The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Five

"Even to catch it!" Lun looked at Lubedo, but his brow was frowned. He thought that if he was hit by a heavy slash, the one with hundredth-level power would not die or be seriously injured, and he couldn't stand it at all, but the opponent was just repelled. , She was not injured, and her strength really surprised him. It seemed that she was an elite among the elite in the hundred ranks.

Albedo flashed to Lubedo's side and looked at her, her brows frowned slightly. Although her tone was stern, the concern in her eyes flashed away: "Lubedo, you are still so reckless and impulsive. Your lessons are not enough!"

Like a girl in the rebellious period, Lubedo curled his lips indifferently: "Cut~ I just want to test her strength. As expected, the attributes are quite different! But it is still within a tolerable range."

"It's really Lubedo. She was okay after a single blow." Xia Tiya also had to feel admired for this. You know, she is now at level 120, and she can't stand a single blow from Renn. Slightly wounded, it deserves to be known as the strongest individual of Nazarick, a monster that can only be defeated by using it with world-class props, and it can even harden steel in the face of a 150-level existence.

"However, I am not going to lose now!" Xia Tiyahao yelled out of disobedience, stomping on the ground under his feet, rushing towards Lun like a cannonball, and the Sacred Gun in his hand issued an order. The sacred breath that the devil hates, stabs out!

""Magic Quadruple Strengthening·Shield Wall""!"

Just as Shatia’s shot was about to hit, Friis next to Lenn shot, and during the wave of his hand, a shield wall appeared in front of Lenn, resisting this powerful blow for him, and then, with a big hand With a wave, the magic is activated again-the tenth order of magic, the five-fold enhancement of magic-air shock!

The space around Xia Tiya suddenly distorted and deformed, the space was destroyed, shattered like glass.Of course, this is only a visual effect, and the real space is not broken.

However, Xia Tiya's body was in the'shattered space', and it was also broken, and in a flash, it became like a figure made up of shredded paper, full of terror.

Only in the next moment, the hymn of the life she wore on her body suddenly burst out with a strong light of life, instantly restoring her broken body to perfection.

Xia Tiya squeezed her fist with lingering fears, her eyes flashed with madness and excitement: "Hey~~ I thought I was going to be killed~ This life hymn given by Master Wukong is really useful!"

"That's it?" It was the first time that Sebastian and others saw the hymn of life, and they all showed a little surprise.

Nabelal said: "It's the world-class props that Master Goku has just given to Master Shatia-the hymn of life. After being equipped, you can have an immortal body."

"Isn't it an immortal body? It really deserves to be a world-class prop!" Cosettes and others were all exclaimed. This prop is worn by Shatia, isn't it invincible?

"It's really an eye-catching item!" Fries looked at Xia Tiya, frowning slightly, and then recovered calmly: "Since it can't be killed, then tie it..."

In speaking to himself, Fries once again launched the tenth order magic-dark light enlightenment.

I saw several dark beams burst out of Shatia's body suddenly, as if her body had been pierced, crossed and bound in the sky, forming a dark prison, blocking all her actions.

This magic has no defense at all, and it ignores all magic resistances. It is a must-have sealing magic, but although the effect is strong, it also has great limitations. That is, the caster cannot use other magic after casting this magic. Magic, otherwise the restraint effect will be automatically lifted.

Therefore, this magic is an auxiliary magic and requires teamwork.

At the moment Fries cast this magic, Lun moved his figure for the first time, reached out to Shatia and grabbed it. He didn't need Fries' explanation at all, and he understood his intentions and himself. What needs to be done.

The effect of the immortal body of the hymn of life is too buggy, so if you want to defeat Shatia, you must remove the hymn of life she is wearing.

But such a clear intention was naturally discovered by Albedo and the others.

"How could you succeed!" Dimiugos snorted, and the magic that had been secretly prepared for a long time was thrown down without hesitation-ten thousand thunder strikes annihilated, and a huge thunder fell from the sky, running through Lenn's whole body, together with Xia Ti Ya is also included.

Shatiaar, who was full of electricity and smoke, was suddenly smoked by the Qi orifices of anger, and roared: "Dimiugos, do you want me to be killed together?"

Dimiugos stroked his glasses and said unconsciously: "You who wear the hymn of life can't die, and only this powerful magic that covers you together is the most effective. , The most direct way to save you."

Xia Tiya still looked upset: "Next time I will poke a few blood holes in your body to let you know that this is also very painful."

"It's all this time, are you still in the mood to quarrel?" An indifferent voice suddenly sounded, and Lun walked out of the scorched earth unharmed, his figure flashed, and once again caught Shatia who was restrained and unable to move. past…

But at the same time, Albedo, Sebastian and others also took action and launched an attack on Lun. Just as they were about to get close, Lun’s protruding palm suddenly stopped, and the corners of his mouth appeared. With a tricky smile, black light spread from his body and extended to cover, and Albedo and others, who were enveloped by this black light, were all stopped, unable to move, as if they were imprisoned by something.

"This, this is?!!!"

Albedo's complexion changed drastically. She really didn't expect that as a melee professional, Lun would have such group control skills.

"Touch of Darkness!" Lun explained calmly: "People who are enveloped by this black light will temporarily lose all the ability to act. Although there is not much time, it is enough for now."

With that said, as Albedo and the others became greatly changed, they squeezed Shatia’s throat, and stretched out her hand to grab the hymn of the life she was wearing...

However, Xia Tiya made a crazy evil laugh at the moment: "Hey hey~~~Do you think you have won? Hey hey~~~ The concubine body will never be taken away from Master Wukong for the second time. My treasure, so you better go to die!"

In an instant, the Sacred Spear in Shatia's hand emitted a dazzling sacred light...

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