The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen

This is a little bit?Who are you fooling around!

Jiuyao now finally knows the gap between herself and Monkey King. She is using extremely destructive space magic. With her current strength attributes, facing the hit, she can still remain intact. No wonder that adult will Said, I fled when I saw it.

It’s just that my own "Nine Lights World Devouring Demon" is too devoid of cards. The first generation was killed by that adult as soon as she appeared; and as the second generation, she is now almost degraded to the same as the first generation. In a situation, she is the "Nine Lights World Devourer", the strongest existence in the world!Why is there a kind of toy now in the hands of others?

"Why, is this your strongest magic?" Monkey King looked at Jiuyao with a plain face: "If it is, it would be too disappointing."

Jiuyao did not dare to speak. Now she felt an invisible great pressure from Monkey King, which made her recall the scene of the first generation of "Nine Yao World Devourer" being obliterated by that adult. She absolutely believed , The one in front of him has the same terrifying strength as that adult, this adult is an existence that she absolutely cannot defeat.

But fortunately, she didn't plan to fight against it from the beginning. All she did was just for testing. Now, her goal has been achieved. She clearly understands the invincible and terrifying strength of the other party, and it is time to leave. Up.

The "Heart of the World Tree" in his hand suddenly emitted a faint light, covering Jiu Yao's figure completely. However, the next thing that surprised Jiu Yao was that after waiting for two or three seconds, nothing happened.

"Why, why?!" Jiuyao looked at Monkey King, panic and puzzled: "What did you do? I just broke the dimensional blockade here with dimensional breaking, why still can't transmit?"

Just now, the attack launched by Jiuyao was not only a temptation and attack, but also an attempt to break the dimensional blockade performed by Nabelal, and pave the way for his next escape.

She didn’t choose to save Lun Enn without a brain. She had already thought about the future. She had the certainty that she could escape before she dared to rescue her. Otherwise, how could she put herself in danger for such a life-saving person. situation.

It's just that now it seems a little different from what she imagined!

"Don't you think that only the dimensional blockade has the ability to block teleportation magic?" Monkey King looked at Jiuyao with a smile: "It's not that you are the only one who uses space magic~"

"Is the space here blocked by you?" Jiu Yao's face was solemn. She really didn't expect that after she had cast the Dimensional Destruction, the person in front of her would be able to re-cast a similar magic to seal the space?How did he do that?I have completely broken the space here and become dazzled. It is reasonable to say that it is impossible to perform similar sealing magic.

"Since the teleportation can't work..." Jiu Yao stroked the heart of the World Tree in his hand, and it instantly emitted a dim light, covering her body, becoming transparent, becoming like air, intangible and intangible.

Invisible and innocent, it means that it is absolutely incapable of attack. This is also the confidence that Jiuyao has absolute confidence in being able to leave safely, because in this state, any attack or defense means will be invalidated. Similarly, she All of his attacks will also be neutralized, but this is the best way to escape. If you can't use any means to attack the defense, you can only watch the opponent slip away from your eyes.

Sun Wukong frowned slightly, and he was a little surprised: "Oh ~ invisible and innocent, incarnate in nothing. This is not the power that a world-class prop should have! Is it the power that the one behind you endows? Interesting, interesting, now I finally know why I couldn’t detect her in this dimensional world before. It turns out that she still has such a gifted ability. It’s a good idea to stay outside this boundary and hide in nothing. I said. Right? Lord of this world!"

With that, Monkey King fixed his eyes on the position of his left hand beside Jiu Yao.

There was a half-toned silence here, as if all time had stopped, and a graceful figure appeared beside Jiuyao in the slight fluctuation of space, looking at Monkey King with a smile, like a naughty little girl next door, A little annoyed: "Oh, it's really amazing. Just from a skill I gave her, I can see the beginning and the end of everything. I really deserve to be a newly promoted little dimensional god. Sure enough, I I shouldn't have given her that skill."

"What little dimensional god, are you underestimating me?" Monkey King looked at the woman in front of him with some discomfort.

"Nothing." The woman simply spread her hands together: "I'm telling the truth. You can't get rid of this'little' character until you have replaced the real dimensional god."

When Sun Wukong heard this, his brows obviously trembled. Although this guy was telling the truth, why did he want to hit someone so much.

"It seems that I need to change your perception of me." Monkey King's destructive breath was looming, with a sense of upheaval, and Jiu Yao was so scared that he was chilling and swallowed: "This, this, this~~~ Is it so... strong?!!!"

"Hey hey hey~~stop, stop~~" The woman was obviously frightened by Monkey King's actions: "I'm just a small Chinese martial arts master, you are a dignified and newly promoted dimensional god, do you want to be so bullied? Am I a little master? It's not glorious to win, right? Right?"

"..." Monkey King looked at the woman in front of him with such an expression, half-talking, always feeling that he was facing not the lord of the world, but a secular and playful little girl. No wonder she always likes to put the characters in the game Get it in the real world for her to enjoy.

This is properly a person who has integrated himself into the human society, completely contrary to the superior world masters he has seen before.

This is the first time that Monkey King has encountered such a wonderful original world master. It stands to reason that only the true self world master can have such a character, because the true self world master has absorbed the worldly atmosphere, but the origin world master is born. The destiny of the origin, from the beginning of its birth, will not be stained with dust, high above, not stained by everything, to put it simply, it is no emotion.

"Interesting, then what do you want?" Monkey King suddenly became interested in this world master...

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