Hexi, who had never hurt even a small animal, had cut off the three angels for life. Naturally, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and even felt nauseous, but she was forced to endure it.

"The angel's weapon looks a bit unwieldy. It can easily cut off our bodies and call people quickly. If such a beautiful angel is dedicated to my king, my king will be very happy!" The male angel of the tree stared at Hexi and the women with scorching eyes, as if they were already in their own pockets.

"Hexi, hurry up!" Hearing the other party's conversation, Keisha immediately snorted, expressing a little dissatisfaction with Hexi's daze. They are fighting now, how can you let you be in a daze.

"Ah~oh~ I'm sorry!" Hexi reacted immediately, but with a thought, the fate of the stars had already turned into a stream of light and killed the two male angels...

"Huh! Do you consider me to be their three wastes?" The tree snorted coldly. Facing the slashing fate, he did not despise coldly. As a small team leader, he is naturally a little strong and equipped Naturally, Hexi’s weapons are better than ordinary fighters. Even if Hexi cuts off the bodies of the three fighters, he still doesn’t pay attention to them and underestimates the female angels. This is already their male angel’s deep bones. Things, the female angel is equal to incompetence.

What can female angels who are enslaved by their male angels have?Even if you are holding a powerful weapon, rubbish is always rubbish.

Full of absolute self-confidence, the tree resolutely held the weapon in his hand and chopped down at the flying star. This is not only the confidence in his own strength, but also the confidence in the weapon in his hand, and even the disdain for the female angel.

'Ding~ A crisp sound followed, and the weapon in the hand of the tree was easily cut into two pieces like tofu. The expression on his face instantly solidified, and immediately, he and his companion were cut into two in an instant. Half, the corpse fell to the ground frantically with blood.

Maybe he didn't understand until he died, why did the female angel suddenly become so powerful?

In fact, this is not his brain damage, but the concept of the female angel's vulnerable group has penetrated into their bones, and they never expected that such a powerful individual would appear among the female angels.

"Okay...excellent!!" The female angel below stared at Hexi with scorching eyes, with brilliant eyes, and the male angel who had been invincible in battle was solved by her easily. It turns out that the female angel can really defeat the male angel. Yes, and it is so easy to defeat.

Keisha hugged Monkey King and landed on the ground with Hexi and others...

Hexi vomited as soon as he landed, and the discomfort of the first murderer in her life was understandable.

Monkey King walked over and patted her on the back, comfortingly said: "Take it, vomit, vomit, and get used to it."

"..." Hexi looked at Monkey King and suddenly rolled his eyes speechlessly. Are you so comforting?

Liang Bing smiled: "Master Wukong comforts people in a very special way." He said, patted Hexi's back: "Don't go to your heart, Hexi, isn't it just killing a few A scum? It's no big deal."

Monkey King agreed and nodded: "If you want to become a qualified fighter, this is an indispensable way. When the war approaches, you have to adapt to it, otherwise, on the battlefield, you won’t be able to tolerate anything. Distracted."

"I understand." Hexi nodded earnestly, as smart as her, naturally he knew why Sun Wukong wanted her to act.

"You... can you still stand up?" Keisha walked to the side of the female angel, in awe, facing the many male scums, but not afraid of it. Her bravery has been recognized by Keisha, like Female fighters like her are rare in this era.

"Yes!" The female angel nodded resolutely, and stood trembling from the ground. The bloodstains all over her body and the crooked and fractured arms described her tragic injury, but she still stood upright, looking at Kesha with scorching eyes, maybe , The one in front of them will be their hope for the rise of female angels. I don't know why, she has such a strong premonition in her heart.

"Your name is?"

"Flame..." Blaze's tone was a little excited.

"Very well, you are very good!" Keisha's expression was extremely serious and serious, and her superiors showed their aura of speechlessness: "Are you interested in following me to overthrow Hua Ye's heavenly order?"

"Uh~" Chi Yan was stunned for a moment, but the next moment, she shouted out in an extremely determined and excited tone, choked with speech: "Yes! I want to dream! As long as it can overthrow Hua Ye and overthrow the order of the Heavenly Palace , Even if it is to send me to hell, it is my duty!"

"You--" Keisha was a little moved, she didn't expect this blazing flame to be so excited, it was a manifestation of deep hatred in her heart.

"My family was killed by King Hua Ye! My sister was also kidnapped by her..." Chi Yan said this, her eyes full of hatred.

"So, you are also a victim!" Keisha nodded silently, and gave her a promise in an absolute tone: "As long as your sister is still alive, I will help you rescue her."

"Thank you!!" Chi Yan knelt down with excitement for a while. She had been fighting alone and finally found her companion.

Liang Bing walked to Kesha and looked at her: "Sister, have you made up your mind?"

"No..." Keisha shook her head: "But I am sure that the next events will strengthen the decision in my heart."

"It seems this is a good development." Monkey King took Hexi to Kesha's side.

Keisha looked at Monkey King holding Hexi's hand without saying much, but said very calmly: "Wukong, can you heal her injury?"

"It's simple." Monkey King stepped forward and looked at Chi Yan in admiration: "It seems that you have really experienced a hard fight. Facing several scums, you are not comfortable, and your heart and belief are all top-notch, not bad. , Is the material of the third-generation super fighter."

As he said, Monkey King waved lightly, and the fluorescent light shone on Blazing Flame's body, instantly recovering her injuries.

"This—what a great healing power!!" Blazing moved his broken arm, which he recovered intact, with a look of surprise and admiration. In this group, everyone seems to be very good?

"It's just a man..." The flames frowned slightly, and she instinctively distrusted men.

"Your name is Chi Yan, isn't it?" Liang Bing looked at her with arms around her chest, "Look at your eyes, you can't compare Master Wukong with those scumbags."

"No, I'm deeply sorry for the thought of you who helped me!" Chi Yan bowed and apologized with shame...

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