
Lun's complexion changed drastically, and he knew what the light radiated from Saint Tu Sheng's spear meant. He naturally knew very well. The palm of Xia Tiya's throat was suddenly strengthened, and her throat was abruptly squeezed.

But what can she do, wearing the hymn of life, even if her head is shattered, she can maintain ample vitality and be reborn. This is the power of the hymn of life.

Xia Tiya's head twisted in a weird arc, but a weird smile appeared on her face, which looked very evil: "Hee hee~~~ Goodbye!"

Hearing this, Lun did not dare to hesitate and retreated at the extreme speed. He wanted to interrupt Shatia's spellcasting, but he didn't expect to even pinch the opponent's neck, and he failed.

"Run? Can you run away?" As Lun retreated and let go, Shatia's distorted neck instantly recovered under the effect of the hymn of life, and while laughing slyly, the spear of Tu Sheng radiated out. The light ignoring the obstacles of space, directly shrouded Lun's body. The next moment, Lun's body was erased little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye...

The breath of death made Lun a look of fear on his face, and he directly threw a dark resurrection technique on himself. Then, his body disappeared completely under the cover of the divine light, and the dark resurrection technique did not Bring him back to life.

As long as the target is locked by the gun of Tu Sheng, hiding is useless, and can only be defended or resurrected with world-class props of the same level. His dark resurrection technique is obviously not included.

When Lun was completely obliterated, the light of the Saint-Slaying Spear in Shatiya's hands also shrouded her body. This was the price to pay for using the Sacred-Slaying Spear. While obliterating the target, it would also obliterate herself.


When Albedo and others saw this, they all screamed. They really did not expect that Xia Tiya would use the power of the Sacred Spear recklessly. That was explicitly forbidden by Master Wukong, how dare she? .

"Master Wukong, save Xia Tiya!!" Marei looked at Monkey King in panic.

Sun Wukong smiled, "Don't worry, don't you forget what she is wearing?"

From beginning to end, even if Xia Tiya was fatally wounded, Monkey King did not save her, because she was wearing the hymn of life. This world-class prop and the gun of Tu Sheng in her hand are simply a perfect match, BUG-like existence , Shatia, who has these two world-class props, if he still needs his help, wouldn't she be too wasteful.

Just as Monkey King’s voice fell, the light from the spear of Tu Sheng completely enveloped Shatia’s body, and her body was completely erased, but the next moment, where she disappeared, the hymn of life floating in the sky suddenly radiated. A strong light of life spread out from his robes, and gradually formed a "human" appearance. In the final form, Shatia reappeared in front of Albedo and others intact.

"Resurrected?" Albedo sighed in secret. Although she always quarreled with Xia Tiya, the relationship between the two is still very good: "I didn't expect this hymn of life to be accompanied by resurrection, you Did you cast the resurrection technique on yourself in advance?"

"Yes, I didn't expect it to be a real success!" Xia Tiya smiled, not caring about the danger of what she had done just now, and then she was affectionate, holding her face in both hands, with a face. She looked at Monkey King shyly: "Of course, the concubine dared to be so bold. Naturally, it is because Master Wukong is now. Because the concubine believes that even if the concubine is dead, Master Wukong can also resurrect her."

Seeing Xia Tiya's expression, Albedo was immediately upset, and directly slapped her up: "I remember, Master Wukong seems to have a clear instruction for you, is not allowed to use the skill of the Tusheng spear?"

"Huh?!!!" Xia Tiya heard the words, and her whole body suddenly froze in place.

Albedo continued to make up the knife: "For those who don't obey orders, maybe they will be abandoned by Master Goku~"

"Hey~~!! Don't ah!!" Xia Tiya's face turned pale in an instant, she screamed, her figure flashed, she instantly appeared beside Monkey King, knelt down and hugged his thigh. , Looked at him pitifully: "Master Wukong, please don't abandon the concubine! The concubine knows that it is wrong, and the concubine will be obedient in the future!"

Monkey King was smashed by Xia Tiya’s sudden action, but seeing the real fear in her eyes, he couldn’t help but stretched out his hand and rubbed her head, and said softly: "Don’t worry, how could I abandon you? Well, Albedo is just joking with you, get up."

When Xia Tiya heard this, her worried expression immediately became happy: "Hehehehe~~ I know that Master Wukong loves concubines the most, so how can you blame them..."

Albedo said with a cold face: "Xia Tiya, don't be too happy too soon. Although Lord Wukong has a great mind and won't be held accountable, you really violated Master Wukong's order, so you must accept punishment. "

Monkey King: "This. Isn't it necessary?"

Albedo looked serious, but never let go of this matter: "It is necessary. If it is not punished, people in the future will think that they will be forgiven and imitated by Master Wukong. The consequences are very serious."

Xia Tiya also looked serious: "Master Wukong, since the concubine has violated your order, it is reasonable to accept your punishment..." Speaking of this, her original serious expression suddenly became serious: "So, is your punishment this time using your concubine as a stool? Or do you need your concubine to warm the bed, or..."

"Xia Tiya, don't be too proud of yourself!" Before Albedo could finish her words, he interrupted her with anger and anger. It could be said that she was flushed with anger: "This is punishment, it is clearly. Reward! Stop dreaming!"

"Reward..." Monkey King was speechless for a long time for this statement. Sure enough, Albedo, Shatia and the others seemed quite strange in their thoughts, and they were indeed strange, but because of this, they appeared to be quite. cute.

"I said you guys, are you still in the mood to be noisy at this time?" Jiuyao's face trembled at this moment. It was irritated. The performance of Xia Tiya and others made it clear that she did not look at her. Can you not get angry?I'm also the "Nine Lights World Devourer" anyway, and I have a temper!..

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