The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 141 The Origin and the True Self

"Sure enough, Master Duoyuan has been monitoring me." Xi muttered to himself, looking at Monkey King, his face was serious: "Master Wukong, it seems that this dimensional world is about to collapse. Master Duoyuan may have already won. Knowing my betrayal, let's leave now!"

"No, it's not that simple." Sun Wukong looked solemn, looking at the gray clouds that appeared in the cracks in the broken space, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "He intends to completely block me in this piece of nothing. Space' is really a good method. It seems that from the beginning, you can come here because you can delay time."

"You mean, I was calculated?"

"Otherwise, do you think you can sneak out from the lower eyelids of the multiple world masters?"

Xi Dun felt that the whole mood was in a bad mood: "So from the beginning, all my actions have been seen through! Obviously I am hiding so well..."

Xi was quite confident about her concealment methods. Her concealment could hardly be noticed by even Monkey King.

"Master Wukong, what has happened? Is the world going to be destroyed?" Xia Tiya and the others are still in shock. They are ashamed of the conversation between Monkey King and Xi: "What is stronger? Did the author take action against us?"

"You can say that." Monkey King nodded calmly: "But don't worry, it's okay."

Seeing that Monkey King was so calm, the guardians who were still panicked all remained calm, waiting for Monkey King's next instructions.

With a wave of Sun Wukong, an indestructible space barrier instantly envelops his planet. Except for the world of this planet, the rest of the starry sky, universe, galaxy, and other life planets are all in space storms. Destroyed under the ravages.

But in a moment, everything went to nothing.

There is no space, no time, no law, and nothing at all. His existence stands for Nothing.

The planet wrapped by the space enchantment drifts lonely here [in nowhere].

"Huh? It seems all right?"

In the dark blue planet, in the kingdom of the holy kingdom, as the scene of the sky and the earth disappeared, Lavasi and others were relieved.

Only Xi looked solemn, because the world in her eyes was completely different from that of Albedo and the others. All they could see was the sight in front of them; and what she could see was the entire dimensional world. In his eyes, except for this life planet, all other galaxy universes have disappeared.

They are now in [Nothingness], if the barrier that envelops this planet disappears, then this planet will also turn into nothingness in a flash.

"Master Wukong, is it safe now?" Albedo looked at Monkey King and said softly.

"Safe? It's still early, since you are all here, let you open your eyes too." Monkey King said, with a thought, a circle of light enveloped everyone, and his body flashed in [Nothing]. And under his feet, it is the planetary world wrapped in the space barrier.

"This, this is?" Xia Tiya and the others were all stunned by the sight in front of them: "Master Wukong, what is this place?"

"[Wuzhili], a place where nothing can exist." Monkey King said, took out a world-class prop and threw it directly out of the aperture, only to see that world-class prop disappeared silently for a moment.

"this is?!!"

Albedo and the others both opened their eyes wide and gasped.

"So, don't leave this aperture without authorization, otherwise your existence will disappear like that world-class prop."

With a'gulong', everyone swallowed hard, and instinctively moved closer to Monkey King. This place is too scary.

However, under the horrified gaze of the crowd,'Xi' walked out of the aperture, stepped on nothingness, as if walking on the ground, with a slender hand stroking it in front of him, rippling out the waves, and the beautiful eyebrows suddenly wrinkled slightly: "Sure enough , This place has been completely blocked, the rules of this intensity, forgive me for nothing."

Then, he looked at Monkey King: "Master Wukong, this shouldn't be difficult for you, right?"

"Of course." Monkey King smiled confidently: "I mastered the complete dimensional path, no one can trap me, but I am worried about you..."

As Sun Wukong's voice fell, Xi's body suddenly became illusory, but she smiled at this, "Sure enough, it's here... It seems that Master Duoyuan has wiped my world from his pseudo-dimensional way. went…"

As he said, he didn't forget to wink at Monkey King mischievously: "Master Wukong, say yes, you are not allowed to absorb or give away other people's World Source Orbs~"

"Don't worry, you can entrust your life to me, and I will naturally not do anything harmful to you."

"It seems that I didn't choose the wrong person." Xi's figure became paler and weaker: "Remember, my wish is--I also want to be a real world lord!"

As the voice fell, Xi's figure disappeared completely, and with the dazzling brilliance, he appeared in front of Monkey King, just a world source of brilliance.

Monkey King thought, unfolding the way of the dimension, and Albedo and others who looked at him were dumbfounded and dull.

Looking at the World Source Orb floating in front of him, Monkey King said calmly: "Go in, after you go in, you will be the real world master."

Xi Na was full of surprises suddenly sounded in the World Origin Pearl: "Wow~ Is this the complete dimensional way? It's really amazing! It is really different from the pseudo-dimensional way of the multi-adult!"

He said, looking at the planet world below: "Master Wukong, can I also absorb that planet?"

"It seems that you like that world very much." Monkey King smiled and said: "Yes, it was originally for you."

"Thank you." Xi's voice was full of joy, the power of rules surged, and the planet world below was instantly sucked into the world source orb.

"Then I will go too!"

With a voice full of excitement, World Yuanzhu turned into a stream of light and plunged into the dimensional way of Monkey King...

Xia Tiya and the others are still in an absolute state of awkwardness. What they see and hear in front of them makes them unable to react for a while, which is really counterintuitive.

About a few minutes later, the beautiful shadow of Xi appeared in Monkey King’s Dimensional Path, and she walked out of it with graceful steps and came to Monkey King: "This is the feeling of the real world lord, really full of The taste of freedom!"

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