The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter One Hundred and Forty

"Why do you think so?" The woman's face became rare, serious.

Monkey King looked at her: "Because you love to play, people who love to play will not be willing to be lonely. It will be tired of always seeing people as movies? You want something more exciting, don't you? So you Only then did I abandon my own world and came here, because I can give you a more real experience, instead of watching the play games where the game characters travel to the real world."

The woman suddenly laughed openly: "Obviously this is the first time I met, you really know me, ah, no, I see you for the second time, yes, I'm tired of this kind of boring game. Now, maybe it will be more interesting to follow you to invade other dimensional worlds. However, although I intend to serve you, I also have my own restraint and bottom line. In order to gain my loyalty, you must satisfy my desire and let I am convinced, otherwise, you will only get one World Source Orb."

"This is like what a realm master should say." Monkey King smiled at the woman and said: "Then, your name is..."

"Name? Something from a long time ago, what is Xi...?" The woman thought, as if she couldn't remember anything, so she said simply: "You just call me'Xi'."

"Xi... really a random name."

Xi looked indifferent: "Anyway, it's just a code name. In the endless years, no one will call my name, so it doesn't matter what it is called."

"That's true, but from now on, you won't forget your name in the future, because in the future, this name will often ring in your ears."

"That's really exciting."

Monkey King: "But there is one thing, I really care about it."


"You said, it's the second time you have seen me?" Monkey King looked straight into Xi's eyes: "Apart from this world, in which world have you seen me?"

"Hehehe~~ Didn't you find me?" Xi smiled triumphantly: "At that time, you came to my world, but when I found out, it shocked people, so you started early. Hidden and fled to the world of multiple adults, but what I didn’t expect was that you didn’t destroy my world at the time. Since then, I have developed a strong feeling for the real world lord you created. Interest, it is for this reason that I secretly come to this world to see you."

"So, you are the realm master of that world." Sun Wukong's face suddenly realized: "I really didn't expect that that world would be under the command of a multi-dimensional realm master, but this really fits your identity. Look. You are very addicted to things like mirroring the game to reality."

"Hehe~~ That world is indeed just a world that I created on a whim for fun, not the main world. However, those who were taken away from that world by you are now the master of the world. Right?"

"of course."

"You don’t know. I was angry for a long time after I learned about the gang you took away. They are all important figures in the story of the world. As a result, you took away most of the content at once. It's completely disrupted."


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the horizon, and the whole earth was shaking for it.

Monkey King went looking for fame, but he saw the earth's surface rolling in the distance, thunderclouds rolling in the sky, wind, thunder, fire...all kinds of magic intertwined, it can be said that the world is pale.

Fries unfolded the wings of the devil, flying high in the sky, his whole body flashed, and he suffered continuous attacks such as Xia Tiya. Even if he deployed all-round defense magic, he was in a hurry for a while.

Fries is strong, but unfortunately, he is facing a number of hundred-level powers holding world-class props. Every time the powerful magic is activated by world-class props, it can be described as depressed. Now it depends on the situation. , Defeat is only a matter of time.

"It seems that they are going to decide the winner over there." Monkey King said calmly.

"Unexpectedly." Xi's face was calm and there was no surprise. When facing the undead monarch, they were defeated so thoroughly because they could not defend against the death magic of the undead monarch, but now they have world-class props. For the existence of one hundred and fifty levels, it is naturally not empty at all.

"Do you need to stop?" Xi looked at Monkey King.

In this situation, there is no need to continue the fight.

"Stop it." Sun Wukong nodded. Although Fries has been forced into a disadvantage, if he desperately, even if he is killed, he will pull a few backs.

"Fries, stop." Xi now gave the order.

"You guys come back too." Monkey King also gave orders to Albedo and the others.

Suddenly, the fiercely tense situation suddenly came to a halt. Everyone looked at each other, retreated in unison, and reached a consensus-a truce.

"Master Wukong, is this?"

Albedo flashed to the side of Monkey King, looking at him with puzzled expression.

Just as Monkey King was about to answer, the entire space suddenly roared, and under Yu Xia Tiya's horrified eyes, the entire space was broken and opened with the continuous sound of'Kaka Kaka~~'. Revealing hideous cracks, a space storm containing terrifying power swept out, destroying everything on the ground.

The dark clouds in the sky shrank suddenly, and countless huge pillars of thunder from the sky, like jets of plasma, crashed down, pushing the ground into nothingness...

All this is the scene of the end of the world.

"Fafafafa, what's going on?" Rafasi's eyes widened in horror, and she exclaimed in exclamation. In screaming, the space storm that swept through with Iverée and others was enveloped in it, and she saw it for an instant. Will be crushed into nothingness.

Monkey King stretched out one hand, and each of them was suddenly wrapped in a light curtain, and the storm swept across them without causing any waves.

And with Monkey King's move, Lafasi and the others appeared in front of Monkey King as if they were teleporting, with expressions of shock and uncertainty, obviously they hadn't recovered from the shock.

"Master Wukong, have we been attacked? What kind of magic is this? It has the power to destroy the world?!!" Sebastian looked solemnly, looking at Monkey King with a deep voice.

Sun Wukong did not answer, but narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the sky, as if he had passed through the obstacles of space: "It seems that he can't stand it and wants to completely give up this dimensional world. Am I that scary? Don’t you even dare to meet up?" ..

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