. Seeing this situation, the other party made it clear that she wanted to stay.

The demon male Renn and another demon, Friss, met with Jiuyao. Friss looked solemn and secretly transmitted his voice: "Lord Jiuyao, looking at this posture, we want to leave safely. It seems unrealistic."

"Look for an opportunity, as soon as there is a chance, we will quickly evacuate." Jiu Yao said in a deep voice, she always remembered the mistress's instructions, and the existence of Monkey King made her jealous.

"There is no need to make such a fuss." Regarding Albedo's actions, Monkey King shook his head and said: "But since they have all been summoned, the two left and right demon guards will be handed over to you, "Nine Lights World Devourer". You all come together, and there is no chance of winning, so it is left to me."

"Yes, please follow your instructions!"

All the guardians responded to the command at the same time and stood up.

Lubedo stared at the figure in front of him with cold eyes, and laughed strangely: "Is our target them? Hehe~~ This level is really not very good~ No wonder we are calling all of us! This is true! Exciting trembling all over!!"

"Is this feeling at the same level as the Undead Monarch?" Yawula looked solemn. She has a fresh memory of the Undead Monarch. At the same time, she fixed her gaze on Jiuyao: "Especially that woman, it is so dignified. I got goose bumps!"

"The current opponent is really getting stronger and stronger! Has even the guards risen to the same level as the undead monarch?" Sebastian stared in front of him with a solemn expression.

"Then, let's fight for a fight! Hip-hop haha~~~" Nigured let out a series of crazy laughs, holding the scissors, she locked the target on Lun for the first time. She was neurotic. , The spirit is extremely unstable, and when he is mad, even his own people will attack. Now that he has received the order from Monkey King, he has already responded. In her world, whether you are strong or not, let's talk about it.

"Sister, please be careful, they are not ordinary opponents!" Albedo gave a soft sigh, hurriedly stretched out and chased after him.

"Hehehe~~Are the two sisters so active? Then I can't lag behind!" Lubedo laughed strangely, at a faster speed than Albedo and Nigured. A flashed in front of Lun, the weapon in his hand unceremoniously pierced towards the point.

Lun hummed softly, and the blood-colored sword in his hand slashed back unceremoniously. The two blows intersected, and the ear-piercing humming broke out. Lubedo was shocked by a huge force, and he slid tens of meters to stabilize. Living in shape, I felt a little numb in his hands; while Lun remained still standing still.

"What a strong power!!" Lubedo looked at his trembling hands with a look of surprise. Apart from Monkey King, this is the second time she has been restrained with overwhelming force...

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