The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 137: Monkey King vs. Jiu Yao

Regarding that Lun En was given a second by "Sacred Spear", Jiu Yao's mood at the moment was extremely depressed. After all, she came here to save Lun En, but she was not saved, but put herself in danger. Knowing this, it is better not to save it.

Moreover, he is also the second generation of "Nine Lights World Devouring Demon" anyway, you guys respect me anyway, and even quarreled on the sidelines, completely ignoring her existence, it is simply unbearable!

"Oh~ you haven't left yet?" Monkey King focused his attention on Jiuyao, "I thought you would take the opportunity to escape."

"I won't run away! How unbearable what you think of me!" Jiuyao was even more angry when she heard this. She had thought about fleeing, but it would be too embarrassing to escape without a fight. And since becoming the "Nine Lights World Devourer", she has never exhausted all her strength. Now, she is extremely eager to see how strong she is after exhausting all her strength.

With the "Heart of the World Tree", she also has the confidence to escape absolutely. Although she has not been saved, she will test the strength of the Monkey King before leaving, so that she can be fully prepared for the next battle.

At the moment, Jiu Yao shouted at the only surviving demon man: "Fries, you don't need to be frightened, fight with all your strength!"

"Follow your will, Master Jiuyao!" Fries was dressed in a black robe and bowed to make a very standard gentleman's etiquette. A black staff flashed in his hand, depicting mysterious pictures and texts, and the top was inlaid. With a huge shining ruby, a blood-colored halo reveals mystery and gorgeousness.

The huge magical power, like the vast starry sky, was presented in the perception of Shatia and other guardians, making them all look solemn and stressed.

"So, everyone..." Fries once again made a gentleman's courtesy to Shatia and others: "My fellow Fries, I will be your opponent now."

"This guy's really bad!" Oleil Omega looked at Xia Tia with a condensed voice: "Xia Tia, can the skills of "Sacred Spear" still be used?"

Xia Tiya shook her head solemnly: "No, you have to wait until three days later. Also, "The Hymn of Life" has entered the cooling time."

"Doesn't this mean that you have no immortality?" Albedo frowned slightly.

"Yes." Xia Tiya nodded solemnly. She had already used the skills of "The Hymn of Life", and the effect had naturally entered a cold-hearted state.

"It's a bit too short." Sebastian looked solemn: "But fortunately, we have solved one first. If we deal with two at the same time, we may be powerless, but for one-everyone, do well. Prepare to die!"

"Hey~ I can't ask for it!" Yawu Lajiao yelled, without any fear: "I just don't know if this guy will have that kind of mortal skill like the undead monarch!"

"In short, be more careful!" Dimiugos remembered the "finger of death" of the undead monarch. He looked at Fris and said politely: "Mr. Fris, do we change the battlefield? What?"

"That's what I meant!" Without saying anything, Fries flew directly away from here, Xia Tiya and other guardians all followed, giving the battlefield to Monkey King and Jiuyao, this is their battlefield.

Watching Shatia and others leave, Sun Wukong looked at Ivera and others: "You stay away, don't be affected."

Ivera and the others all bowed and saluted Monkey King: "Please be careful!" As they said, they evacuated here one after another. They knew very well that there was no room for them to intervene in this kind of battle.

It wasn't until Ivera and the others withdrew from a relatively safe distance that Monkey King looked at Jiuyao: "Then, your state seems to be approaching time, do you need to regain yourself?"

"You are really confident in your own strength, then I am not polite!" Jiu Yao was not hypocritical, the light flashed in his hand, "Heart of the World Tree" was already in hand.

Immediately, the light flashed all over her body, and her body was re-added in various states, which greatly improved her attack power, defense power and other major resistances. It was predicted that she would be resurrected after several deaths. Shu, each technique is a level that can only be used by world-class props. Don't ask why, because what she represents is the "Nine Lights World Devourer", and numerous skills represent world-class props.

This is precisely because "YGGDRASIL" has never been killed from the start of the server to the end of the server.

This is the ultimate big boss composed of many world-class props, and a mobile treasure house of world-class props. Who can beat this kind of BUG-class monster!

"Come on, I haven't had any activities for a while, I hope you can play with me for a while." Monkey King hooked his finger at Jiu Yao.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down!" Jiu Yao yelled softly, using "Heart of the World Tree" as a weapon, he directly activated the super-level weak aura and set it on Monkey King's body, but Monkey King stood there. , Without the slightest abnormality.

"I said, don't use this kind of boring method." Monkey King looked at Jiuyao indifferently: "Any abnormal state is of no use to me. The only chance you can defeat me is Positive and strong strength."

"Is that so?" Jiu Yao looked solemnly: "Even with the blessing of world-class props, wouldn't it be affected... As expected, he is an opponent who is afraid of even that adult! It is really strong! If this is the case, how about this trick? What?"

Jiuyao stretched out his palm to Monkey King, and then gently pushed it. In an instant, it seemed that the entire space was being affected. The ground rolled and cracked, and the aftershocks spread for more than a hundred meters, and everything within it was completely covered. Ruined, a huge vacuum zone appeared in the center of the entire royal city.

Fortunately, the surrounding residents had long seen something bad and fled, and there were no casualties. This also made Calca breathe a sigh of relief, watching the battle from a distance.

It's just that for this level of horror magic, they felt a deep powerless shock. The monsters they faced before turned out to be this level of monsters.

"Space magic, the power is pretty good." In the smoke and dust, Monkey King walked out slowly, looking at Qiang Jiuyao, his expression unchanged: "However, if you want to hurt me, it's still a little worse."

When Jiu Yao saw this, her pupils couldn't help but shrink. That was one of her strongest magic. The space magic that surpassed the rank position didn't even break the defense of others?..

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